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Thursday, 25 February 2021

Leo is missing

 Have you seen Leo?  Please look in sheds & outbuildings in case he’s been shut in. 

Thursday, 18 February 2021

Needham Village Link - March 2021


Needham Carpet Bowls Club - Celia Snaith


Editorial by Alan Jeffery


Seven Churches


Useful Information


Parish Councillor Contact Details


Beast from the East visits Needham (1)


Beast from the East visits Needham (2)


What's On


County Broadband - an update


A Poem for Spring by Chris Poulter


Environment - Georgina Frost

 Q. How can we reduce our carbon footprint? A. Sign up to the Gikitool (see below)

We are all concerned about changes in our climate and the impact on our lives and the lives of our today’s children. To help us understand what we can each do to prevent it getting much worse a Climate Action Project has been set up by Norfolk ALC (Association of Local Councils) to promote and advise on actions to reduce CO2 emissions by an average of 10% per person before the next COP26 UN Climate Conference in November. Norfolk ALC has teamed up with Gikizero and hope that it is widely used across Norfolk,The Gikiwebsite was set up in 2017 by a local couple to make it easy for ordinary people to find ways to reduce their carbon emissions. It is free, simple and tells you what actions are most effective. It will then calculate what savings you make through your actions. It has been recommended by UN climate champions.

More information can be found on the website:

The Heroes & Villains at 102 High Road

 During the past year you have probably noticed the changes that have taken place with the demolition of 102, High Rd and its replacement with two new detached houses Over the years, the White House, as it was known, has been the home to many retail businesses and colourful characters.As early as the 1850s it was operated as grocers by the Kingsbury family. In 1864 Charles Kingsbury (60) was charged with stealing oats to the value of one shilling from a local farm. He was found guilty and imprisoned for six weeks with hard labour.It was later run as a grocer and sweet shop by Mr & Mrs Ransome Their son, Bawden, transferred the Post Office there in the 1950s. It was subsequently run by Mrs Baker, then Misses Jeanne & Odette Fergusson between 1959-64.In the 1970s and 80s it was taken over by Mr & Mrs Buttle. During 

that time there was an attempted burglary and Derek Buttle gave chase in his pyjamas and bare feet and, having caught up with the burglar, made a citizen’s arrest. Although the burglar was half Mr Buttles’ age, Derek trained regularly at Diss Athletics Club and had no difficulty in catching the thief. At Diss court Derek was praised for his actions by the police and the magistrate. In November 1979 he and his family were given bravery and cash awards by the Post Office.

All change at the White House


Needham Parish Council

Meeting on 11 January 2021 

The effects of the flooding that occurred over Christmas were foremost on the agenda of the meeting held by Zoom on 11 January. The Parish Council had already been in contact with the Highway Engineer for South Norfolk. He carried out an inspection of the impact of the flooding in the village on the 7 January and arranged for immediate clearing up operations to begin with other issues being passed to the Flood and Water Management Team. Also, together with a village resident, I met with our County Councillor, Martin Wilbyto look at problems relating to the culvert under the High Road opposite White House Farm. Martin also joined us at the beginning of the Council meeting. He reported that a review is to be carried out of how all agencies and authorities performed and what should be done to prevent such devastating events happening again. The Parish Council has requested that we are consulted once the terms of the review are agreed. We are grateful to those village residents who came to the aid of others when the flooding was at its worse.

The January meeting is when the precept, the amount of money the Parish Council is to receive, is decided. Today, the Parish Council is taking on more of the tasks that in the past it might have been expected the District Council would have carried out. These include; keeping footpaths cleared and the Nook mown, emptying dog waste bins, paying the insurance on the play equipment and for an annual safety inspection. In order to maintain finances in accordance with the advice of the auditor it was agreed to increase the precept by £1,500.

Andrew Major

Red Lion Food