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Thursday, 5 March 2015



The newsletter for the villagers of Needham

@needham link

From the Guest Editor

I was pleased to be invited by Helen to become Guest Editor for this edition of the Needham Link.

How time flies - Del and I can't believe that we've lived in Needham for over 2 years now!  We moved here from Bedfordshire after I retired, in order to be closer to our son and his family who live in Stowmarket.  We are sure that moving to Needham was the right choice, as we immediately felt "at home" and very much appreciate the warm, friendly welcome that we have received.   I must add that Del couldn't believe his luck when we found a property that we really liked and which was only 150 yards from The Red Lion!

There are two important health-related articles in this edition that are essential reading.  "Don't Miss Life's Precious Moments" contains information on NHS health checks for villagers aged between 40-74 years of age.  The article entitled "Village Emergency Telephone System (VETS)"  details how to call for emergency assistance requiring the use of the defibrillator and also how to seek assistance with non-999 emergencies.

If you have any announcements or articles of interest that you'd like to share - eg reminiscences of times gone by; describing a hobby/particular interest; a memorable/funny experience that you've had, etc - I'm sure that Helen would be delighted to receive your contributions.


Car Crime

During the cold winter mornings, the Norfolk Constabulary has advised not to leave your vehicle on your driveway with the engine running in order to defrost it, as it is at risk of being stolen.

At the last Parish Council Meeting, we were informed by PC Jim Squires that several cars had recently been stolen in South Norfolk after their owners left their cars in this manner.

Don't Miss Life's Precious Moments

If you are aged 40 - 74, help look after your health so that you don't miss out on precious moments, such as the birth of a grandchild, your son or daughter's graduation or wedding.  A quick and easy step towards achieving this is having a free NHS health check.

Norfolk's fire-fighters are backing this year's campaign, to encourage as many people as possible to have an NHS health check.  Watch a video to see how they got on -

Each health check takes approximately 30 minutes and records blood pressure, weight, cholesterol levels and blood sugar.  This helps to assess your risk of developing heart disease, stroke, kidney disease or diabetes.

Checks also include tailored lifestyle advice on heart disease risk factors, such as smoking, high blood pressure, alcohol consumption, high cholesterol, obesity, poor diet and physical inactivity.

To be eligible for a free NHS health check you must

Ø  be between 40-74 years old
Ø  not have had an NHS health check in the last 5 years
Ø  live in Norfolk, or be registered with a GP in Norfolk
Ø  not have been diagnosed with, or be receiving treatment for, any of the following conditions:

-   Diabetes
-   Heart problems
-   Kidney problems
-  High blood pressure
-  High cholesterol
-  Stroke

If you're unsure about your eligibility, speak to your GP or pharmacist.

Health checks are available in most GP surgeries and at over 50 pharmacies across Norfolk.  For more information, visit

 or call 0344 800 8029.