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Friday, 29 April 2016

Needham Village Link
May/June 2016

The newsletter for the villagers of Needham

From the Editor

June is going to be an exciting month as the Village Hall committee is organising a special event to celebrate the 90th birthday of the Queen.  I’m sure this event will be every bit as enjoyable and memorable as the tea party held in 2012 to celebrate the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee.  This is to be a free event so the Committee is hoping there will be a good turnout for Needham’s celebration.  There are details elsewhere in the Link and there will be an  invitation delivered to every household before the event.

Also, included in this edition is a questionnaire about the proposed Playpark for Needham.  A committee has been formed but it is important to engage with all the residents of the village as this is an amenity for the whole village.  Unfortunately, there isn’t space to print the full statement from the committee but it can be read on

On a personal note, I shall be taking part in the Pink Ladies’ Tractor Road Run again on Sunday 3 July.  As you know this annual event is in aid of Cancer Research UK which is a cause dear to many of you.  Without the work done by Cancer Research UK there would not be so many people who have survived this dreadful disease that strikes in so many forms.  I would be really grateful if you could sponsor me again by visiting my JustGiving page at  

Once again, if you would like to contribute any articles to the Needham Link please either drop them through my letter box at Mill Farm Cottage or email 


Needham Village Tea Party

All Village residents are invited to celebrate
the 90th birthday of
Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II

at a Needham Village Tea Party to be held on
Sunday 12th June
at the Coronation Village Hall
2:30pm for 3:0pm
Licensed Bar
Soft drinks

Open Farm Sunday - Shotford Hall Farm

Visit our mixed farm to discover where and how your food is produced and used and how farmers look after the environment.  Ever wondered what it’s like in the seat of a tractor or what technology is involved or how animals are reared and cared for? Come and find out and get close to the machinery, touch the animals and meet the people actively involved in farming.  Enjoy a tractor and trailer tour, take a leisurely riverside walk or get busy in the children’s activity barn.  

Sunday 5 June
11:00am - 5:00pm

Shotford Hall Farm, Harleston IP20 9QT

Refreshments are available.  

For more details contact Tim Lewis on 07767 708106.

Needham Coronation Village Hall

After the Annual General Meeting to be held on 16 May, Steve Neaves (Chairman) will be stepping down from his current role, but we are delighted that he has agreed to continue as a Committee member. Also, George Miller (Vice-Chairman) and John Morrish (Treasurer) will both be leaving the Committee on 16 May.

I am sure you would all like to join the Committee in thanking Steve, George and John for all their hard work over the years in their various roles and also for their participation in a variety of working parties which has contributed greatly to ensuring that we have a first-class, thriving village hall.  

Steve took over as Chairman of the Committee in 2013 and despite a demanding full-time job, has devoted a great deal of time and energy to ensure the successful management of the hall.
George joined the Committee in 2007 and has served at various times as Chairman, Treasurer, and Vice-Chairman.  He was instrumental in bringing about the building of the village hall annexe,  devoting countless hours towards securing the necessary grants to finance the project and dealing with the resolution of the many day-to-day issues involved in a new build.
John joined the Committee in 2012, It is difficult to describe fully the variety of tasks he has undertaken.  When repair/improvement works on the hall have been required, John has always been willing to either undertake tasks personally or supply his recommendations on which tradesmen would do the best job.    

In addition to filling the above vacancies, it is also important to expand our membership, in order to guarantee the continued management of the Village Hall going forward.  The Committee currently meets once a month, for approximately an hour.  The members organise and assist with the running of events, such as the BBQ and the Christmas Party, and they also help with occasional miscellaneous jobs

If you would like to have a chat to find out more what is involved, please contact either Steve Neaves on 01379 852214 or John Morrish on 01379 851171.                                                                

The Village Hall Annual General Meeting will take place in the Village Hall Annexe, commencing at 7.30 pm on Monday, 16 May.

The Committee looks forward to welcoming villagers and hall hirers to the meeting.

Celia Snaith
Committee Member

Needham Playpark Update

Our intention is to create an outdoor community space that everyone can enjoy.  It will not to exclusively for children.  Rather, it will be an attractive area that everyone can enjoy.  The wider the interests, the greater the possibilities! Please put on your thinking caps and come and help imagine, build, create and tend a wonderful new space with us - whether it’s slides, swings, football goals, exercise equipment, sculptures, benches or flowers.  We would love to know what you think.

Enclosed in this edition of the Link is a survey which is the first stage of really gauging the level of interest around the village in this project.  Please take a moment to fill it in as it will play a key part in the Playpark future decisions giving us some useful statistics to work with.  So PLEASE fill it in and return it to Needham Playpark Committee, 103 High Road, Needham, IP20 9LG.  Thank you in advance for doing it.

Team Playpark  is a newly formed committee comprising children, parents, grandparents and community members.  The more supporters we have the more possible this project becomes.  So, please make yourself known if you would like to join in the fun - there are many different ways you could be involved so please ask and we will find a niche in the group that is just right for you!

A bit of background: With the dwindling of village primary schools, the younger children of Needham are scattered between Harleston, Mendham and Pulham Primaries (that I know of) so have little chance of meeting one another whilst older children are even more far flung between Bungay High, Archbishop Sancroft and Hartismere to name a few.  We need to give them opportunity to meet one another and to be outdoors together.

It is good for all of us to spend time outside.  In this increasingly technology obsessed society it can be hard work getting children outside so the more opportunities we can provide for outdoor play, exploration & games, the healthier our children will grown and the better life chances they will have.

This will be a space that we will all be able to use and enjoy together - please support it!

For more information and a longer version of this article please visit
Fairlie Winship

Needham Parish Council

The next meeting to be held at 7:30pm on 23 May will be the Annual General Meeting of Needham Parish Council.  Reports will be given on the previous year’s meetings of the Parish Council and from your District and County Councillors and on the activities of local societies and charities.

We have also invited Stephen Bett, who is the first elected Police & Crime Commissioner (PCC) for Norfolk, to attend this meeting.  It will be an opportunity for Stephen Bett to explain the rĂ´le of the PCC and to respond to any questions or concerns you may have about policing in this area.  As you probably know, there are elections for this post to be held on 5 May.

At previous meetings of the Parish Council some disquiet was expressed that Needham’s Beat Police Officer is no longer based in Harleston.  We have enjoyed excellent relations with the Officers from this station which is the nearest to the village.  We now fall into the area covered by the station in Diss.

An earlier invitation for a representative of the Diss station to attend a Parish Council meeting was declined.  We hope therefore that this will be an opportunity for Stephen Bett to provide assurances about the level of service we are entitled to expect.

We look forward to a good attendance at this meeting.

Andrew Major

Needham Carpet Bowls Club

The Winter League has now been completed.  The presentation of trophies and social evening will take place at Shelfhanger Village Hall on Friday 27 May.

We do not enter the Summer League but hope to play friendly matches against Cratfield and Pulham Market Bowls Clubs.

Our club singles and pairs competitions will take place shortly.

The family of the late Mary Howlett, one of our founder members, donated a cut glass fruit bowl and stand to the club in memory of Mary.  Members competed for this trophy on Wednesday 6 April and the overall winner was John Kuzmic.

Our AGM was held on Wed 23 March.
The committee elected for the coming year is:
Chairperson  -     Francis Burton
Vice Chairman - Delwyn Snaith
Captain -            Harold Jefferson
Vice Captain -    John Kuzmic
Treasurer-           Jean Youell

On Sun 3 April two members from our club represented Needham in the Norfolk Pairs Competition which was held at Wortwell Community Centre.

The club meets every Wednesday at 7:30pm.  All equipment is provided and subscriptions are only £2 per year.  Fees each evening are £1.50 which includes tea/coffee and biscuits.  New members would be most welcome so do come along and join us!

Good luck and good bowling!


Harleston & Waveney Art Trail

Visit local artists’ studios and workshops. 

Needham resident, Rose Martin is opening her studio at Skeetsmere House in Upper Burnt House Lane.  She creates paintings, hangings and scarfs on silk. 
Ex-Needham resident, Vicky Townley, is also exhibiting her work and that of other artists at The Old King’s Head in Brockdish.

May 21 - 22
May 28 - 30
including Bank Holiday
Open 11am - 6pm


The library in the Village Hall is open every Thursday from 2 - 4pm.  We have many many books, jigsaws , videos and DVDs which are all free to borrow.  There is no time limit in taking them out.  For more information contact me on 01379 853033.

Pauline Spinlove

Friends of St Peter's

The Friends of St Peter’s AGM will be held on 13 May in the library in Needham Village Hall.  Subscriptions which are £5 will be due and are payable to Olive Hudson.  We do need new members to join us at our meetings which are held 2-3 times a year.
We look forward to seeing you.

Pauline Spinlove

St Peter's Church

Sunday Services

1st May     Morning Prayer 11.00am
8th May     Morning Prayer 9.30am
15th May   Morning Prayer 11.00am
22nd May   Holy Communion 9.30am
29th May   At Billingford Church. 10.30am HC

5th June     Morning Prayer 11.00am
12th June   Morning Prayer 9.30am
19th June   Morning Prayer 11.00am
26th June   Holy Communion 9.30am

Chatty Church
St John’s, Harleston, Saturday 21st May & 11th June at 2pm. Great fun with activities, games and chatty time for parents/carers with their children. Refreshments & Snacks.
For more details contact:
Claire McEntee: 07810 565805, Fiona Wilson: 07702 972656 email:

Pet Service
Brockdish Church Sunday June 5th at 3pm. All pets small or large are welcome. Rev Sue has asked that pets are either on a lead or in a suitable cage. Rev Sue 01379 740325

Flower Festival Fun
June 11th & 12th June at Brockdish church. Decorate a Bike competition, prizes for the winners. Judging 2pm on the Sunday. More information from Jan 01379 668630

Rector: Revd Nigel Tuffnell 
Tel: 01379 308905  Email:

Office: Lucy Elton-Cooke (Mon - Fri 9am to 1pm)
Tel: 01379 851148

Facebook –
Website –

Needham Playpark Update

Needham Playpark update

Hi all,
Well I promised I’d keep everyone up to date with the ideas for an outdoor play space in Needham, so here we are. Spring has sprung and though there are many jobs to do around the garden as it comes to life, I am committed to this idea of creating an outdoor space where people of all ages can come together, meet one another and strengthen community ties in our lovely village.

Our intention is to create an outdoor community space that everyone can enjoy. Yes. A playpark, but not just for children! Rather, it will be an attractive area that everyone can enjoy. The wider the interests, the greater the possibilities! So please put on your thinking hats and come and help imagine, build, create and tend a wonderful new space with us – whether its slides, swings, football goals, exercise equipment, sculptures, benches or flowers, we would love to know what you think….

Enclosed in this month’s Needham Link is a survey that is the first stage of really guaging the level of interest in this project around the village. Please take a moment to fill it in as it will play a key part in the Playpark future decisions, giving us some useful statistics to work with. So PLEASE fill it in and return it to: Needham Playpark Committee, 103 High Road, Needham, IP20 9LG. Thank you in advance for doing it.

Team Playpark is a newly forming Committee comprised of children, parents, grandparents and community members. The more supporters we have, the more possible this project becomes, so please make yourself known if you would like to join in the fun – there are many different ways you could be involved, so please ask and we will find a niche in the group that is just right for you!

And if you’d like to know more...

A bit of background: With the dwindling of village primary schools, the younger children of Needham are scattered between Harleston, Mendham and Pulham Primaries (that I know of) so have little chance of meeting one another, whilst older children are even more far flung between Bungay High, Archbishop Sancroft and Hartismere (in Eye) to name a few. We need to give them the opportunity to meet one another, and be outdoors together...


Recent research into public spaces (by the Joseph Rowntree Foundation) shows:

■ Public spaces (including playgrounds) play a vital role in the social life of communities. They act as a ‘self-organising public service’, a shared resource in which experiences and value are created (Mean and Tims, 2005).

■ Public spaces offer many benefits such as the ‘feel-good’ buzz, the therapeutic benefits of quiet time spent on a park bench, opportunities for children and young people to meet, play or simply ‘hang out’. All have important benefits and help to create local attachments, which are at the heart of a sense of community.

The proven benefits of outdoor play include:

■ Gives children a chance to burn off energy

■ Can be calming and allow children to "recharge" their energy levels

■ Helps children learn to interact with and understand the natural world

■ Offers a chance for more social interaction with peers

  Helps to develop their powers of observation and their assessment of risk

■ Offers more opportunities for creativity and free play

  Helps to build a strong link between physical health and outdoor play, at a young age
Other important evidence shows that:
  Almost all children (and adults) have a "natural attraction" to the outdoors, playing outside, and learning about nature.
  Being outside and playing outside is vital to a child's growth, and their physical and mental development; it's important to allow and encourage our kids to spend lots of time in the natural world. 
  They can "connect" with the outdoors and nature; if children are outside, they will find any number of ways to play in natural settings.
  By interacting often with nature, and with other children outside, it helps to stimulate the curiosity and creativity of children, and also boosts their confidence as they learn new things.
  Outdoor time is vital for children of all ages, but it's especially good for younger children to learn and grow as they explore.
Ways we can support this:
It is good for ALL of us to spend time outside. In this increasingly technology obsessed society it can be hard work getting our children outside, so the more opportunities we can provide for outdoor play, exploration and games, the healthier our children will grow and the better chances they have of experiencing all of the benefits mentioned above.

This will be a space that we will all be able to use and enjoy together.
Please support it!

Thank you for reading this.  The committee hopes that you will find time to fill in the survey that was enclosed with your paper copy of the latest edition of the Link. 
Fairlie Winship

Thursday, 28 April 2016

Needham Play Area Survey

Needham Play Area Survey  April 2016

Please take a moment to share your views and return this form to:

Needham Playpark Committee,
103 High Road, Needham, IP20 9LG

1. Where do you live?
q      In Needham
q      Outside Needham

2. Do you care for children between the ages of: (tick as many as apply and please include grandchildren or any others who regularly visit your home)

q      0-4 years  
q      5-10 years  
q      11-14 years  
q      14+ years

3. What kind of apparatus would you like to see in the new Play Park? Please tick your top 6 choices:  

Adult exercise equipment
q      Football goals
q      Basket ball hoop
q      Large Slide  
q      Junior slide  
q      Climbing wall / ropes  
q      Basket swing  
q      Large Swings   
q      Bucket swings (toddler)
q      Picnic bench  
q      Standard bench  
q      Adventure trail  
q      See-saw  
q      Roundabout  
q      Children’s tower (inc. playhouse / bridge / slide)
q      Zip wire  
q      OTHER ___________

4. On average, how often would you visit the Play Park?  
q      Almost daily  
q      At least once a week  
q      At least once a month  
q      Less than once a year  
q      Other________________

5. An outdoor community space in Needham would help my family
q      Yes (go to question 6)
q      No (go to question 7)

6. I want to support this project because it will help (please tick as many boxes as you wish)
q      Reduce isolation
q      Relieve stresses
q      Be a valuable facility for the whole community
q      Attract more young families to the village
q      Encourage my extended family to visit more often
q      Offer a safe space for young people in the village to meet
q      Encourage me to get out more
q      Encourage me to take regular exercise
q      Improve my mental wellbeing
q      Help my child learn social skills
q      Help my child learn motor skills
q      Other _________________

6. Do you have any other comments about the play park in or near the village hall grounds? _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

7. Are you interested in contributing further?
q      I would like to be kept informed of developments. My contact details are ...............................................................................
q      I would like to join The Playpark Committee
q      I have skills that may be useful for the project (fundraising, administrative, carpentry, land knowledge, any other)

Thank you for taking the time to fill in this survey. Your views are important and will be carefully considered.

Please return this form to:

Needham Playpark Committee,
103 High Road, Needham, IP20 9LG

Tuesday, 26 April 2016

May/June Edition

The May/June edition of the Needham Link will appear here on Friday 29 April!

Monday, 25 April 2016

May/June Edition

The May/June edition of the Needham Link will be with you shortly.  There will be information about the Queen's Birthday Tea Party to be held at the Village Hall on Sunday 12 June.  

There will also be an important survey about the proposed playpark in the village.

Friday, 1 April 2016

Save the Day!

You should all have received this flyer informing you of the
Needham Village Tea Party
Sunday 12 June

There will be more information in the next edition of the Needham Link but in the meantime make sure you 
on your calendar!

Harleston Cinema


April Film - 'BROOKLYN' 
Thursday 28 April
For more information and to book seats telephone Harleston Information Plus on 01379 851917

Tom Hanks stars as the American attorney tasked with negotiating the release of a U-2 spy plane pilot who was shot down over Russia at the height of the Cold War in this historical drama from DreamWorks Studio.
Bridge of Spies finds new life in Hollywood’s classic Cold War espionage thriller formula thanks to reliably outstanding work from Steven Spielberg and Tom Hanks.
Date: Thursday, 26th May
Film Length: 2 hrs 15 m
 Refreshments will be available in the interval.
Matinee:  Doors open at 1.30pm for a 2.00pm start.
Evening:  Doors open at 7.00pm for a 7.30pm start.
Entry: £4.00
To book seats, please telephone Harleston Information Plus on 01379 851917.
Our new venue is the Masonic Rooms in Harleston near to the Chameleon Restaurant and through an archway.  The nearest car park is in Budgens.  From there, go down past the Yakety Yak cafĂ©, turn left at the bottom and it’s a few minutes walk away.