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Thursday, 19 May 2016

Parish Council Meeting - Update

Inspector Mike Austin from Diss Police Station will be at the Parish Council meeting on Monday 23 May at 7:30pm.  This will provide an opportunity to ask him about policing in Needham.

Wednesday, 18 May 2016


 7.30 pm on Monday 23rd May 2016 at Needham Village Hall.


1.         Welcome and apologies

2.         Minutes of the last Annual Parish Meeting (held on 11th May 2015)

3.         Local Councils
i.      Needham Parish Council: Chairman’s report: Andrew Major.
ii.     District and County Councillors’ reports: Jenny Wilby and Martin Wilby.

4.         Local Charities
i.           Needham Village Hall: Steve Neaves.
ii.         Needham Town Lands Trust: Sylvia Miller.
iii.        The Friends of St. Peter’s: George Miller.

5.    Police and Crime Commissioner

6.    Other Groups and Societies
i.           Needham Link: Helen Major.
ii.         Bowls Club: Jean Youell.
iii.        Red Lion Coffee Mornings: John Morrish.

7.    AoB.

Needham Parish Council

Public & Press are invited.  Councillors are summoned to the meeting of 
NEEDHAM PARISH COUNCIL on Monday 23 May at 7:30pm


Public Forum:
Including any reports: County Councillor, District Councillor, Police and Village Organisations.

  1. Election of Officers:
a.     To elect a Chairman of the Council
b.     To receive the Chairman’s declaration of acceptance of office or, if not then received, to decide when it shall be received.
  1. To elect a Vice-Chairman of the Council.
  2. Apologies for Absence.
  3. Chairman’s Opening Remarks
  4. To receive declaration of interest from members.
  5. Minutes of Previous Meeting. (Attached)
  6. Matters Arising:
  7. Finances and financial report

  8. a.     RFO’s Report.
                                   i.     Santander Bank Account Balance at 25th April 2016: £3,002.12p (includes VAT refund but not the payments of the precept and the grant, see below).
                                    ii.     ns&i: £2,223.13p
                                   iii.     Revised budget for 2016/2017. (Attached)
                                  iv.     Annual Accounts 2015/2016.  (Attached)
b.     Cheques for signature:

                                     i.     Clerk’s pay & expenses: £248.09p.
                                    ii.     HMRC: £54.60p.
                                   iii.     Link:

c.     Receipts:

                                     i.    SNC – Precept: £1,699.00p
                                    ii.    SNC – Grant: £102.00p
                                   iii.    HMRC – VAT Refund: £150.52p

d.     Use of carry forward. (The auditor’s advice is that a parish council should carry forward one year’s precept - £3,500.   This would mean that the carry forward from 2014/2015 was approximately £2,200 above that figure, unless this is earmarked for a specific project.)
e.     Request for Financial Support – MAGPAS Helimedi.
  1. Matters Arising from the Annual Parish Meeting.
  2. Tree Warden – offer from Shaun Button, Earsham Tree Warden.
  3. Cover of Needham by Police from the Station in Diss.
  4. Highway/Footpath Matters:
a.     HGVs using the road through the village, joint approach with Brockdish Parish Council.  Joint purchase of SAM 2.
b.     Clearing of footpaths and ditches.
  1. Planning:
a.     Application: None
                                     i.    2016/0852:
Location: 111 High Road, Needham.
Proposal: Change of colour of exterior from orange to Farrow & Ball off White..
b.     Decision:
                                     i.     Approved: None.
                                    ii.     Refused: None.
                                   iii.     Discharge of Condition: None.
c.     Appeal: None.
  1. Correspondence
a.     Correspondence circulated:

  1. A.O.B. - Items for inclusion at next meeting.


Referendum on

the UK's membership of the European Union in the South Norfolk voting area

1.         A referendum will be held on Thursday 23 June 2016 to decide on the question below:

Should the United Kingdom remain a member of the European Union or leave the European Union?

2.         Applications to register to vote must reach the Electoral Registration Officer by 12 midnight on Tuesday 7 June 2016. Applications can be made online:

3.         Postal vote applications, amendments or cancellations must reach the Electoral Registration Officer, South Norfolk Council, Cygnet Court, Long Stratton, NR15 2XE by 5pm on Wednesday 8 June 2016.

4.         New applications to vote by proxy at this referendum must reach the Electoral Registration Officer, South Norfolk Council, Cygnet Court, Long Stratton, NR15 2XE by 5pm on Wednesday 15 June 2016. Requests for changes to existing proxy vote arrangements and cancellations must reach the Electoral Registration Officer by 5pm on Wednesday 8 June 2016.

5.         Applications to vote by emergency proxy at this referendum on the grounds of physical incapacity or for work/service reasons must reach the Electoral Registration Officer, South Norfolk Council, Cygnet Court, Long Stratton, NR15 2XE by 5pm on 23 June 2016. The physical incapacity must have occurred after 5pm on Wednesday 15 June 2016. To apply on the grounds of work/service, the person must have become aware that they cannot go to the polling station in person after 5pm on Wednesday 15 June 2016.

17 May 2016                Counting Officer: Sandra Dinneen

Printed and published by the Counting Officer, South Norfolk Council, Cygnet Court, Long Stratton, NR15 2XE