Public and Press are invited, Councillors are summoned to the meeting of
NEEDHAM PARISH COUNCIL Meeting of the Parish Council in Needham Village Hall
on: Monday 4th April 2016 at 7.30 p.m.
If you would like to receive future copies of the agenda for the Parish Council Meetings by email please contact the Parish Clerk: quoting: “Parish Council Agenda” Dates of Meetings in 2016: 11th January (Precept setting meeting), 4th April, 23rd May (Annual Parish Meeting and Annual Meeting of the Parish Council), 18th July, 26th September, 21st November.
Public Forum:
Including any reports: County Councillor, District Councillor, Police and Village Organisations.
1. Apologies for Absence.
2. Chairman’s Opening Remarks
3. To receive declaration of interest from members.
4. Minutes of Previous Meeting. (Attached)
5. Matters Arising:
6. Finances and financial report
a. RFO’s Report.
i. Santander Bank Account Balance at 25th January 2016: £3,946.01p
ii. ns&i: £2,223.13p
b. Cheques for signature:
i. Clerk’s pay & expenses: £341.53p.
ii. HMRC: £78.00p.
iii. Link:
iv. ICO registration renewal: £35.00p
v. NALC annual subscription: £102.82p
vi. Zurich Municipal – insurance premium: £278.13p
c. Receipts:
i. ns&i – Interest: £16.55p
d. Use of carry forward. (The auditor’s advice is that a parish council should carry forward one year’s precept - £3,500. This would mean that the carry forward from 2014/2015 was approximately £2,200 above that figure, unless this is earmarked for a specific project.)
7. Highway/Footpath Matters:
a. HGVs using the road through the village, joint approach with Brockdish Parish Council.
b. Joint purchase of SAM 2.
c. Clearing of footpaths and ditches.
8. Planning:
a. Application:
i. 2016/0272:
Location: Land Adjacent to 1 Brook Lane, Needham.
Proposal: Variation of condition 2 following planning application 2012/2322/F – change roof tile, reduce number of courses of the brick slip, add chimney flue onto roof, reduce EWI insulation thickness.
Application Type: removal/ variation of Condition..
b. Decision:
i. Approved: None.
ii. Refused: None.
iii. Discharge of Condition: None.
c. Appeal: None.
9. Correspondence
a. Correspondence circulated:
10. A.O.B. - Items for inclusion at next meeting.