The Council meeting held on Monday 25 September was an opportunity for village residents to raise issues that affect us all.
There have been reports of an increased number of sightings of rats in the High Road. It is not unusual at this time of the year to see rats that have been disturbed by harvesting. However, concern was expressed at the numbers being seen. The South Norfolk Council Community Protection Officer has been requested to write to residents living on the High Road where there have been the most sightings, requesting they make sure that anything such as pet food and fallen fruit from trees are not left out.
A number of residents have also complained at the annoyance of smoky bonfires, particularly where household rubbish is being burnt. Council advice is that bonfires are discouraged as there are many ways of disposing of waste without burning it. However, if you do have a bonfire it is your responsibility to make sure it does not cause a nuisance to neighbours; burn only dry garden waste and on no account should household rubbish be burnt.
On a positive note, many Parish Councils are now taking over duties that have up until now been the responsibility of District Councils. There are frequent complaints that undergrowth makes local footpaths inaccessible. The Parish Council is considering taking over responsibility for some footpath maintenance and would like to invite anyone interested to tender for the doing this on a specified number of paths. If you are interested please contact me.
It is hoped that at the next meting we will have a visit from a representative of Saffron Housing Association to talk about provision of affordable and rented property in the area. The next meeting will be at 7.30pm on Monday 27th November in the annex of the Village Hall.
Andrew Major
01379 852958
Needham Parish Councillors: 2017
Diane Clarke 108 High Road
Georgina Frost Larch House, Brook Lane
Andrew Major (Chairman) Mill Farm Cottage, Mill Lane
Rose Martin Skeetsmere House,
Upper Burnthouse Lane
Delwyn Snaith 133 High Road
Celia Snaith 133 High Road
Heidi Williams 83 High Road
01379 855405
The Parish Clerk is:
Philip Freeman