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Tuesday, 28 February 2017

     Needham Village Link
    March/April 2017


From the Editor

There seems to be much happening in Needham at the moment.  The Needham Action Group which has been set up to establish a play area in the Village held its first event so that the community could have a say in the design of the play area.  It was a very well attended and successful afternoon.  There is a report in this issue.

In addition, the Friends of Needham Village Hall have launched a new programme with a variety of interesting events planned for the next few months.  Again, there is more information in this issue.

I was very pleased to receive an email from Derek Buttle’s daughter with an update on his progress after his stroke.  I, for one, have missed seeing Derek walking his much loved dog, Jade, along the lane.  I’m sure you would all join me in sending our best wishes to him.

The Parish Council was hoping to publish a directory of people in Needham who provide a service but since the last issue, I have only had one recommendation. 

This is from: 
Darren French, Treemenders
Tree Surgery, tree consultancy, stump grinding and firewood . 07905 750 070 

Derek Buttle

From Sue McCabe - Derek’s daughter)

As you are probably aware, Derek, a Needham resident since 1962 suffered a serious stroke at home in April 2016.
Derek has now been transferred to a nursing home in Norwich as he will never be able to live an independent, solo life again. His mental capacity has not been impaired but his mobility and swallow have been severely compromised and he is still very much in the 'grip' of post stroke fatigue.
He is settling in OK.  He has had one spell back in N&N since last writing with pneumonia but battles on.  We moved his exercise bike into his room and despite the fact that he can't walk as his balance is severely affected he manages somehow to drag/crawl from bed to the bike, cycle for 25 mins every other day (increasing the resistance each week, of course!), fall back off said bike and crawl back to chair/bed!

The nursing staff would not believe us when we told them that he was using the bike (“impossible - he can't manage and my staff would see…”) and then he was 'discovered' at 5am one morning by a surprised night worker.

His swallow is  severely compromised and although he was 'risk feeding' prior to his last admission into hospital, he has now been put on a strict nil by mouth regime and 100% peg fed.  Quite how long he will tolerate this again I don't know, but at the moment, three weeks into it, he remains surprisingly compliant.

All in all, he is in quite good spirits - I'm not  sure if he fully appreciates that he'll never be able to live independently again and none of us 'kids' want to burst his bubble.  The nursing home is very new and the accommodation and public areas are lovely.  Staff seem to be caring.

He often talks of Needham village life and the people and we reminisce right back to when I lived at home with my horses (1974) and beyond!

He wishes all who know him, and especially his fellow dog walkers, a very happy and healthy 2017 and God's Blessings.  He would love to hear or have visits from anyone from the village.  

His address is:
Ivy Court
Ivy Road
NR5 8BF  
(very close to Norwich Community Hospital/UEA/Norfolk & Norwich Hospital)





                 SUNDAY 2ND APRIL 2017
                    10AM TO 4PM




   ADULT £2.50        -   CHILDREN FREE     -       

Needham Action Group. Community Design Event

Needham Action Group

Community Design Event
It was a beautifully bright and clear day that provided the backdrop to Needham Action Group’s Community Design Event at the Coronation Village Hall in early February. To match the weather there was a fine turnout as many residents dropped in to have their say on how they would like our community outdoor space to be. We had created a scale map of the proposed ground with a variety of miniature equipment and facilities to demonstrate the possibilities. Visitors were invited to participate in the design plans by marking with coloured pins on the map their own layout ideas. As well as being a fun and interactive way of finding out people’s views, this also inspired much discussion: not only about ideas specific to this project, but wider community ideas and aspirations for the future direction of community life here in Needham.
All in all it was a highly enjoyable afternoon with delicious cakes aplenty, buckets of tea and a thrilling game of bingo to boot!
Thank you to all those who supported the event by coming along – it was wonderful to meet you and hear your views. Thank you also to Ruby and Amber for running the community cafe so impeccably, Steve for the best bingo calling this side of the Waveney, Chloe for beautiful facepainting, Fern and the crew for fabulous circus skills, and of course Niki, Fairlie, Fariba and Genevieve for all of your hard work in creating this event and in the project as a whole.  
If you are interested in the project or would like to join Needham Action Group, please contact Everyone is welcome!

Needham Parish Council

Meeting 16 January 2017

I am pleased to report that Needham Parish Council again have a full complement of seven Parish Councillors.  At the January meeting Georgina Frost was welcomed onto the Parish Council to fill the remaining Casual Vacancy. 

It is the duty at the January meeting to set the precept for the coming year.  This is the sum of money received out of the Council Tax to finance the Parish Council.  Once again, the precept was left at the existing level.  

The next Parish Council meeting will be held at 7.30 on Monday 20th March in the annex at the Village Hall.  As usual the meeting will open with a Public Forum when residents are able to raise matters of concern to the village.

Andrew Major, Chairman

Needham Parish Councillors

Diane Clarke -    108 High Road.  852603
Georgina Frost -  Larch House, Brook Lane.
Andrew Major-   (Chairman)   Mill Farm Cottage, Mill Lane. 852 958
Rose Martin-       Skeetsmere House, Upper Burnt House Lane
Delwyn Snaith-  133 High Road. 851987
Celia Snaith-       133 High Road, 851987
Heidi Williams-  83 High Road. 855405
Philip Freeman-  (Parish Clerk)

Harleston & District Dementia Café & Support Group

We are also pleased to announce that we will be launching our café and support group on Thursday 20th April 2017. This will take place on the third Thursday every month and will be held in the Swift Piano Bar, The Swan Hotel, Harleston from 2pm until 4pm.
In the meantime we are holding an informal meeting for the wonderful people who have volunteered to help at our café and support group. This will take place on Thursday March 9th 2017 at 7pm at Malthouse Court Estate Office. We are always looking for volunteers; if you feel that you could offer any help, please contact us.
For further information, please contact  01379 676557 or 07462 229920


The perennial problem of speeding is being addressed by Beat Manager Andy Barkway who is putting together a speeding initiative.  In recent correspondence he said “I shall pay the area (Needham, High Road) some attention.”  Let’s hope that we see some police presence in the area and action taken against inconsiderate and dangerous drivers.

PC Barkway can be contacted at Diss Police Station (Tel 101 ext 2771)

Friends of St Peter's Church

St Peter's  Church in Needham is in good condition but some of the staff are in need of a rest. The current Treasurer has been at the task for over twenty years which means a new member is required.  So we are looking for   volunteers for a very interesting career.  

Please contact G Miller at 01379852059

Friends of Needham Village Hall


In order to help safeguard the long term viability of their village hall, the Friends of Needham Village Hall are launching an entertainment programme at the venue this Spring for the enjoyment of residents.  The pilot programme consists of a talk on Dick Turpin by local history author and Needham resident, Stephen Poulter, an afternoon tea entertainment about the history of our national obsession with tea and a music evening featuring talented young classical guitarist, Peter Turrell.  

The Hall is currently home to quite a few groups and to regular private bookings. But we should like to attract more villagers to the hall and recruit additional volunteers to help with running and maintaining the Hall.  

Forthcoming Events
Saturday 1st April at 7.30pm Stephen Poulter will give a lively and entertaining presentation contrasting the myth which has grown up over the last 150 years about the ‘gentleman highwayman’, Dick Turpin, with the true story of one of history's most notorious robbers who was also a murderous thug. He also tells the tales of a number of other highway robbers around the country whose exploits were later attributed to Turpin. 
   Tickets - £5  including a free first drink from the bar

Tuesday 9th May at 3pm - Everything Stops For Tea – a light-hearted entertainment telling the story of our favourite beverage in words and music Tickets -  £8 including afternoon tea. 

Friday 9th June at 7.30pm - Classical guitarist Peter Turrell from Norwich will be playing a mixture of modern instrumental and classical pieces 
   Tickets - £7 including a free first drink from the bar. 

Tickets can be purchased from Harleston Information Plus, 8 Exchange Street, Harleston or by phone:  (01379) 851917

For further information: Stephen Poulter  (01379) 308932


David’s Bird Quiz was well supported selling 63 quizzes making £63.00.  We had 12 returns from which there were 2 winners with 49 correct out of 50 questions.
Janet Kefford and Mark Timms with Sarah Day.

Thank you Olive for checking the answers and also for giving the Prizes.
Last, but not least, thank you David Cunliff without whom it wouldn’t happen.

Needham Red Lion Coffee Mornings

Needham Red Lion Coffee Mornings

Thank you for your continued support.  Over 50 people attended the February Coffee morning.  It was good to welcome new faces as well as the regulars.

Thank you also to those who always give raffle prizes and to the faithfull cake makers.

After our last big push to raise nearly £3000 for All Hallows Hospice we have now decided to raise money to purchase toys for the Salvation Army for children in the UK who need help.  We will continue to support St Peter’s Church.

We look forward to seeing you at the next coffee morning which will be on the first Tuesday of March.

Coffee mornings are held in the Red Lion n the 1st Tuesday of every month from 10:00-12:00. Coffee & homemade cake - £2.00

Needham Coffee Morning Team

St Peter's Church

Church Services & Events

1   March -  St John’s Harleston (Ash Wednesday)
                   Ashing & Holy Communion
5   March  - Morning Prayer  11:00
12 March  - Morning Prayer  09:30
19 March  - Morning Prayer  11:00
26 March  - Mothers’ Day Holy Communion  09:30

 2  April    -  Morning Prayer  11:00
 9  April     - Morning Prayer  09:30
13 April     - St John’s Harleston (Maundy Thursday)
                    Holy Communion  6:30pm
14 April     - Good Friday, Devotional Half Hour 11:00
16 April     - Easter Holy Communion  09:30
23 April     - Morning Prayer  11:00
30 April     - Holy Communion  09:30
30 April     - St Mary’s Redenhall
                   Benefice Holy Communion  10:30

New group for children/carers  will be starting on 4 March at St Peter’s.  More details to follow in the next edition of the Needham Link and on our Facebook page

Rector:       Nigel Tuffnell
                  Tel: 01379 308905 Email:
Office:       Lucy Elton-Cooke (Mon-Fri 09:00 - 13:00)
                  Tel: 01379 851148  Email:
Twitter:      twitter.com7churches@RedScole

March/April Issue

The March/April issue of the Needham Link will be here from 16:30 today (28 February).