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Saturday, 29 October 2016

     Needham Village Link

NOV/DEC 2016

twitter : @needham_link 

From the Editor

The annual Village BBQ was a great success.  There was a good turn out and the weather and food were wonderful. It was a really good Village social event.  Do look at the centre page spread of some of the photos taken at the BBQ. Sadly, it seems that such events may not be happening in the future as the Village Hall Committee struggles to organise events with so few members despite numerous heartfelt appeals for more people to step forward and help to keep  Needham a vibrant village. If you aren’t sure what a valuable asset the Village Hall is please read Pauline Spinlove’s piece elsewhere in the Link and think about joining the committee!

On a similar note, there has been no interest so far in taking over the editorship of The Link.  I’m still on the look out for, if not a permanent replacement, some people who would be willing to act as ‘guest editors’ from time to time. Please contact me at 

It seems a little early but may I take this opportunity to wish all Needham residents a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.


Needham Village BBQ

Needham Action Group - You may have seen us!

Needham Action Group is currently carrying out a house to house ‘feasibility’ survey in order to find out residents’ requirements for an outdoor community space in the village. Thank you to those who have taken time to speak to us - Your opinions matter! And for those of you who were not home when we knocked, we would love to hear from you:  please contact us at
So far we have had an extremely positive response and hope that as you share your ideas you will feel more involved in the project. Our next step is to hold a community mapping event where everyone can join in designing the area and work out precisely how we would like it to look! This is an exciting stage where you could really make your mark for the benefit of everyone!
During the survey we did get a few recurring questions, so here they are with some answers:

Q:There used to be a play area at the Village Hall, but it was taken down because no one used it. Why make another one?”
A:  Needham used to have an infant/toddler group that met regularly at the Village Hall and the previous play area was created with them in mind. Although it was small it was sufficient to entertain toddlers. Unfortunately in 2008, the playgroup moved to Brockdish and took some of the equipment, leaving inadequate facilities for anyone to use.  Needham Action Group plans to create something completely different that will appeal to people of all ages, from toddlers, to teens to parents to OAPs and everyone in between!

Q: “Where will it be, there isn’t really room in the Village Hall grounds?”
A: We agree that the Village Hall grounds are an important resource for events and functions. Instead we are talking to a local Trust who could provide land adjacent, increasing footfall to the Village Hall, highlighting its fantastic facilities and hopefully increasing bookings there.

Q: “What would it cost us?”
A: Incredibly, Needham Action Group will bear all of the costs: both in building and in maintaining through fundraising events and grants. This means there will be NO DIRECT COST to Needham residents or the Village Hall. In fact, this kind of enhancement to village facilities is proven to increase the value of properties locally, so everyone is a winner!

Q: “I don’t plan to use the park myself, why would I want to support it?”
A: An outdoor hub like this will help to strengthen the community, bringing people together and providing a place that people of all ages can meet and enjoy time outdoors together. This can only be a good thing!

Q: “We don’t see children in the village. How do you know there is a need?”
A: Needham Action Group has undertaken a survey from which we so far estimate there to be 45 child residents, not to mention all the grandchildren who visit regularly – they just aren’t seen because there is little reason for them to be in the street. Plus we have discovered that Brockdish children are often driven through Needham in order to get to facilities in Harleston. To promote relations with our neighbouring village, wouldn’t it be wonderful if they came here instead...and some may cycle rather than drive!

Q: “How will it benefit the children of the village?”
A: From the survey, we have discovered that Needham children attend a wide number of different schools from Pulham, Dickleburgh, Hoxne, Mendham and Fressingfield to Harleston, Bungay and Framlingham to name a few. They need a place to meet up and develop friendships locally. Also older children need an opportunity to develop their independence by meeting friends away from home, but at a safe distance (and not have to cross the treacherous A143).

Q: “So what’s in it for older residents?”
A: Surveying the village has been a wonderful and fascinating experience - Thank you for opening your doors to us, and for taking the time to share your views! There have been some fantastic ideas – for example a herb garden and a coffee shed where residents can gather to enjoy being outdoors together over a drink and a slice of cake...with perhaps a spot of gardening if it takes their fancy; or a perimeter nature walk for dog lovers and those in need of a leg stretch and some fresh air!

There are many, many other wonderful ideas, so please contact us if you would like to let us know what you think or voice any concerns: Needham Action Group at

Also: Keep an eye out in future Link issues for our exciting MAPPING EVENT!

Harleston & District Dementia Friendly Community

November News

Our launch was extremely successful, a huge thank you to all residents and businesses who supported us. Please note that we are holding a further free ‘Dementia Friends’ training session at Paddock Road surgery, Harleston on the following date:
Tuesday 8th November 2016  6.30pm – 8.30pm
If you would like to book a place, please call Pat on 07593 391684 or email
We are looking to hold our first initial ‘dementia drop-in’ session in January at The Swift Piano Bar at the Swan Hotel. Please come along and join us for a cup of tea and a slice of cake whilst listening some nostalgic piano playing. We will be confirming the date for this event in our next update. We look forward to meeting you then.
There will also be a representative from South Norfolk District Council in attendance at both the training event and the drop in session, for advice with respect to their Forget-Me-Not grants, for people living with dementia.

Harleston Christmas Market & Lights Switch On

Street Market from 9:30am
Lights switched on shortly after 5pm

More info on 01379 855235 / 07747 620386 

Needham Parish Council Meeting

Needham Parish Council meeting - 26th September

The Parish Council met on 26 September.

Following the resignation of Denis Tavner earlier this year the Parish Council was able to advertise a Casual Vacancy.  At the meeting held on 26th September we were pleased to have interest from three residents, any one of whom we should have been delighted to invite onto the Parish Council, but a vote had to be taken and I am pleased to report that Heidi Williams has joined us as a Parish Councillor.

At the same meeting, Sylvia Miller announced she would stand down as a Parish Councillor.  Sylvia has been on the Parish Council and at the centre of village activities for many years and we are very sorry to be losing her.  We are grateful for all the time and effort she has put into the community.  However, it does mean that there is again a Casual Vacancy.  While Parish Councils are the bottom rung of local government we do have a say in local matters and have valuable links to the District and County Councils as well as police and highways authorities.  If you are interested in joining as a Parish Councillor please contact me for more details.

Concerns were voiced at the meeting by a resident at the hazard of crossing the A143 at the roundabout when walking to Harleston and it was agreed the highways authority should be approached for suggestions to make the crossing safer.  Sadly, the initial response was that there are no practical steps that can be taken.  However, if other residents have similar concerns this is a matter that the Parish Council would pursue further.

The next meeting, which is preceded by a public forum, will be at 7.30 on Monday 21st November in the annex to the Village Hall.

Andrew Major: Chairman

Needham Coronation Village Hall


The BBQ was very well attended and we could not have asked for better weather.

A big thank-you to everyone who very kindly donated raffle and tombola prizes, and to those people who brought along desserts and cakes on the day.

A special thank-you also to the following people:

¬ John, Angie and Chris, for running the bar.
¬ Sally and Georgina for helping with the refreshments in the kitchen.
¬ Helen and Georgie for assisting Andrew on the BBQ.
¬ Richard Coe for providing parking facilities in his field.
¬ Glyn and Sandra Jordan for the loan of their marquee.

¬ The many other people who kindly gave their time to help with the setting up and clearing away.

Village Hall Committee

Save our Hall!

Needham Village Hall already has bookings for 2017.  It is used for the Art Group, Whist Drives, the Needlework Group, Bowling, Martial Arts, Pilates, Performing Arts Groups, the Wine Guild, Council Elections, Parish Council meetings, Books & Jigsaws Library, Children’s Parties, Village Events etc…
A list of regular events can be found on the VH notice board.

A great deal of money has been spent on the upkeep of the Hall over the last few years.  If it were to close it would be a great loss to the people of Needham and surrounding villages.  This would not be due to the lack of money but to the lack of people willing to serve on the committee.

If you are willing to help please contact Andrew Major on 01379 852958 or come to the next meeting which will be on Monday 28 November at 7:30pm.

Pauline Spinlove

A Date for your Diary

On 3 December at 7:00pm there will be a Christmas Coffee Evening by kind permission of Robi Dove at 8 High Road.

There will be a cake stall and raffle and David’s Quiz will also be on sale for £1.00  All the money raised will go towards The Friends of St Peter’s Church.  The quiz is enjoyed by families over the Christmas/New Year holiday. The winner with the most correct answers will receive a bottle of wine.  If you would like to take part and cannot make the Coffee Evening please contact me on 01379 853033.

Pauline Spinlove

Needham Carpet Bowls Club

Since our last report the Winter League has commenced. Our first home match  against Wortwell on 16 September was won by 3 games to one draw. Our next match on 23 September against Occuld ended as a draw but Occuld were the winners on shots.

We played a friendly match at Needham against Rumdurgh Bowls Club on 26 October and a return match will be arranged for next year.

In the knockout cup we were drawn to play Garboldisham - home & away but due to illness they had to withdraw from the cup matches so we automatically go through to the 2nd round.

On 30 September we held our Presentation of Trophies, Social & Quiz Evening at Alburgh Village Hall. Around 15 teams took part in the quiz.  Needham entered 2 teams.  Harleston Howlers came 3rd and Needham Nudgers came 5th.

Our club evenings are on Wednesdays starting at 7:30.  All equipment is provided and new members would be most welcome.


St Peter's

The Church tidy-up will take place on 5 November.  If you would like to volunteer please come along at 9:30am.  There will be refreshments for all the workers.

This year the Carol Service will take place on 18 December at 6:00pm

Sandra Jordan will be organising the Posada again this year.  If you would like to join in please contact Sandra.

It is with great regret that Sylvia Miller has retired as secretary for St Peter’s.  The PCC wishes to say a BIG Thank You to Sylvia for all her hard work over the past 30+ years.  Everyone’s thoughts and prayers are with you.  Gill Powell is standing in to carry out the secretarial work for a while.
Last, but least - Congratulations to  Rod Todd, Joe Massey & Ralph Powell who all celebrate(d) 70th birthdays this year.
Gill Powell

St Peter's Church - SundayServices

6th Nov      Morning Prayer 11.00am
13th Nov    Remembrance Service 6.00pm
20th Nov    Morning Prayer 11.00am
27th Nov    Holy Communion 9.30am

4th Dec      Morning Prayer 11.00am
11th Dec    Morning Prayer 9.30am
18th Dec    Carol Service 6pm
25th Dec    Christmas Children’s Holy Communion 9.11.00am

Sat 19th Nov & Sat 17th Dec  Chatty Church for families and their children at St John’s Church 2pm
Activities and Games. No need to book.

Rector: Revd Nigel Tuffnell 
Tel: 01379 308905

Office: Lucy Elton-Cooke (Mon - Fri 9am to 1pm)
Tel: 01379 851148

Facebook –

Website –

Friday, 28 October 2016

South Norfolk - Council Tax

Sign up to receive your Council Tax by email and you could win an iPad Mini - delivered in time for Christmas!

Ebilling is a faster more efficient way to receive your bill and it's also cheaper for South Norfolk and helps to keep your Council Tax lower. The prize is open to everyone who already receives their bill by email and to everyone who signs up to receive the bill by email before Monday 12 December. Signing up is easy.  Visit the South Norfolk website
Sign up for ebilling and your name will be in the draw. Please see the website for terms and conditions.

You should shortly be receiving your copy of the November/December issue of the Needham Link.
The digital version will be here from Saturday 29 October.