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Saturday, 29 June 2013

Needham Village Link

July/August 2013

The newsletter for the villagers of Needham

From the Editor

It’s BBQ time again even if, at the time of writing, it isn’t exactly BBQ weather.  However, by 28 July I’m sure the sun will be shining in Needham!

I hope you have noted the change of date for the BBQ.  This year the annual Great Cake Bake will take place on the same day as the BBQ.

The categories are:
  • fruit cake
  • chocolate sponge cake
  • cup cakes
  • novelty cake
  • scones                                                                   

As in previous years the cakes will be auctioned off after the judging has taken place.  The lucky judges this year will be our own Paul Hollywood & Mary Berry - the Revd Nigel and Mrs Tuffnell!  There will be prizes for the winner of each category.  There will be separate competitions in the same categories for children and, again  prizes for each winner.

Entries for the Cake Bake will be accepted on the day between 12:00 and 12:30.  Judging will take place at 3:00 followed by the auction.  

For more  information contact either Pauline Spinlove 853033 or  me at

As always, I would be really grateful for any contributions either in the form of articles or letters. Contact me at  You can also go to and leave comments there or  The possibilities are endless!


Needham Carpet Bowls Club

The Club Singles Competition is now being played and once this is completed the Pairs Competition will take place.
Our club evenings are held every Wednesday at the Village Hall starting at 7:30pm.  Fees are still only £1.50 per evening which includes tea/coffee and biscuits.  All equipment is provided.
New members are always welcome so do come along and join us.


Ladies' Tractor Road Run

Ladies’ Tractor Road Run

I’ve been lucky enough to have been lent a tractor so I can take part in the 10th Anniversary Ladies’ Tractor Run on 7 July.  The run is some 20 miles long and for a novice like me with dodgy knees  driving a tractor with a stiff clutch is going to be quite a challenge.

As most of you probably know the event raises money for Cancer Research.  I think most of us know at least one person who has been affected by cancer so I’d be really grateful if you could dig deep into your pockets and sponsor me for this very worthwhile charity.  

If you are able to sponsor me please call at Mill Farm Cottage with your donation or visit my  fund raising page at JustGiving. 
I’ll be looking out for Needham villagers on the day!
Thank you in anticipation.


From the Archive

Needham Church Quarterly Leaflet (Summer 1976)

“Suggestions are asked in writing how the Parish can best get a 40mph speed limit through the village.  Applications have already been made to the Member of Parliament, the Department of the Environment, the County and District Councils and the Chief Constable of Norfolk.  Suggestions sent to the Clerk will be put before the Council.”

Fortunately, the Village has now been by-passed and we now have a 30mph limit but speeding through Needham is an ongoing problem despite the speed limits.  SAM (Speed Awareness Machine) will be in the Village from 4 July!

Summer Drinking

There’s nothing the Americans can tell us about tea drinking but I think they may be one up on us when it comes to iced tea.  I once  worked for an American who gave me this recipe. Try it. It’s delicious, refreshing on a hot summer’s day and non-alcoholic so you can drink and drive.

  • 6 breakfast tea bags
  • 275ml (10 fl oz) squeezed orange juice, chilled
  • juice of 1/2 lime
  • 12 sprigs of fresh mint (approx)
  • 1/2 orange, sliced
  • 1/2 lemon, sliced
  • 2 level tablespoons caster sugar
  • ice, lots

Make up some very strong tea with 1.2litres (2 pints) of boiling water.  Add the sugar and 6 sprigs of mint to the pot and leave it for 15 - 20 minutes.  Remove the tea bags and let it get cold.  When the tea is cold remove the mint.  Then puts lots of ice into a (glass) jug and pour in the cold tea followed by the orange and lime juices and the other 6 sprigs of mint.  Lastly, add the lemon and orange slices, stir well and serve in glasses with more ice. 

My gardening tip for this edition is to make up a jug of iced tea, sit in a lounger and relax in the sun.

Friends of St Peters and Church Services

Nine friends attended the meeting at the Village Hall and Revd Clive Hudson, Chairman, presented the report for the year ending 31 March 2013.  Projects funded during 2012/13 were the purchase of a new amplifier, a new ramp for the front door, a handrail to aid access, work to level the nave floor at the chancel end of the church and the trimming back of a tree.  It was agreed to report on the Charity Commissioner’s website.
The Chairman thanked all the committee members for their work and especially Pauline Spinlove for her work on the Open Gardens.  He also thanked David and Linda Cunliffe who sadly did not stand for re-election this year as they are planning to move from Needham.  The Chairman said their hard work, always carried out with a smile, will be greatly missed and he wished them God speed for the future.
Copies of the financial statement were distributed to the Friends.  The accounts were presented by David.  The total raised from 1 April 2012 to 31 March 2013 was £1594.85.  The current bank balance is £1190.89.
The following people agreed to join the Committee for 2012-13:  Revd Clive Hudson, Olive Hudson, Harold Jefferson, Sylvia Miller, Pauline Spinlove and Jean Youell.
There remain two vacancies on the Committee which next meets in the library room of the Village Hall at 7:30pm on Friday 22 June when any new volunteers will be most welcome and ideas and plans for the future will be discussed.
George Miller thanked the Friends on behalf of the PCC for the funding that has enabled the refurbishment of St Peter’s to such a high standard.
  • 2013/14 Subscriptions are now due and will be gratefully received and acknowledged by our new Treasurer; Mrs Olive Hudson, 9 Shotford Rd, Harleston, IP20 9JH. TEL: 01379 853 284.

St Peter’s Church Services and other activities

Sunday 14th July Holy Communion    11.00am                        
Sunday 21st July Morning Prayer         11.00am
Sunday 28th July Morning Prayer         11.00am

Sunday 4th August Evening Service       6.00pm
Sunday 11th August Morning Prayer    11.00am
Sunday18th August Morning Prayer     11.00am
Sunday25th August Holy Communion 11.00am

Needham Home Study Group every 4th Tuesday at the home of George and Sylvia Miller 44 High Road Needham led by Revd Clive Hudson. Tel: 01379 852059

20th July
Afternoon Tea for Friends of St.Mary’s
Olde Post House, Low Road, Wortwell
Brenda Le Grys 01379- 852572

21st July
12 noon
BBQ for Friends of St. John’s
10, Lime Close, Harleston
Ticket £5

Messy Church 27th July at St John's Church Harleston starting at 10.30am fun activities and crafts with bring your own picnic afterwards at 12noon. 


Congratulations.... George & Sylvia Miller of Ivy House Farm on the occasion of their Diamond Wedding Anniversary on 9 August.

Sunday 7th July 3 p.m. 
Meet at the Village Hall for Beat the Bounds.   Come and enjoy a nice walk and find the boundary of Needham (takes approx. an hour and a half.  A shorter walk is available at the half-way point).  Followed by tea in the Village Hall.
Songs of Praise 6 pm in St.Peter's Church for those who would like to attend and enjoy a good sing.

Church Flower Rota
We need more people please on the Church Flower Rota.   At the moment there are seven but the more people we have the less frequently we are required.   Also we need a rota organiser - just to  list and circulate the members - a reminder may be required sometimes.  It is not necessary to be a member of St. Peter's Church

Some Notes on Needham

On the site where, long before, a dwelling called ‘Church House’ and other buildings had stood, a Church school and school house were built in 1873 at a cost of over £550.  (It seems that houses round this area once comprised Church Close - the name has a surprisingly modern ring!)
In 1883 about thirty children attended.  The school was enlarged in 1900 (£134) to seat 120 children.  In November 1903 the first managers were appointed and in 1905 ninety-three children were attending.  In those days any pupil who for five years was never absent or never late received a silver medal (only Eva Ray of Frog’s Hall qualified) or a watch (Albert S Bush was the only recipient).
About seventeen children were attending when the school closed at the end of the Summer term 1958.  

Village Hall
Surplus contributions from the Coronation celebrations in 1953 formed the beginning of a Village Hall fund.  The old school, house and grounds  were bought in 1960 for £320 for a Village Hall.  The proceeds of the sale had to be devoted to other Church schools in the diocese.  The school was officially opened aas a Village Hall on 21 January 1961.
Out of the Coronation Celebrations Committee evolved the Village Hall Committee which now, with Trustees, administers the Hall.

From ‘Some Notes on Needham’ compiled by C Mather

Did you or your children attend the Village School?  If so, we’d love to hear from you.  Please contact the Editor at Mill Farm Cottage or email

Needham Coronation Village Hall - Update

The committee is continuing to update the facilities at the Village Hall and have recently purchased 60 upholstered chairs following a successful grant application. 
We were fortunate to receive a grant for the total cost of the chairs from ‘Love Norfolk’ via Norfolk Community Foundation. We are extremely grateful to ‘Love Norfolk’ and very pleased with our new comfortable chairs. They are there for anyone who hires the hall, so come down and have a look!
We still have the old chairs which are available for hire for outside events.  If you would like to hire them please contact a member of the committee.
Hire Charges 
Apologies for the incorrect hire charges in the last issue of ‘The Link’. These are the correct charges throughout the year
Hall £7.00/ hr
Annex £7.00/ hr
Hall & Annex £13.00/hr
Evening Rate from 6pm to midnight £60.00

If you are interested in hiring the hall or enquiring about regular hiring please contact our Lettings Secretary Jean Youell 854819.

If you have any suggestions or questions please contact us via ‘The Link’ Editor or message us on Facebook!
Look forward to seeing you soon.
 Caroline (Secretary).

Needham Parish Council

Needham Parish Council

The Annual Meeting of Needham Parish Council was held at the Village Hall on the evening of Monday 20 May.   In my annual report I was able to record that we have maintained a full programme of meetings with a full complement of Parish Councillors.

The year started memorably with celebrations to commemorate the Queens Diamond Jubilee.  In recognition of an event that will not occur again for many generations the Parish Council contributed funds for commemorative mugs.  

It was noted that two issues repeatedly raised at Parish Council meetings are the problems of speeding and of dog fouling.  I was happy to report that a Speed Awareness Machine, or SAM, is being loaned to Needham by South Norfolk Council for two weeks from the 4th July, and I am grateful to those who have volunteered to help operate this.

Also, a strong message went out by courtesy of The Link asking dog owners to clear up after their dog has fouled the pavement, but sadly, the problem persists.  It is regrettable that a problem that offends the whole community can be created by such a small minority.

Also, during the very wet winter parishioners have approached the Parish Council for assistance with problems of flooding in the High Road.  Persistence has been rewarded as work has now been carried out to renew the drain and culvert below the High Road where flooding had repeatedly extended across the entire road.  In other respects however, we can only advise residents of their responsibility to keep drainage ditches clear.

The Parish Council continues to be represented on the Needham Village Hall Committee, and also on the Townslands Trust.

The Chairman’s report was followed by reports from our District and County Councillors, Jenny and Martin Wilby.  Helen Major reported on the publication of the Link, with a request for contributions of news items or articles about the village.  George Miller reported on the activities of the Village Hall Committee and of the Friends of St Peters.  I was happy to thank Jenny and Martin for their continued support.

The Annual Meeting was followed by the Parish Council Meeting, at which I was re-elected as Chairman.  The next Parish Council Meeting will be held at 7.30 on Monday 29th July in the Village Hall.

Andrew Major: Chairman



The list of 2013 – 2014 outings is now available & has been sent to all our current members. Many of which have wasted no time in booking to go on their favourite days out, several have even booked right through until next March! Some of our more popular trips already have limited space so early booking is advisable.

Our outings are run on Mondays throughout the year to garden centres, pub lunches, seaside, shopping trips, open gardens & boat trips. Hopefully we have something for everyone.
To enjoy a day out on one of our outings, you will need to become a member. This just involves filling in a simple application form which is available by calling our office on 01379 854800.

Our next outings are:
Mon 1st July –  Stowmarket & lunch at The White Horse, Stoke Ash. - £12 (lunch extra)
Mon 8th July –  Felixstowe. - £18
Mon 15th July – Waveney Stardust, Horning. - £23 (includes boat trip)
Mon 22nd July – Aldeburgh & Thorpeness. - £17
Mon 29th July –  Lowestoft. - £15
Mon 5th Aug –  Rushall Gardens with lunch. - £23 (includes entrance to the garden, lunch,tea & cake)
Mon 12th Aug – Southwold. - £15
Mon 19th Aug – Yarmouth. £17
Mon 2nd Sept – Beccles. £12
Mon 9th Sept – Waveney Stardust, Ludham. - £23 (includes boat trip)
Mon 16th Sept – Pulham garden Centre & lunch at Jolly Farmers. - £12 (lunch extra)
Mon 23rd Sept – Norwich. - £14
Mon 30th Sept – Wroxham. - £16

Needham Village BBQ  
Any donations of raffle prizes would be gratefully received, please contact Jean 854819

Harleston & Waveney Art Trail

The dates for this year’s Art Trail are: 20 & 21 July, 27 & 28 July and 3 & 4 August. Rose Martin of Skeetsmere House, Upper Burnthouse Lane and Gill Levin of the Tithe Barn, Mill Lane will be opening their studios on those dates from 11:00am to 6:00pm.

Friday, 21 June 2013

Next Edition

The next edition of the Needham Link will be ready by 28 June and will appear on line on 29 June.