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Friday, 26 February 2016

Please Note.....

... that the Village Hall notice differs from that in the print edition of the Link.  The one published here is the up to date version!

Thursday, 25 February 2016

Needham Village Link

The newsletter for the villagers of Needham

From the Editor

Firstly, I’d like to thank the two ‘guest editors’, Stephen Miller and Jim Woodger for their very entertaining editions of the Link.  I’m sure you all enjoyed a different perspective.  If anyone else would like to have a go at editing the Link please get in touch on Alternatively, if you would like to take over as full time editor please also get in touch.  I look forward to hearing from you.

It was very heartening to join in the conversation on the Needham Link’s Facebook page ( ) regarding the children’s play area or lack of in the Village Hall grounds.  Since the dismantling of the play area there has been an influx of families with young children who would like to see the it re-established. If you are interested in helping to re-establish a play area in the Village please get in touch. Please read the piece about the play area. I hope there will be some people willing to help to bring back this valuable amenity. If you don’t have access to the internet please drop a note through my letter box at Mill Farm Cottage and I’ll pass it on to Fairlie who is hoping to mobilise support for this project.

Way back in September last year I was lucky enough to visit Cancer Research UK Cambridge Institute. It was fascinating to see how they are using the money raised by such events as the Pink Ladies’ Tractor Road Run. We saw how they are working out how tumour cells spread and how they focus on hard-to-treat cancers.  Some of the equipment is mind blowingly expensive and the people working there frighteningly young - and very clever! 

Research Scientist at work

Sequencing DNA

Needham Coronation Village Hall


Following the forthcoming Annual General Meeting on 16 May, two members of the Village Hall Management Committee will be standing down from their roles, one of which is the Treasurer.  

In addition to filling these vacancies, we would like to expand our membership.  The Committee meets once a month, for approximately an hour.  The members assist with the running of eventssuch as the BBQ and Christmas Party and they also help with occasional miscellaneous jobs.

We have many groups who book the hall on a regular basis, eg Pilates, Whist, Carpet Bowls and Art Group and also have many bookings for one-off events, eg parties and anniversaries. 

If you would like to have a chat to find out more information, please contact Steve Neaves (Chairman) on 01379 852214 and either Steve or John Morrish (Treasurer) in respect of the Treasurer's role, on 01379 851171.

                                                                                                                               Celia Snaith

Village Hall Management Committee

Your Community Needs YOU!

Red Lion Coffee Mornings

We had another successful coffee morning on 2 February at the Red Lion as we do every 1st Tuesday of the month.  This time 40 people enjoyed coffee and delicious home made cakes with a very generous raffle.  All the proceeds will be going for the next few months to All Hallows Hospice as they are in need of financial support to keep them going.  Any cakes you would like to bake would be most welcome as would raffle prizes.
Angela Morrish

Harleston Flower Club

Harleston Flower Club  which is a member of NAFAS meets at Wortwell Community Centre on the first Thursday of the month.  For nine months of the year there are professional demonstrators who do amazing arrangements which are then raffled at the end of the afternoon.  For 2 months of the year we have ‘Have a Go’ sessions which are great fun and in the Summer there is an outing and a garden party and at Christmas, lunch.  Next year we celebrate the 60th anniversary and there are plans for a party,  

Gentlemen are welcome as well as ladies.  For information contact Jenni Baker on 01986 782377

Gill Powell

Needham Carpet Bowls Club

Since our last report we have played a home match against Syleham.  We were the winners  of this match .  We have also played an away match against Occuld and once again our club was the winner.  On 5 February another home match took place against Kenninghall but unfortunately on this occasion we were the losers, winning only one game to Kenninghall’s three.  We have one match left to play in the Winter League against Wortwell on Friday 19 February.

Our club evenings are held every Wednesday in Needham Village Hall starting at 7:30pm.
New members are always welcome.  Fees are only £1.50 per evening and this includes tea/coffee and biscuits.  All equipment is provided and no previous experience is required.  Carpet bowls is for all ages so do come along and give it a try!

Needham Carpet Bowls Club Annual Presentation Evening
Trophies presented by Frances Buston (Chairperson)

Celia Snaith - winner of the Ladies' Single trophy

Dennis Taylor - winner of the Gentlemen's singles trophy

Dennis Taylor & Harold Jefferson - winners of the pairs trophy

Bowls Club Annual Presentation Evening Dinner

Friends of St Peter's Church

Robi Dove wishes to thank everyone who attended her Christmas Coffee Evening and gave raffle prizes and cakes for the cake stall. £93.50 was raised which will go to the Friends of St Peters Church. David Cunliff’s quiz on Clothing was on sale.  We thank him for taking the time in putting it together and printing it for the Friends. The end of January has arrived and 11 out of the 56 quiz sheets sold have been returned, making £56 for the Friends. We have a winner - Barbara Gowland from Mattishall with 49 correct. Runners up were Liz Chubbock from Tivetsall with 47 and Doug and Joan Grant from Starston with 46 correct answers.The winner received a bottle of wine.We thank Olive Hudson for checking the answers and everyone  who took part in doing the quiz not forgetting the people who sold the quiz for us.
Pauline Spinlove

St Peter's Church

St Peter’s Church PCC would like to thank Sandra Jordan for her hard work in organising the Posada’s progress around the village over the lead up to Christmas and also to everyone who welcomed Mary & Joseph into their homes overnight.

Thanks also to Michael and all at the Red Lion for donating a Christmas Tree to the church for the festivities.

Another thank you to all who have been on the flower rota at St Peter’s over the past year for the beautiful flower arrangements.  If you would like to be involved in the flower rota please contact Gill Powell on 07545396695

St Peter’s AGM is on 10 March at 7:00pm at George & Sylvia Miller’s home.  All welcome.
Gill Powell

Thoughts on Winter

Jack Whurr - in his own words

Litter Louts

On a short walk along Mill Lane I saw this rubbish in the ditch and the verge. This was a small amount compared to what I have seen previously - tyres, household  waste and building materials etc. It never ceases to amaze me that people think it is ok to dump their rubbish in a country lane or at the roadside and in doing so spoil the countryside and put animals’ lives at risk. 
If you see any fly tipping please contact the local council at or phone 01508 533633

Environment Correspondent

Needham Parish Council

Every January the finances of the Parish Council are reviewed and the precept agreed for the following year.  This is the money paid out of Council Tax to fund the Parish Council.   It was agreed that the precept should be set at the same level as the previous year.  In fact, it has not been raised now for many years.

Parish Councillors also reviewed the salary that we pay to our Parish Clerk, Philip Freeman.  The Parish Clerk is vital to the functioning of the Parish Council.  As well as recording and publishing the minutes Philip advises on procedural matters during meetings.  He also keeps control of the budget and reports on this to the meetings.  Where action is agreed in response to issues raised by villagers it falls to Philip as Clerk’s Action to write letters or contact South Norfolk Council on behalf of the Parish Council.  We are extremely grateful to Philip for the work he does and we consider ourselves fortunate to have his assistance.  The Parish Council agreed unanimously to raise his salary in accordance with the pay scale.
Andrew Major


St Peter's Church

Mothering Sunday
  6 Mar      Morning Prayer 11.00am

13 Mar    Morning Prayer 9.30am
20 Mar    Morning Prayer 11.00am

Good Friday
25 Mar    Devotional Half Hour 11.00am

Easter Sunday
27 Mar    Holy Communion 11.00am

  3 Apr       Morning Prayer 11.00am
10 Apr    Morning Prayer 9.30am
17 Apr    Morning Prayer 9.30am 
24 Apr    Holy Communion 9.30am

Chatty Church
Saturday 16 Jan & 20 Feb at 2pm. Every 3
rd Saturday of the month
Great fun with activities, games and chatty time for parents/carers with their children. 
Refreshments & Snacks. Free of charge.
For more details contact: Claire McEntee: 07810 565805, Fiona Wilson: 07702 972656
Office email:

Revd Nigel Tuffnell
Tel: 01379 308905 Email:
Lucy Elton-Cooke (Mon - Fri 9am to 1pm)
Tel: 01379 851148 Email:
Twitter - twitter.com7churches@RedScole

Friday, 19 February 2016

March/April Edition

The March/April edition is being printed and should be with you shortly.
The Link will be published here on Thursday 25 February.

Wednesday, 10 February 2016


The deadline for getting copy to the editor for the March/April edition of the Link is 14 February.