The next edition of the Needham Link will be Guest Edited by Jim Woodger. If you would like to contribute an article, send in a letter or have any notices you would like published please send them to or post them through the letter box at Mill Farm Cottage before 14 December and the Editor will make sure Jim receives them.
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Tuesday, 24 November 2015
Sunday, 1 November 2015
From the Temporary Editor
Firstly, thanks to everyone who has submitted articles for inclusion in this issue of the Needham Link. There are so many positive things happening in the village at this time of the year and I’m going to keep the editorial to a minimum to allow for as much content as possible. I agreed to guest-edit the Link for this issue, but I know I have too little time with 3 children and work But I would strongly recommend those of you with more time to volunteer. I’m delighted to see the letter of thanks for the village hall, we had our daughter’s birthday there last year and it’s a great venue for get togethers and parties. Finally, I would like to welcome Adam and Eloise to the village and wish everyone a very early Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!
Stephen Miller
Thanks to Stephen for his editorship of this edition.
The ‘guest’ editor for the next edition will be Jim Woodger.

If you’re interested please contact Sandra Jordan on 01379 853887 or 07733484645.
Harleston & District Wives' Group
When the speaker at the May meeting of Harleston and District Historical Society failed to materialise, Brian Wight became the hero of the hour, by stepping in, with 5 minutes notice (phew!) and giving a most entertaining talk on King Edward V111 - entitled “The Man Who Wanted Everything”. Unsurprisingly, Brian has since been approached by other local groups including “Wives”. He began the 2015/16 year by giving an amusing and informative talk about his life in three different regions of France. ”Bravo! Il a bien fait!”
Raffle winners included Brian, Linda Sheldrake, Hazel Newman and Anne Bullingham.
Beryl and Mike Godward gave a talk entitled “All About Africa” at the 29th September meeting. The Wives Group was given an insight into their work – very much inspired by their religious faith – in setting up centres for health and education in African countries such as Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda where there is desperate need. The aim was the training and empowerment of the local people and putting the means of sustainable development firmly in the hands of the communities themselves. This is, unquestionably, the most effective kind of “Christian aid”
Needham Parish Council
A full meeting of the Parish Council was held on Monday 21 September. A report was read from Jenny and Martin Willby who had sent apologies. The report included a description of a visit to the re-cycling plant at Costessey where the contents of our green bins are taken and sorted. Tips include; not to put re-cycling in plastic bags in the bin and to put the screw top back onto empty screw top wine bottles.
We welcomed the Chairman of Brockdish Parish Council, Christine Mackenzie, to the meeting. The traffic that passes through Needham, especially HGV, also of course passes through Brockdish. A survey conducted by residents in Brockdish counted an average of 37 trucks, of which 18 were HGV, passing through the village between 08.00 and 16.00 each day. As in Needham, the villagers of Brockdish also have concerns over speeding. Brockdish PC is proposing to request a meeting with the Highways Authority to review weight restrictions, speed limits and signage. It was agreed that a coordinated approach by the two villages would be beneficial to both communities and carry greater weight with the Highways Authority. The two Chairmen will liaise over a joint letter.
It was reported to the meeting that the dog bin that had been installed at the junction of Mather Lane and Upper Burnt House Lane had disappeared including the post it was fixed to. If anyone has any suggestions as to where it has gone please let the Parish Council know. Also, before replacing the bin, it would be most helpful if dog owners could let the PC know if this bin was useful when out walking. Otherwise we should be glad to hear proposals for alternative locations.
Following a discussion on the financial report it was agreed to make a donation of £1000 from Parish Council funds to the Village Hall Committee. This was in recognition of the need for urgent repairs to the building fabric and for improvements to the hall facilities and also in recognition of the hard work the committee put into running what is an important asset to the village.
If you know of any particular pavements or paths that have become overgrown or otherwise need clearing please let either the Paris Clerk or a Parish Councillor know. Council regularly send out Rangers to carry out this work but rely on being notified of where the work is needed.
There were no planning applications to consider but it was noted that an appeal has been lodged against the refusal for a single storey dwelling for a farm manager at Whitehouse Farm. A Parish Councillor attended the appeal hearing held at Long Stratton.
The next meeting of the Parish Council will be held at 7.30 on Monday 23 November.
Andrew Major
Friends of St Peter's
Christmas Coffee Evening on 19 December at 7pm at Robbie Dove’s house – 8 High Road. Everyone is welcome.
There will be a raffle and a cake stall. The quiz will also be on sale for £1.00 each. Also available from Pauline Spinlove on 01379 853033
Thank you
Pauline, Adrian & Georgina Spinlove would like to thank everyone for their cards and kind words at the sad time of John’s passing. Thank you for attending the funeral and also thank you to the Rev Nigel Tuffnell for a caring service and for his support.
John Spinlove
John was born in Harleston and worked for over 40 years as an agricultural engineer for E H Knights and then for Dalgety. After that he worked as a wood machinist for HLC Wood Pallets in Needham, working until he was 70 years.
John married Pauline in Needham Church and lived his married life in Needham. They would have been married for 48 years this December. John and Pauline had two children, Adrian & Georgina and one grandchild, Toby.
Roy Elliot 1930-2015
Roy Elliot died in Northamptonshire where he lived with his sister. Roy lived in Needham for many years and will be fondly remembered by all who knew him especially those who attended the Breakfast Club at St Peter’s. Roy was involved in very many other village activities such as the Village Hall Committee; he was a Church warden and helped to organise the Flower Festival and Carol singing. He also hosted Sunday lunches at his home. If there was something going on in Needham you could be certain that Roy would be involved. We send our condolences to his family.
Village Hall - Letter of Thanks
It’s great to hear that the village hall is a really appreciated local resource. If you’re thinking of having a family event don’t forget the village hall, right here on our doorsteps. The letter below also gives us some lovely memories of times gone by.
“Dear Jean
I want to thank you for the help and support you gave me at the Family Reunion on 12 September.
My 3 brothers and 6 sisters all went to the school before the Hall became a hall. 3 of us went to Harleston Secondary Modern when it changed in 1951 when 11 year olds went to Secondary Moderns. If you maths is good that’s 10 children. We didn’t all live at Boyndie Farm. Some lived with our grandfather at Cherrytree Farm. Our uncle lived on the left side at the top of Mill Lane. The Whurr family has a long association with Needham. I have traced it back to the early 1800s and I believe a lot longer than that. My mother played a small part in the purchase of the school for the village.
It was a big surprise for everyone to see the difference it has made. It’s a wonderful venue for everyone to use. What is so nice is that you have very piece of equipment anyone would need.
On the 40s and 50s the Village had a shop/PO and cricket team. I remember village fetes and social nights in the village school which people went to church and Sunday School (not by choice) and also children and adults went round the houses carol singing at Christmas collecting money for the church, of course. As children we spent our time by the river at the Mill or in the sandpit opposite the council houses. There always seemed to be a policeman in the village ready to correct you or confiscate your catapult.
On 5 November we made our own bonfire from rubbish we collected from houses - paper, clothing and waste oil from Thurlows Garage. We cut bushes and branches off trees. On the night we would put potatoes in the ashes. What was good fun, the boys thought, was making girls jump with bangers. They weren’t the bangers of today - today they are too powerful.
Although everything was rationed we, as children, enjoyed our life scrounging chewing gum from American servicemen. Also American cigarettes if we could. Even the adults craved the fags. Also scavenging from the American dumps at Mendham/Weybread. Some boys had canoes made from the tip/tank of crashed aircraft.”
Jack Whurr
St Peter's Church
1st Nov Morning Prayer 11.00am
8th Nov Remembrance Service 6.00pm
15th Nov Morning Prayer 11.00am
8th Nov Remembrance Service 6.00pm
15th Nov Morning Prayer 11.00am
22nd Nov Benefice Holy Communion 10.30am
29th Nov Holy Communion 9.30am
6th Dec Morning Prayer 11.00am
13th Dec Morning Prayer 9.30am
20th Dec Carol Service 6.00pm
27th Dec Holy Communion 9.30am
27th Dec Holy Communion 9.30am
St John’s Harleston 5 December at 2:00pm
Christmas Fun Craft Activities for Primary School Aged Children
Remember to bring an adult (free of charge!)
Needham Coffee Morning, Cake & Raffle at The Red Lion
Nov 3rd & Dec 1st (1st Tuesday of every month)
Proceeds split between Red Lions charity of their choice and
the upkeep of St Peter’s church.
St Peter’s Churchyard Tidy up
Saturday 7th November at 9.30am
We shall be tidying the church grounds again this year and would welcome assistance again from the merry band of volunteers. Any help would by greatly appreciated.
Rector: Revd Nigel Tuffnell
Tel: 01379 308905 Email:
Office: Lucy Elton (Mon - Fri 9am to 1pm)
Tel: 01379 851148 Email:
Facebook –
Twitter - twitter.com7churches@RedScole
Website –
Borderhoppa Outings - A Great Day Out!
Borderhoppa has lots going on for our members in November & December including lunches out, visits to garden centres and Christmas Fairs and Markets to visit. If you or someone you know would like to join us, please call us on 01379 854800.
Membership is £6 for 6 months or £10 for 12 months,
outings are individually priced.
November Outings 2015
Mon 2nd – Dereham - £15
Thurs 12th – The Range, Norwich & lunch at The Village Inn, Little Melton - £15 (lunch extra)
Mon 16th – Highways - £14
Sat 21st Gt. Yarmouth Christmas Fair - £17
Mon 23rd – Ely £20
December Outings 2015
Thurs 3rd – Lunch at the Chip Inn, Long Stratton & Cherry Lane Garden Centre, Pulham - £7 (chips extra)
Sun 6th – Bungay Christmas Street Market - £8
Mon 7th – Bury St Edmunds - £14
Sat 12th – Ipswich Christmas Market - £14
Mon 14th – Xmas Lunch at Jolly Farmers, Forncett St. Peter - £25 includes lunch
Harleston SNT
Another couple of months have passed since we last wrote and we have been busy in and around the area. Since the last article there has been no recorded crime in Needham. We have responded to five calls within the parish where residents have requested police assistance.
It’s starting to get cold and if you require oil for heating it is probably now that you are thinking about filling up your oil tanks. With this in mind, just take a couple of minutes to think about the vulnerability of your tank. Can it be seen from the road? Can you secure it? If it has an alarm ensure that it is working.
If you would like any crime prevention advice with regard to your tank please contact us.
If there is any information you would like to see from us on a regular basis please let us know and we will aim to include it.
There have been boundary changes which mean that we will no longer have responsibility for Needham. In future your Beat Manager will be PC James Stables & his team who will be based in Diss.
To contact Norfolk Constabulary dial 101
Always dial 999 in an emergency
PC Jim Squires & PCSO Pete Williamson
Keith and Ann Barry celebrated their Golden wedding Anniversary on 30 August with a lunch for family and friends at the Fox & Goose in Fressingfield and a champagne tea at home.
Needham Carpet Bowls Club
The Summer League Presentation Quiz Evening was held at Alburgh Village Hall on 25 September, with the majority of clubs in the league being represented. The "Needham Nudgers" came second in the quiz - well done to them.
The Winter League matches have now started. On 28 September, we played an away match against Syleham, which Needham won by 3 games to one.
On 2 October, a home match was played against Occold in the Knock-Out Cup and this resulted in a draw. The away match will be played at Occold on Wednesday 14 October, which will determine which team will then go through to the next round of the Cup.
Another friendly away match will take place against Pulham Market on Friday 9 October.
Our Autumn Dinner was held at the Needham Red Lion on Saturday, 5 September. This was a very enjoyable evening, with good company and a lovely meal.
Our club evenings are held at the Village Hall each Wednesday, starting at 7.30 pm. All bowling equipment is supplied.
We are a very relaxed, friendly club and new members would be warmly welcomed. Do come along and give it a try - no previous bowling experience required!
Needham Village Christmas Evening
Saturday 12th December 2015
Mulled wine served from 7.00 pm
Traditional Christmas Dinner (with
vegetarian option) served at 7.30 pm
Catering by John Groom of Bungay
Every ticket entered into a
Luxury Christmas Hamper Prize Draw
(Donated by HLC Products)
Book a table and bring your friends
£16.00 per person
Early Booking Essential
(Deadline 5th December)
Tickets can be purchased and collected
from Jean Youell , 77 High Road
Tel No: 854819
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