Meeting on 11 January 2021
The effects of the flooding that occurred over Christmas were foremost on the agenda of the meeting held by Zoom on 11 January. The Parish Council had already been in contact with the Highway Engineer for South Norfolk. He carried out an inspection of the impact of the flooding in the village on the 7 January and arranged for immediate clearing up operations to begin with other issues being passed to the Flood and Water Management Team. Also, together with a village resident, I met with our County Councillor, Martin Wilby, to look at problems relating to the culvert under the High Road opposite White House Farm. Martin also joined us at the beginning of the Council meeting. He reported that a review is to be carried out of how all agencies and authorities performed and what should be done to prevent such devastating events happening again. The Parish Council has requested that we are consulted once the terms of the review are agreed. We are grateful to those village residents who came to the aid of others when the flooding was at its worse.
The January meeting is when the precept, the amount of money the Parish Council is to receive, is decided. Today, the Parish Council is taking on more of the tasks that in the past it might have been expected the District Council would have carried out. These include; keeping footpaths cleared and the Nook mown, emptying dog waste bins, paying the insurance on the play equipment and for an annual safety inspection. In order to maintain finances in accordance with the advice of the auditor it was agreed to increase the precept by £1,500.
Andrew Major