An update on Derek Buttle.
Hello Needham Link!
As you are probably aware, Derek, a Needham resident since 1962 suffered a serious stroke at home in April 2016 and has been hospitalised ever since. I have tried to keep his near neighbours and friends updated on his progress but I would be grateful if the Needhamlink could spread the news further...
Dad/Derek has now been transferred to a nursing home in Norwich (no suitable vacancies nearer to home) as he will never be able to live an independent, solo life again. His mental capacity has not been impaired (discounting the anno domini effect!) but his mobility and swallow have been severely compromised and he is still very much in the 'grip' of post stroke fatigue.
He moved just prior to Christmas to Ivy Court so is still settling in - getting to know the staff - and just as important - the staff are getting to know him! He's always appreciative of visits (open visiting hours) and can read big print if anyone wants to send a card.
Ivy Court
Ivy Road
(very close to Norwich Community Hospital/UEA/Norfolk & Norwich Hospital)
Wishing all Needham residents a very healthy, happy and peaceful 2017!
God bless
Sue McCabe (nee Buttle)