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Saturday, 25 January 2014

Red Lion Coffee Morning

The next coffee morning at the Red Lion will be on Tuesday 4 February from 10:00 to 12:00
Coffee, cakes, company & great raffle prizes!

Wednesday, 22 January 2014

Facebook Contact

I was delighted to receive this post on the Needham Link Facebook page.  
"Hello Needham....I was born at home in the Old Fishmongers in 1965, and we lived there until early 1976. Still have the greatest memories of childhood in a house that was truly magical!"

Tuesday, 21 January 2014


As well as be-friending the Needham Link on Facebook you can follow the Needham Link on twitter.

Saturday, 18 January 2014

Happy Birthday

Ellen White would like to thank all the kind people of Needham who sent such lovely cards, flowers and gifts for her 90th birthday.  They were such lovely surprises and greatly appreciated.

Happy Birthday to Mrs White from the Needham Link.

Wednesday, 1 January 2014

Needham Village Link

January/February 2014


The newsletter for the villagers of Needham

From the Editor

Our Environment Correspondent recently went on an outing to the Suffolk recycling facility in Great Blakenham and was very impressed with the range of materials that can be recycled if you happen to live in Suffolk.  She wrote to South Norfolk to enquire why we were not offered the same facilities in our area.  I thought you might be interested in the reply from the South Norfolk Waste & Environmental Management Officer which is printed in part.

The Christmas Dinner in the Village Hall on 15 December was a great success.  I had hoped to include a page of photographs but unfortunately due to unforeseen difficulties beyond my control that has not been possible - so apologies to those people who were looking forward to seeing themselves in the Link! 

Thank you to all who have contributed to this edition of The Link.  Your contributions are very welcome so if anyone else would like to write an article please don’t hesitate! You can either post them through my letter box at Mill Farm Cottage or email them to

Don’t forget to keep an eye on for any up to date news before the next edition of The Link.



Congratulations to Michael Massey & Lisa Goodswen on their recent engagement.

Anyone For Faster Broadband?

There has been some debate over obtaining a better  Broad Band in local communities with the possibility of  the use of a tall building or church tower. However, before considering the use of  St Peter's Tower we would need at least 25 people to register an interest prior to making contact with  WiSpire. Should you be interested please let me have your  details to collate and to pass on and also inform the Diocese of  Norwich.
G  Miller  44 High Rd

For information regarding WiSpire contact Robert George 0841 800026

Our grateful thanks to those volunteers who turned out to tidy up the churchyard on Saturday 9th  and also to Robi who fed us with a splendid spread to keep us going . 

Lenny for keeping the grass cut at the Church and also Dennis for cutting grass at the Village Hall.  They always look well cared for which is good for the village and people visiting both venues.  Thank you Lenny & Dennis.

Needham Village Christmas Meal

The Needham Village Hall Christmas Meal on 15 December was a great success. Sixty-four people enjoyed a delicious, traditional meal cooked by John Groom.  Congratulations to Keith & Ann Barry of Needham who won the very generous luxury Christmas Hamper kindly donated by HLC Wood Products. £141 was raised by the raffle and a £32 profit was made on the bar.

Thank you to HLC and to all the other people who donated raffle prizes and to those who worked so hard to make the evening enjoyable.

An especial thanks to Diane & Gordon who put away the tables and cleaned the Hall and kitchen after the event.

Needham Carpet Bowls Club

Our first report for 2014.

On 8 November we played the return Knock-Out Cup match against Wortwell. This match was drawn but as we had lost all away matches we are out of the cup.  Due to illness our away League match against Garboldisham had to be postponed until the New Year. We only won one game against Syleham who won 3 games.

Our annual dinner will be held at Needham Red Lion on Saturday 25 January.

Our club evenings are every Wednesday starting at 7:30pm.  Fees are only £1.50 which includes tea/coffee & biscuits.  New members would be very welcome so do come along and join us.


Needham Village Hall


Contact Numbers:                                                        

Steve Neaves (Chairman) -           852214
George Miller (Vice Chairman) -  852059
John Morrish (Treasurer) -            851171
Secretary TBC
Jean Youell (Lettings) -                 854819
Pauline Spinlove -                         853033
Harold Jefferson -                          853196
Helen Walker -                              853731
Denis Tavner -                               854108
Andrew Major -                             852958
Rev Clive Hudson -                      853284


The Village Hall Committee is pleased to announce that we have upgraded the central heating system in the hall.  The main hall and annexe can now be heated independently.  This means the annexe especially has much more responsive & effective heating to ensure your time in the hall is more comfortable.  Hopefully, fuel costs will also be reduced.


Monday              Pilates          7:00 - 9:00      Rachel Baynes       07932 697129
Tuesday              Whist Drive  7:30                Liz Eastaugh         01379 852583
Tuesday (3rd in month)  Wine & Social Club  Brenda Hider      01379 668158
Wednesday         Art Group     1:30 - 4:00      Jenny Crisp           01379 608116
Wednesday         Carpet Bowls Club 7:30       Jean Youell           01379 854819
Thursday (2nd in month)  Craft Group 10:00 - 2:00 Lyn Batey
Thursday             Library          2:00 - 4:00     Pauline Spinlove   01379 853033
Thursday             Martial Arts   6:30 - 9:00     Adrian Poulter      01379 853894

Parish Council News

The Last meeting for 2013 of Needham Parish Council was held on Monday 2 December when it was reported that there are still two casual vacancies.  This means that the Parish Council is free to co-opt any resident of the Parish who is willing to become a Parish Councillor.

The Parish Council meetings, which are generally quite short, are held every two months at 7:30pm on the third Monday of that month.  As well as being able to pursue matters of concern with the Local, County and Highway Authorities, the Parish Council is consulted on such matters as local planning applications.  Anyone who is interested in becoming a Parish Councillor or would like to find out more is welcome to contact the Chairman or any other Parish Councillor

The next meeting will be held in the Village Hall on 13 January.  This will be an important meeting as it is when the precept, which is the money the Council receives through the Council Tax, is set.

Andrew Major, Chairman

Climatological Data for the Area

I thought that January 2013 was cold but on looking through Rev C Mather’s ‘Notes on Needham’ I came across the following weather data.  It seems that -12.6ºC was relatively mild!  However, I think that the maximum temperature in 2013 will have beaten that of 1948.

  • Maximum Wind Gust:   98mph recorded on 16.03.1947
  • Highest Recorded Temperature:   34ºC  (93.2ºF) on 28.07.1948
  • Lowest Recorded Temperature:  -15.4ºC (4.28ºF) on 23.01.1963
  • Ground Frost: -19ºC (2,2ºF) on 17.01.1940 &    02.02.1956

January 2013

In Memoriam

In memory of the passing of Harry Peters, long term Needham resident and artist of repute.

I purchased a beautiful painting viewed from the South Bank of the River Thames, depicting the upper pool of the Thames, famous Tower Bridge, the Tower of London and the Traitors’ Gate, the last view of many who were incarcerated in its dungeons.

Portrayed was a tug punching up the busy Thames just as the flood tide begins to ebb whilst overhead flew an iconic Battle of Britain Spitfire “flown by the few and owed so much by the many.”*

This cementation of ancient and modern provoked memories when, as a Thames Lighterman, I plied my trade and worked the Upper Pool many times.  The aircraft roundels reminded me of my time in the Royal Air Force in which both Harry and I served.

This perspective influenced my purchase.

*with apologies to Sir Winston Churchill

Derek Buttle


A letter from South Norfolk

Thank you for your query regarding the disparity in recycling services between Norfolk and Suffolk. I understand that it can be frustrating where different authorities are providing varying services.

The reason for the current limited range of recyclable materials collected in Norfolk is due to the treatment/facility contract currently in place. This contract (when signed in 2004) was initially very modern and provided an excellent range of recycling options. This initially focused on providing sorting procedures for materials to enable them to be sorted to a high level and to ensure that there was a consistent demand for the end-materials.

This contract is now nearing an end and the markets and demand for a wider range of recyclable materials have now increased making it  viable for new treatment/sorting facility contracts to encompass a wider range of materials. As a result Norfolk are currently procuring a new contract which should enable the treatment of wider range of materials by mid 2014. This will look to include all current materials plus other moulded plastic packaging (yoghurts, containers), cartons and glass.

We look forward to being able to offer you a wider kerbside recycling range in the very near future.

Joseph Webb: Waste & Environmental Management Officer

Recycling Facts & Figures

  • Each year one person gets through 90 drinks cans, 70 food cans, 107 bottles & jars & 45kg of plastic
  • Plastic stays buried in the ground for at least 500 years before it finally rots
  • We use 12.5 million tonnes of paper & card every year in the UK.  In 2006 8 million tonnes of household paper was collected in the UK for recycling
  • Recycled paper is also re-engineered into powder or long fibres for loft insulation, paints and road surfaces.  It’s also used for airport runways and Formula One racetracks!
  • Recycled plastic is made into a wide variety of products including fleece fabric, compost bins, furniture, flooring and rubbish bags. It takes 25 fizzy drink bottles to make an adult’s fleece jacket.
  • Every tin and can is 100% recyclable and can be used to make products like bicycles, fridges, washing machines, aeroplanes and, of course, new cans.
  • Needham has its own bottle bank which raises money for the Village Hall.

Environment Correspondent

Red Lion Coffee Mornings

The monthly coffee morning was held at the Red Lion on Tuesday 3 December.  There was a very impressive turnout for this charity event at which £69.00 was raised with £34.50 going to St Peter’s Church and £34.50 to the Stroke Charity.  At the November coffee morning £40 was raised which will be shared between Needham Village Hall and St Peter’s Church.

We would like to thank everybody who has been attending and supporting the coffee mornings. We would be grateful for raffle prizes or cakes or biscuits that anyone would like to contribute. They  can be brought along on the day. 

The next coffee morning will be held on  Tuesday 7th January from 10-00 am  to 12-00 noon at the Red Lion.

Angie Morrish

Planning Ahead

Perhaps you missed  'Why pay at all ?'  last time ?

Anyway, this is part 2 entitled: 
'If paying for long term care can't be avoided, who should have to do it ?’

The crux of the matter is whether the NHS should pay, or your parents. Should they have to find the money from savings or by selling their house, or should the NHS be responsible ?

Of course, you don't want it to be your parents, because that sees your inheritance more or less confiscated and at £30,000 a year it doesn't take long before the money's completely gone.  However, local authorities are very good at making sure that the buck stops with your parents for the payments; they go through the decision making process involved all the time, probably several times every day. They and their professional colleagues are experts at it, and crucially, they are the ones who take the decisions as to who should pay.  Does this sound like a level playing field to you?  I thought not.  

Of course, you can put your point of view forward but you are in a distinct minority in this situation.  The state decides who should pay but their decision making process is often flawed in their favour, which is what you would expect. They can easily misinterpret national guidelines to give you the answer you don't want to hear.

You can appeal against their decision, but on what grounds ?  Don't get frustrated and angry about it though; before you start, it makes sense to take some (fixed fee) legal advice from experts who know at least as much about the process as the other side, and can help you to maximise the chances of an appeal being decided in your favour.  Many thousands of pounds rest on the decisions taken and if it goes the wrong way for you the outcome is likely to be horrendous for your inheritance.  
Philip  Martin


Ever thought of trying Pilates – but not sure what it involves?

Pilates is essentially a mind-body technique that emphasises the importance of beginning movement from a central core of stability.

Pilates re-trains the body to work efficiently with minimal effort. Stamina and co-ordination are improved as the body comes into perfect balance and alignment. The immune system is stimulated whilst breathing control promotes relaxation and the level of general health very often increases.
Research has shown that specific retraining of core muscles can reduce the recurrence rate of low back pain by up to 50%. An integral part of therapeutic rehabilitation following low back pain is retraining correct activation of core muscles - pilates exercises achieve exactly this. The repertoire of pilates exercises includes techniques to improve spinal mobility plus the flexibility of key trunk, upper and lower limb muscle groups promoting body awareness and postural control. It can be useful to assist in management of long term conditions such as osteoarthritis and improving bone density as well as forming part of a rehabilitation program following injury or promoting efficiency of movement for optimal sports performance.

Pilates classes for beginners and intermediates take place every Monday evening at Needham Village Hall.

They are run by Chartered Physiotherapist Rachel Baynes who keeps a close eye on participants and adapts exercises according to individual needs within the class.

For further information please contact Rachel on 07932 697129

Season's Greetings - Belated

"We would like to wish everyone in Needham who we normally send cards to during the festive season a very Merry Christmas.  I am unable to write cards this year as I have my wrist in plaster due to a fall I had last month. Thanks to everyone for their cards and get well wishes.”

Ralph & Gill Powell

St Peter's Church


Sunday 5th 6pm Evening Service
                                                    with FOODBANK Collection

Sunday 12th 11am Holy Communion

Sunday 19th 11am Morning prayer

Sunday 26th 11am Holy Communion

Sunday 2nd 6pm Evening Service
                                                    with FOODBANK Collection

Sunday 9th 11am Holy Communion

Sunday 16th 11am Morning Prayer

Sunday 23rd  6pm Holy Communion