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Sunday, 11 March 2018

Daffodil Open Garden

Well worth a visit to lift the spirit after a cold few weeks!

Over 2 acres of woodland and gardens leading down to the banks of the river Waveney

Sunday 25th March

10am to 4pm

The old Coach House
The Street Brockdish

In aid of EAAA,  EACH,  Prostate Cancer, St Elizabeth Hospice and local charities

Adults £2.50
Children Free with an adult

Teas, Cakes, Jams, Crafts, Raffle, Tombola.

Thursday, 8 March 2018

Harleston & District Dementia Friendly Community

April News
Don’t forget that our café & support group is open on the 3rd Thursday of every month at the Swift Piano Bar at the Swan Hotel, Harleston, 2pm – 4pm with our next session on Thursday 19th April 2018
This month our Café is kindly sponsored by the  Coop

We provide refreshments, cakes and stimulating activities fully supported by our volunteers. Please be assured of a very warm, friendly welcome to everyone.
Dementia Lunches
In May we plan to start having Dementia Lunches on the 1st Thursday of the month, we will be offering a 2 course meal in pleasant and comfortable  surroundings at a very low cost.
Dementia Business  Awareness Training
In the next couple of months we will be holding some more Free Business Training at The Swan Hotel, Harleston, if you or your staff would like to attend, you would be most welcome. Register for your place please.
Annual General Meeting
This will be held at Malthouse Court (Communal Block)  on the 24th April at 7pm . Everyone welcome and refreshments will be served.

For further information on any of the above please contact 01379 676557

Wednesday, 7 March 2018

Easter Egg Hunt

Join us on Saturday 31 March at 2:00pm at St Peter's Church for an Easter Egg Hunt.  Children - free.  Tea/coffee for parents/carers.

Sunday, 4 March 2018

Derek Buttle

Please could you publish notice of Derek Buttle's (my father) Celebration of Life party - tea and cake at Needham Village Hall on Friday 11th May, 1pm to 4pm. 
All who knew him very much welcomed - but would like some idea of numbers for catering. 
I can be contacted on 01379 851919 - Sue McCabe. 
Thank you!

Friday, 2 March 2018

Message from South Norfolk Council

“Due to the disruption caused by the adverse weather we have a backlog of over 50,000 bins to collect.  Please bear with us and If your bin has not been collected leave it out and we will empty it as soon as possible. 
To help us catch up normal collections from Monday 5 March, for all customers, will be two days late with the exception of Friday 9 March which will be collected on Monday 12 March. 
We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause.”

Thursday, 1 March 2018

Needham Village Link

March/April 2018


I am writing this from my sick bed, having gone down with the winter flu. I was hoping to get away with it having had the flu vaccination in early November. No such luck!
I should like to thank everyone who sent their good wishes for the publication and praised the last edition. Of course, the quality of the magazine depends very much on the type of material you submit. I am pleased to say that I’ve received a bumper crop of articles on a range of topics affecting Needham. This has meant that I’ve had to hold over a few items until next time, notably: The House Detectives Come to Needham and the Listing for Needham Businesses.
The main article this month is about our celebrated artist/musician whose work has enhanced the life of not only villagers but people from further afield. The illustrations speak for themselves and the picture on the cover: ‘Spring is Here’ is a cheerful reminder of what we hopefully can expect over the next couple of months.
As you will see most of the articles are very positive, reflecting all the work that goes on behind the scenes to ensure that Needham remains an interesting and dynamic place to live. It is particularly pleasing to see all the effort that is being made on behalf of local children and the uncovering of our rich heritage. I had to include the John Hillaby quote opposite which I believe reflects the quality of life in Needham.
The only negative responses I’ve received have been pleas from residents on the western side of the village whose lives are being blighted by illegal bonfires of household rubbish (see Page 11).  If you have been affected by these fires, you should make your views known to the Parish Council who are already investigating this nuisance.
Please note that the deadline for receipt of articles for the next edition is: Friday 20th April 2018

                  Alan Jeffery

Needham Community Heritage Project Launch

No previous experience is required - just a genuine interest in and enthusiasm for finding out about the history of your local community, and some spare time. Anyone aged from 15 years upwards will be welcome and you don’t need to live in either village to participate. We are particularly looking for a current or past Brockdish resident who is willing to co-ordinate the research efforts for their village
The Needham & Brockdish Community Heritage Project has just submitted an application for a grant from the Heritage Lottery ‘Sharing Heritage’ Fund with the help of the new Waveney Valley Heritage Centre which will also act as the base for most of the activities and meetings.

The plan is to start with a research period accessing documents, maps, photographs and records both online at the County Archives in Norfolk and Suffolk which will then need to be interpreted, transcribed, copied, digitised and/or photographed to be deposited in a new local archive being set up at the Heritage Centre.

We will be running informal workshops and talks about various aspects of using archive and doing historical research for volunteers to attend. We’d obviously be delighted to hear from people who have had previously researched in the areas of local and family history to share their knowledge and expertise with their neighbours.

Subject to the levels of funding we can access, our aim is to organise a public exhibition and talk on the historical material uncovered, followed by the launch of a new website dedicated to Brockdish and Needham’s past and eventually the publishing of a book on the history of the two settlements.
If you can’t attend the meeting on 4th March but wish to get involved in the project, then please email the co-ordinator Stephen Poulter on 

Au Revoir Harleston Social & Wine Club

Harleston Social & Wine Club - its origins going back to the nineteen sixties, has been hiring Needham Coronation Village Hall for monthly meetings for the past seventeen years and what changes we have witnessed over those years, to our club and to the village hall itself!  We can recall the old toilets and long before the annex was built. 
The improvements to the old hall have been amazing, all due to the hard work done by the Management Committee of the day.
The hall has suited all the requirements of our club, with the well equipped kitchen to the library, where we used to hold our wine competitions when most of our members were home wine makers.  In those days we would invite members from other wine clubs from around East Anglia, in May for a buffet supper and October for a Cheese and Wine evening, having wine competitions at each event. Everyone loved coming to Needham Hall.  We could have up to seventy members and guests to cater for and entertain.
As our members have ‘matured’ over the years we had to cut down on these activities and have just kept these events, plus others, to ourselves.  Winemaking stopped several years ago but the social part has kept going. 
As our membership has gradually reduced, decisions had to be made about the future of the club. Sadly, in February this year, 2018, at our AGM, it was decided to close our club; so our happy association with Needham Village Hall comes to an end.  Some of us hope to keep in touch at the Needham Summer BBQ so it’s farewell for now.
Many thanks to all those people who keep Needham Village Hall running.
Long may it last.

Brenda Hider (HarlestonSocial & Wine Club Secretary

St Peter's Church

St Peter’s, Needham Church Services
4th March    Morning Prayer 11.00am
11th March  Mothering Sunday Service 9.30am
18th March  Morning Prayer 11.00am
25th March  Holy Communion  9.30am
28th March  Evening Devotions 6.30pm
30th March  Good Friday Devotional Half Hour 1pm
1st April       Easter Day Holy Communion 11.00am   
8th April       Morning Prayer 9.30am
15th April     Morning Prayer 11.00am
22nd April    Holy Communion 9.30am

29th April     At St John's, Benefice Holy Communion 10.30am

Rector: Revd Nigel Tuffnell – 01379 308905. Email:
Admin: 01379851148.

Church News
Just a reminder that the AGM for St.Peter's Church is on March 8th at 7 p.m at 44 High Road, home of George Miller. Christmas has been and gone, but St.Peter's must say a couple of thank yous to Michael at  the Red Lion for donating a lovely Christmas tree to the church, to Sue & Joe for having Christingles & Carols and providing a free tea at the pub, a good time was had by all.
Another thank you must go to Sandra Jordon who worked hard organising the Psada at Christmas and to everyone who agreed to give Mary & Joseph shelter for the night until they arrived at the church for the carol service which was well attended.  Coffee & nibbles were enjoyed after the service.
  Gill Powell

Sad News for St.Peters, Charles Chenery who has been a faithful servant to St.Peter's church since 1964 when he started to play the organ after his uncle stood down, is moving to Wroxham in the summer. He also has been church warden since 1983 and he also took over as treasurer last year when George Miller gave it up. It’s a sad day for St.Peter's who are losing two very important people who have faithfully served the church for so many years and they both will be sorely missed. St.Peter's are hoping to hold a service for them both when we have a date for Charles last service. Once the PCC has been informed. we will announce the date & time.
As the PCC are losing two members soon, if anybody would like to take on the treasury post, please contact Reverend Nigel Tuffnell.  You do not have to be a regular church goer but someone who would be happy to keep the books in order for the church.

Friends of St Peter's
Friends of St Peters Church would like to thank everyone who took part in the Christmas –New Year quiz.  We have two joint winners with 50 corrrect answers: Doug and Joan Grant and Mark Tims and Sarah Day. Well done. This was the first time we had 50 out of 50 correct answers. Two joint runners up with 49 half correct answers - Sonia Whatling and Linda Sydenham. Three with 49 correct: B. Gowland, John Kuzmic and Janet Kefford.  We had 11 answers returned to be checked by Olive Hudson. The quiz made £66-00  which was very good.
Thank you Olive for giving the bottles of wine as the prize, also thank you David Cunliffe for putting the quiz together for the Friends. As you can see from the money we made £1.00 a quiz, people are keen to buy one and enjoy doing over the Christmas - New Year holidays.
  Pauline Spinlove