I'm very sad to report the death after a long illness of long time Needham resident, Derek Buttle. There will be an obituary in the next issue of the Link which will be out in January. Derek left his body to medical science so there won't be a funeral but there will be a memorial service for him in the spring. Details to follow.
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Wednesday, 20 December 2017
Sunday, 17 December 2017
A great success
The inaugural Needham Village Christmas Party held at the Village Hall on Saturday 16 December was a great success. There was a children's entertainer, the Ipswich Hospital Brass Band, delicious food and drink and, of course, a visit from Father Christmas. Thank you to the committee for organising the event and also to the people who helped to make it such fun.
Christmas Party
From a satisfied 'customer'!:
"Can you please pass on our thanks to all the hard-working Friends and Supporters of the Village Hall, who made yesterday's Christmas party such a great success.It was good to see that the event was really well-attended. We thought that the format for this year was "spot on" with both adults and children taking part, rather than adults only as in previous years. Everything worked beautifully - the lay-out of the tables and chairs, the children's entertainment in the annexe, the brass band was a nice touch and last, but certainly not least, was the excellent food - as a vegetarian, it was really nice to be served with a delicious vegetable lasagne!"
Thursday, 9 November 2017
Winter ready checklist
Issued by the Met Office & HM Government
- Get your flu jab
- Top up anti-freeze screen wash
- Check your vehicle's tyres
- Think about a winter kit for your car
- Consider alternative commuting plans for severe weather
- Heat your home to at least 18 degrees C
- Consider how you would access vital information
- Check you pipes are insulated
- Know where your stop tap is
- Think about what may be impacted by high winds
- Check if you are at risk of flooding
- Freeze a loaf of bread & a pint for times of bad weather.
Harleston Christmas Market & Lights Switch-On
forget Harleston’s Christmas Street
Market (10am to 6pm) on Saturday 2nd
December, the perfect place to find Christmas gifts and special goodies
before exploring Harleston’s wonderful shops. There will be stalls selling
food, drink and craft products as well as festive wreaths and Christmas trees.
The Lost Elves and The Grinch will be causing mayhem whilst
Too Many Cooks will provide pop-up entertainment with festive songs and carols.
Santa will be visiting his grotto at
Harleston Information Plus and St John’s has a Christmas Fair.
From 3.30pm The Thoroughfare will be filled with fairground
rides, community stalls and activities. Shops will be staying open late and
there will be surprise snow showers to delight kids of all ages. Sadly the
Molly Dancers can’t be with us but the Loddon Brass Band will be playing
festive favourites from 4.30pm, and the lights switch-on will be preceded by a
parade of colourful paper lanterns and fire performers The Thundermentals. The Christmas lights around town and the
Christmas tree (sponsored by Tudor Bakehouse and The Rustic Catering Company)
will be switched on at 5.30pm by a surprise guest.
For more details keep an eye on Harleston’s Future Facebook
Page or www.visitharleston.org.uk
Saturday, 4 November 2017
Christmas Event
Don't forget to buy your ticket for the Needham Village Christmas Event on Saturday 16 December.
Hot buffet, Desserts and Bar.
Music from Ipswich Hospital Brass Band.
Children’s Entertainer & Father Christmas.
Tickets available from:
Sandra & Glyn: 64 High Road. 01379 853887
Andrew & Helen: Mill Farm Cottage, Mill Lane. 01379 852958
Dianna: 6 The Common, Harleston. 01379 853825
New Broom
I'm delighted to announce that the Needham Link has a new editor. The next issue will be edited by Alan Jeffery.
If you would like to contribute anything to the Link please contact Alan via needhamlink@gmail.com
Many thanks to Alan for volunteering to take on this role. We look forward to your first edition in January.
Friday, 27 October 2017
From the Editor
I’m very sad to say that after six years as Editor this is my last Needham Link. I am even sadder that there has been no interest from anyone in the Village in taking over the editorship so I’m afraid Village events will only be advertised on the noticeboards or at www.needhamlink.co.uk
I should like to thank a few people without whose help I could not have produced the Link. Firstly, to Andrew, my husband, who drew cover pictures (some of them are on the centre spread) for most of the 36+ editions and also the pen pictures for the Village Hall and St Peter’s Church. I should also like to thank him for proof reading and spotting any typos although I’m sure a few got past us both! Another big thank you is to the team of distributors led by Sally Nicholson. Sally collects the 150+ copies from me and then not only delivers her own consignment of more than 40 copies but also makes sure that Robi Dove, Pauline Spinlove, Libby Troake and, until last year, Mr Hall, also receive their copies for delivery. And lastly, to the guest editors who helped out when I was away: Celia Snaith, Stephen Miller & Jim Woodger - thank you! If in the future anyone feels able to take on the it can be rewarding. I can still be contacted at needhamlink@gmail.com
The Friends of Needham Village Hall have been busy again and have organised a Christmas Party for the Village on Saturday 16 December. It promises to be another really good Village event. More details can be found elsewhere in this issue.
The Coffee Mornings at the Red Lion on the first Tuesday of every month continue to go from strength to strength. An enormous amount of money has been raised for a variety of charities. Congratulations to the organisers for all their hard work in making this such a successful venture both financially and socially.
There is a list of all the Parish Councillors in this edition. If you have any village issues, contact one of your Parish Councillors - contact details are included.
Finally, thanks for reading the Needham Link over the past 6 years!
A selection of covers from the past 6 years
(with thanks to Andrew Major)
Needham Carpet Bowls Club
Nine members attended the Summer League Presentation & Quiz evening held on 29 September at Alburgh Village Hall. Needham entered 2 teams for the quiz, coming 2nd & 5th.
On Friday 6 October we invited Pulham Market Bowls Club to play a friendly match. It was a very enjoyable evening.
The Winter League has now started but games arranged against Wortwell on 13 October and Occuld on 10 November have been cancelled by those teams. The two matches will now take place in Feb 2018.
We have been invited to play a friendly match at Rumburgh on Thursday 9 November.
Club evenings are held each Wednesday at Needham Village Hall starting at 7:30pm. New members are welcome.
Friends of Needham Village Hall

There will be a buffet with a selection of hot dishes plus desserts and a bar. Ipswich Hospital Brass Band will provide music, and there will be a children’s entertainer and face painting. We also expect a visit from Father Christmas. Please book in advance so that we know how many we have to cater for. Tickets can be bought from:
Sandra & Glyn: 64 High Road. 01379 853887
Andrew & Helen: Mill Farm Cottage, Mill Lane. 01379 852958
Dianna: 6 The Common, Harleston. 01379 853825
Harleston & District
Dementia Café & Support Group
AGM on Tuesday 14 Nov at 7:00pm at Malthouse Court, Harleston. Regular meetings on 3rd Tuesday of every month in the Piano Bar at the Swan Hotel.
Borderhoppa: Community Transport Service needs volunteers.
Please contact: 01379 854800
St Peter's Church
5 Nov Morning Prayer 11.00am
12 Nov Remembrance Service 6.00pm
19 Nov Morning Prayer 11.00am
26 Nov Holy Communion 9.30am
19 Nov Morning Prayer 11.00am
26 Nov Holy Communion 9.30am
3 Dec Morning Prayer 11.00am
10 Dec Morning Prayer 9.30am
17 Dec Carol Service 6pm
25 Dec Christmas Informal Holy Communion 11.00am
Rector: Revd Nigel Tuffnell - 01379 308905
Email: rector@7churches.org.uk
Website - www.7churches.org.uk
Facebook - www.facebook.com/7churches.org.uk
Administration - 01379 851148 - Email admin@7churches.org.uk
Friends of St Peter's Church
Friends of St Peter's Church
A meeting was held on 13 October. There are 17 members.
The AGM will be held on 11 May 2018 in the Library in Needham Village Hall.
The Christmas Coffee Evening will be held on 9 December at 7:00 pm at Robi Dove’s house ( 8 High Road). There will be cakes on sale as well as David Cunliffe’s Annual Quiz (£1.00). All the money raised on the night and from the quiz goes towards the Friends of St Peter’s for the upkeep of the church. If you are unable to attend the coffee evening but would like a quiz sheet please contact Pauline on 01379 853033.
Pauline Spinlove
Needham Action Group (NAG)
Community outdoor area update
Needham Action Group continues to work towards the establishment of an outdoor community space for the benefit of the whole village. Although there’s not much to see of all our hard work yet, we are assured by everyone that this is par for the course and once the paperwork is in place it will become relatively straightforward! Meanwhile, we are learning a lot and are increasingly hopeful that it won’t be long now before some real progress starts to show.
We are very excited to have found some excellent local craftsmen who would be willing to work on the project with us to create a truly unique and wonderful community facility and having identified some suitable funding streams we are raring to move into the next phase of the project. If all goes to plan, work will begin on the site in spring 2018, so (fingers crossed) we may yet find ourselves with our very own community outdoor area available for use by summer 2018!
And finally, we are always happy to welcome new members to the group, so if you are interested, have any skills that may help the project or want to have your say, please contact us and we will send you dates of future meetings and or workdays. Your help would be very much appreciated!
Fairlie Winship
Harleston Christmas Market & Lights Switch On
To mark the festive season Harleston will be holding another Street Market on Saturday 2nd December, with stalls selling food, drink and craft products clustered around this year’s Christmas tree in the Market Place and filling Exchange Street from 9.30am. There will be hot dogs, hot turkey and gammon rolls and burgers, hot mulled wine, cider and apple juice, delicious breads, pastries and cakes, pâtés and terrines, as well as craft stalls. The Lost Elves and The Grinch will be causing mayhem whilst Too Many Cooks singing group and other musicians will provide street entertainment during the day, and Santa will be visiting his grotto at Harleston Information Plus in Exchange Street. At 3pm The Thoroughfare will be closed to traffic and filled with fairground rides, community stalls and activities. Look out for a procession of paper lanterns, Old Gory Molly Dancers and musicians and fire jugglers, the Thundermentals, before the Christmas lights are switched on at 5.30pm. For more details keep an eye on Harleston’s Future Facebook Page or go to www.visitharleston.org.uk
…. to Helen & Joe Walker on the birth, on 2 October, of Charlotte, sister to Elliot & Felix.
Welcome to Needham, Charlotte! 🍾 🥂
Christmas Carols at The Red Lion
Come and join us on Sunday 3 December at 4:30pm for Christingle and sing-along carols followed by tea & cakes.
Everyone is welcome!
Red Lion Coffee Morning - Update

At the Coffee Morning on Tuesday 7 November Cheri Playne from the East Anglia Children’s Hospices is coming to give a talk about how we can help to raise money for the new centre they are building at Framlingham East.
We look forward to seeing you all at the next Coffee Morning at the Red Lion.
We would like to thank Helen Major for her hard work with the production of the Needham Link.
Angie Morrish
Hedgehog Update
You may remember an article about Horatio & Emma, Lady Hamilton, our two re-homed hedgehogs in the last edition of the Link. The food was disappearing every night but I was anxious to see just who was eating the delicious dried mealworms.
It was with a certain degree of excitement that I looked at the pictures taken on a night vision camera borrowed from a friend and saw that the food bowl was being visited by at least one hedgehog. I have yet to find any distinguishing features so I still don’t know whether only one or both of them are coming at different times. The camera does pick up other garden activities too. Fascinating!
Needham Village Christmas Party
Saturday 16th December
Start: 4pm
Hot buffet, Desserts and Bar.
Music from Ipswich Hospital Brass Band.
Children’s Entertainer & Father Christmas.
Tickets £7.50. children 11 and under free from:
Sandra & Glyn, 64 High Road. 01379 853887
Andrew & Helen, Mill Farm Cottage, Mill Lane.
01379 852958
Dianna, 6 The Common, Harleston. 01379 853825
Tuesday, 24 October 2017
Sunday, 22 October 2017
Needham Village Christmas Party
Saturday 16th December
Start: 4pm
Hot buffet, Desserts and Bar.
Music from Ipswich Hospital Brass Band.
Children’s Entertainer & Father Christmas.
Tickets £7.50. children 11 and under free from:
Sandra & Glyn, 64 High Road. 01379 853887
Andrew & Helen, Mill Farm Cottage, Mill Lane.
01379 852958
Dianna, 6 The Common, Harleston. 01379 853825
Needham Parish Council
The Council meeting held on Monday 25 September was an opportunity for village residents to raise issues that affect us all.
There have been reports of an increased number of sightings of rats in the High Road. It is not unusual at this time of the year to see rats that have been disturbed by harvesting. However, concern was expressed at the numbers being seen. The South Norfolk Council Community Protection Officer has been requested to write to residents living on the High Road where there have been the most sightings, requesting they make sure that anything such as pet food and fallen fruit from trees are not left out.
A number of residents have also complained at the annoyance of smoky bonfires, particularly where household rubbish is being burnt. Council advice is that bonfires are discouraged as there are many ways of disposing of waste without burning it. However, if you do have a bonfire it is your responsibility to make sure it does not cause a nuisance to neighbours; burn only dry garden waste and on no account should household rubbish be burnt.
On a positive note, many Parish Councils are now taking over duties that have up until now been the responsibility of District Councils. There are frequent complaints that undergrowth makes local footpaths inaccessible. The Parish Council is considering taking over responsibility for some footpath maintenance and would like to invite anyone interested to tender for the doing this on a specified number of paths. If you are interested please contact me.
It is hoped that at the next meting we will have a visit from a representative of Saffron Housing Association to talk about provision of affordable and rented property in the area. The next meeting will be at 7.30pm on Monday 27th November in the annex of the Village Hall.
Andrew Major
01379 852958
Needham Parish Councillors: 2017
Diane Clarke 108 High Road
Georgina Frost Larch House, Brook Lane
Andrew Major (Chairman) Mill Farm Cottage, Mill Lane
Rose Martin Skeetsmere House,
Upper Burnthouse Lane
Delwyn Snaith 133 High Road
Celia Snaith 133 High Road
Heidi Williams 83 High Road
01379 855405
The Parish Clerk is:
Philip Freeman philip.c.freeman@btinternet.com
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