As memories of summer fade we can turn our thoughts to autumn and winter when the Village will be hosting a number of activities. The Remembrance Event on 10th
November will follow last year’s successful format but will commemorate
the 80th anniversary of the start of WW2. It will begin with a talk on the
Home Front followed by the service and beacon lighting. Soup and rolls in
the Village Hall will be accompanied by films and music from the period.
The Parish Council has kindly donated funds for research to be
conducted into the lives of the four servicemen whose names appear on
the WW2 plaque in St Peter’s Church so that further information will be
given about them in forthcoming presentations.
As you will see, our seasonal festival has been changed this year with a
Twelfth Night Celebration on 4th January where we hope to blow away
those post-Christmas blues with good food and drink with entertainment
from the celebrated Norfolk folk duo: Chanter’s Jigge – full details in the
next edition.
We now have an opportunity to upgrade the Village’s broadband which is
the slowest I’ve ever encountered. Do have a serious look at the offer
being made by County Broadband in this edition which will greatly
enhance not only the speed of your computer but also the performance of
your television and phone.
I was delighted to read of the success of the Garage Sale in September
which raised much-needed funds for the Needham Nook and the Norfolk
Ambulance Rescue Service. The proposed Community Social Calendar is
a very welcome development that will help to coordinate the social
activities of the Village.
The Church will be hosting this year’s Christingle which will be followed
by a candle-lit procession through the Village and finish at the Red Lion
where there will be food and drink a plenty.