Parish Council meeting held on 22 September
A well attended public meeting held before the Parish Council meeting raised a number of issues of concern to parishioners.
The problem of speeding through the village was again raised and it seems that most parishioners have experienced vehicles driving through the village at excessive speeds. Meetings have been held in the past with both the County Highways Authority and the police but to no lasting effect. It was agreed that our County Councillor would be consulted on whom to invite to a public meeting when these concerns could be raised.
The meeting also discussed maintenance of the River Waveney. It was agreed that the river is an asset that brings visitors to the area. However, it appears that current practice seems to be to leave a wide band of reeds at the water line along the banks making access the river for fishermen and canoeists difficult. Following the meeting it was arranged that Geoff Doggett Chairman of the River Waveney Trust, is to come to the next Parish Council meeting to describe the work done to maintain the river and also the rights and responsibilities of landowners with a river frontage, known as riparian owners.
Finally, concerns at activity on the Needham Nursery site were again raised, particularly as it had been noted that South Norfolk Council had given an extension of time for a planning application. This had widely been interpreted as the approval for the garden centre proposal. It was possible to confirm to the meeting that the consent for a garden centre had definitely lapsed. The extension of time had been granted for an application for approval of the details. It was agreed the Parish Council should write to the planning authority making them aware of the confusion this had caused and also requesting confirmation that, should the details be approved, they cannot be implemented without the benefit of an approval for development of the site.
At the Parish Council meeting it was confirmed that a cheque for £100 from the precept had been sent to Harleston Town Council. This had been agreed at the previous meeting as a contribution towards the upkeep of Budgen’s car park. It is hoped that all local communities will make small contributions to ensure the continuing free use of the car park. The meeting also voted to make a contribution of £100 towards the defibrillator fund.
Notification of an outline planning application for a single storey dwelling on land to the south of 120 High Road had been received. The Parish Council supported this application in principle, subject to detail design.
The date of the next meeting has been changed to Monday 8th December at 7.30 in the Village Hall. This meeting will be most informative for anyone with an interest in the river and with discussions on action on speeding and an update on the nursery site.
Andrew Major (Chairman)