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Friday, 19 May 2017

Harleston & Waveney Art Trail 2017

The Harleston & Waveney Art Trail (Open Studios) will take place over 3 weekends.

Studios will be open from 11am - 6pm 
24-25 June
1-2 July
8-9 July
Needham residents, Rose Martin (Skeetsmere House, Upper Burnt House Lane) , Gill Levin (Tithe Barn, Mill Lane) & ex-Needham resident, Vicky Townley (The Old King's Head, Brockdish) will be showing their art over these weekends. 

Details on

Rose Martin

Rose Martin

Tuesday, 2 May 2017

Needham Village Link
May/June 2017

Your art work could

 feature here!


From the Editor

It is with great sadness that I report the death of Sylvia Miller after illness.  Sylvia served Needham for many years as a valued member of the Parish Council, a Trustee of the Townsland Trust and also a member of the Friends of St Peter’s Church where she was a regular worshippper. Our condolences go to Sylvia’s husband of over 60years, George, and their family.  On a personal note, George & Sylvia were among the first people we got to know when we came to Needham in 2004 and a nicer couple it would be hard to find. 
A funeral service will be held at St Peter’s church on Saturday 6 May at 12:00. 

I have noticed quite a lot of fly tipping at various locations in the village.  It is possible to report fly tipping on the South Norfolk website at 

Last year our family enjoyed a morning out at Shotford Hall Farm.  It is a really interesting and fun day for all ages. See the poster on the back cover.

Would you like to have a piece of your artwork on the cover of the Link?  If so, please email

Because of family commitments, publication of this issue of the Link has been delayed.  I’m afraid this may happen on a frequent basis until a new Editor is found!  If you are interested in taking on the role either as a guest editor or on a permanent basis, please email 


Local Services

  • SM Fencing has been fencing for over 20 years.  SM Fencing offer agricultural, equine, ecological & domestic fencing services. Contact: Simon Mutimer on 01379 854292

  • Darren French, Treemenders. Tree Surgery, tree consultancy, stump grinding and firewood  07905 750 070 

Needham Carpet Bowls Club

Our Annual Dinner & Presentation evening was held at the Red Lion, Needham.  It was an enjoyable evening with lovely food and good company.
Trophy Winners:
Ladies Singles:            Angela Taylor
Gents Singles :            Brian Carlile
Pairs               :            Harold Jefferson & Derek Chinery
Mary Howlett trophy:  John Kuzmic

The Winter league has now been completed and our club competition for 2017 is now in progress.

On 6 April ten members went to Rumburgh Bowls Club to compete in a return friendly match.  Our AGM at which a new committee was elected, was held on 22 March.

Committee members:
Chairperson:          Frances Button
Vice-Chairperson : Delwyn Snaith
Captain:                 John Kuzmic
Vice-Captain:         Harold Jefferson
Treasurer:               Jean Youell

We do not enter the Summer League but will be entering the Winter League and the Knockout Cup again.  We also play friendly matches against local clubs if possible.

Club evenings are held every Wednesday at Needham Village Hall starting at 7:30pm.  All equipment is supplied.  Do come along and have a go - you would be most welcome.


Needham Coronation Village Hall

At the Annual Meeting of the Friends of Needham Village Hall a new committee was elected.
Chairperson:              Andrew Major
Vice-Chairperson:      Steve Neaves
Secretary:                   Angela Taylor
Treasurer:                   Helen Walker
Letting Secretary:       Jean Youell
Committee members: Glyn Jordan & Dennis Taylor

The committee still needs new members to ensure that the Village Hall remains a viable community asset.
If you would like to join us come to the next meeting on Monday 12 June at 7:30pm

Save the Day: The Annual Village BBQ will be held on Sunday 13 August

Everything Stops for Tea: An entertainment with words, poetry & music which reveals the history of our favourite beverage accompanied by a traditional English afternoon tea.
Tuesday 9 May at 3:00pm Tickets £8.00 including afternoon tea  from Harleston Information Centre or on the door.

Please support YOUR Village Hall!

Harleston & District Dementia Friendly Community

2nd Birthday Celebrations
We celebrate our 2nd birthday in May, which coincides with National Dementia Awareness Week. Therefore to celebrate, we will be holding a fundraising cake stall event outside the Swan Hotel, on Saturday 20th May. We would be extremely grateful for any donations of delicious homemade cakes! 

Harleston & District Dementia Café & Support Group
Don’t forget that our café & support group is open on the 3rd Thursday of every month at the Swift Piano Bar at the Swan Hotel, Harleston, 2pm – 4pm with our next session on Thursday 18th May. 
For further information please contact 01379 676557 or 07462 229920

Harleston Cinema

Thursday 25th May 2017
Fences.    Drama (12A)   139 mins.

Fences is an American drama film based on a Pulitzer Prize-winning play written by August Wilson and starring Denzel Washington and Viola Davis.  Denzel Washington directs.

This is a tale of a struggling family living in Pittsburgh in the 1950’s.  A working-class African-American father, embittered by his own missed opportunities creates further tension in his family when he squashes his son’s chance to meet a college football recruiter.  Brilliant acting!

Thursday 22nd June 2017
Sully (PG13)  96 mins

On 15 Jan 2009 Capt Chelsea “Sully” Sullenberger (Tom Hanks) tries to make an emergency landing in New York’s Hudson River after US Airways Flight 1549 strikes a flock of geese.  Miraculously, all of the 155 passengers and crew survive the harrowing ordeal.  Sullenberger becomes a national hero in the eyes of the public and the media.  Despite the accolades, the famed pilot now faces an investigation that threatens to destroy his career and reputation. Directed by Clint Eastwood and starring Tom Hanks & Aaron Eckhart.

Thursday 27th July 2017
Beauty and the Beast.  (PG) 129 mins.

Disney’s ‘Beauty and the Beast’ is a live-action re-telling of the studio’s animated classic.  Emma Watson has the perfect soulfulness to bring your dream of Belle to life.  The tale may be as old as time but it’s retold with freshness and flair.
All films are shown on the fourth Thursday of the month at the Masonic Room in Harleston.
Matinee: Doors open at 1.30pm, film starts at 2.00pm.
Evening: Doors open at 7.00pm, film starts at 7.30pm.
To book seats and for further information, please ring Harleston Information Plus on 01379 851917.

There will be no film in August.

St Peter's News

A new venture called Bumble Teas Church has been launched at St Peter’s Church. It will take place on the 1st Saturday of each month from 2pm - 4pm.  The next date is 6 May followed by 3 June.

The new group is for children of all ages.  If grandchildren are visiting grandparents in the village they too are welcome. Refreshments are available and there’s a chance for parents to get to know one another whilst the children can have time to play games, listen to stories and do crafts.  There is no charge for this afternoon so please come along and join in.
Gill Powell

A word from one of the Mums: “The theme for the last Bumble Teas church was Easter.  The children started by making an Easter garden and they really enjoyed getting stuck into the mud and planting.  Next was colouring in bunnies which once completed gave them entry to the Easter egg hunt in the church yard.  The churchyard was beautiful on a sunny day and it was a safe place for the children to explore and, apart from the sound of children’s giggles and shouts, was very peaceful. Once back inside the church they tucked into some yummy snacks and drinks before some free play.  The table football proved very popular.  We ended the session with the children joining in the story of Easter and each child was given a Palm Cross to take home.  The adults happily chatted and enjoyed getting to know each other over a coffee.  Good fun was had by all!”

Needham Parish Council

The Needham Annual Parish Council meeting will take place on Monday 15 May at 7:30pm in the Village Hall.
This is an opportunity to hear what your Parish Council has done over the last year and to meet your District & County Councillors.
Everybody is welcome.

Friends of St Peter's Church

The A.G.M will be held on on 12 May at  3pm  in the Village Hall. We hope some old and new Friends will come and support us. I think the Friends will NO longer be able to carry on if we don’t get help. Over the years we have raised money for a new roof, guttering and drainage,and replaced the curtains  and carpets,. A disabled ramp was the last thing to be done making it easier for wheelchairs.The annual fee is £5 to be a Friend.  We have a meeting 2-3 times a year. If you wish to contact someone please phone 01379 853033 and we will answer any questions you may have.

Pauline Spinlove

St Peter's Church

The AGM for St Peter’s Church was held on 16 March by kind permission of George Miller at his home.  At the meeting George resigned as treasurer.  St Peter’s Church would like to record their gratitude for all the hard work done by both George and his late wife Sylvia over very many years.

Gillian Powell has taken on the position of secretary and there is a temporary treasurer.  If anyone would be willing to take up the post of treasurer please contact the Reverend Nigel Tuffnell on 01379 308905

If you would like to donate to the Food Bank please leave items at the church.  Plastic bottle tops are also welcome as they are recycled for charities.

Gill Powell

Open Farm Sunday