Parish Council News
The Annual Parish Council meeting held on 19th May provided an opportunity for village organisations to report on the previous year’s activities.
The Chairman of the Village Hall Committee Stephen Neaves reported on the previous years hard work carried out by the committee that has made the Village Hall so successful. George Miller reported on the Friends of St Peter’s and Needham Towns Lands Trust.
Representing local societies, Harold Jefferson reported on the year’s activities of the Bowls Club and Helen Major, in reporting on the previous year’s publication of Link, made a plea for more input in the form of letters or comments from villagers. It was particularly satisfying to receive a report from John Morrish, treasurer for the monthly coffee mornings at the Red Lion, of the amounts that this event raises for charity.
In my Chairman’s report I was pleased to record that Needham has a full complement of Parish Councillors, and meetings have been held every two months. The Parish Council has been able to act on a number of issues raised by villagers in the last year, but predominantly the same problems of highways and dog fouling re-occur. Happily we have excellent contacts with the County Highways authority and although they are often constrained by costs, we are able to press our case for work to be carried out. Although ultimately we cannot prevent dog fouling we have taken steps to alleviate the problem with the purchase of two new dog bins. Initial reports suggest they are well used.
We also received written reports from our District Councillor, Jenny Wilby, and out County Councillor Martin Wilby and I was pleased once again to record our warmest thanks for their constant support which we value highly.
Andrew Major
Chairman, Needham Parish Council