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Monday, 14 February 2022

Roundabout Roadworks


Highways Scheme – PMB316 A143 High Road Roundabout – Carriageway resurfacing due to the carriageway beginning to crack. 
I would like to make you aware of the works and the attached Road Closure and Diversion Route Plan for the above scheme, which will be sent out 2 weeks prior to construction which starts on 7th March 2022 for a duration of 5 weeks. I thought it best to send it to you first so that you can view the information prior to it being sent out to local residents and businesses.
I hope you find this satisfactory and If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to get in contact.

Harrison Matthews EngTech MICE, Engineer
Highway Projects  
Tel: 01603 222893 


Wednesday, 2 February 2022

Needham Village Link

January/ February 2022


Inside this newsletter, we receive a commemorative plaque

and  we welcome a new editor.

New Year - New start

As  the Needham Link has no editor at the moment there is no editorial. However, the good news is that the next edition will have an editor in the shape of Tom Barber, a new resident of the village, who has volunteered to take on the position.  The Link has been Needham’s newsletter for very many years. Hazel Newman, David Cunliffe, Helen Major & latterly, Alan Jeffery have been the editors this century.  I hope you will all support Tom as he takes on this important role in keeping the village informed. Tom is also building a new website for the Link. Watch this space!

As always, your contributions for inclusion in the Link are very welcome. email:

This is a brief news sheet to inform you of what has happened since the last Link and what is scheduled to happen in the next few months.

It is especially important in the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee year that everyone in the village is kept informed of forthcoming events to celebrate this milestone. The Village Hall Committee and Parish Council are discussing plans for Jubilee celebrations  and it is hoped that by the summer Covid regulations will allow us to come together. 

Waveney Foodbank

The residents of Needham have once again shown their generosity and concern by contributing to the Waveney Food Bank.  Collection day is the 2nd Saturday of the month 

The collectors look out for any plastic bags left at the end of drives - usually these will be identifiable by the fliers delivered last summer. If you do not have a flier, collectors will have a quick look in the bag to check that it is a food donation. There will be a new delivery of fliers soon.  People are also welcome to leave donations outside 91 High Road the day before collection only.  

Needham Parish Council

The Parish Council met on Monday 10th January.  The first meeting of the year is when the Parish Council reviews its finances and sets the precept for the coming year.  The precept is the amount of money the Parish Council receives from the Council Tax.  For many years it had been the policy not to make an annual increase in the precept.  However, as the Parish Council have taken over more of the roles previously carried out by the District and County Councils, it became necessary last year for the first time to make an increase.   Work the Parish Council pays for includes emptying dog bins, keeping foot paths clear and care of the Nook play area. Projecting the finances forward it became apparent the current level of financial support would result in the Parish Council running into debt.  It was agreed therefore to make an increase in the precept sufficient to allow the Parish Council to continue to fund its current commitments.  

The meeting also discussed the finances of the Village Hall.  It has been agreed that the Hall Management Committee should become a sub-committee of the Parish Council.  This will strengthen the management of the Hall and protect its finances.  It was agreed that the Parish Council bank account will be closed and transferred to the Village Hall account.

The next meeting of the Parish Council will be at 7.30 on Monday 28 March.

Andrew Major (Chairman)

The Parish Council pay a significant amount to South Norfolk Council to have the dog bins emptied.  By all counts they are well used but there are reports of dogs being allowed to foul the Nook, where children play.  This is a significant health hazard. If you see a dog walker leaving dog waste on the ground, please encourage them to use the bin.

Needham Village Hall Management Committee

The first committee meeting of the year was held on Monday 17th January.  The meeting was pleased to welcome Fiona Harte as the new Chair of the committee and Claire Prest as the Vice-chair.  

Grants received by the Hall during the lock down will provide funds to carry out some of the much needed repairs and improvements.  A budget for this was agreed, allocating funds for repairs to the external fabric of the building, interior decorations including new curtains, and an upgrade of the kitchen.  It is hoped that these improvements will generate more use of the Hall for one-off events such as parties and wedding receptions.  As income from lettings is currently less than annual running costs it was agreed also that a reserve equal to eighteen months income should be maintained.  

The next meeting of the committee will be on Monday 7th February at 7.30 in the annex to the Hall when plans for village community events will be discussed  All village residents are welcome to attend the meeting.  

A thank you to every one in the village who helped us through

While we shall all be glad that 2021 is now behind us we should not forget that the pandemic has shown how resilient we are as a community.  To celebrate this, her Majesty’s Lord-Lieutenant of Norfolk, the Lady Dannat MBE, commissioned commemorative plaques.  We were honoured therefore at the first Parish Council meeting of the year, to welcome the Deputy Lieutenant, Mrs Philippa Taylor, to present a plaque to the village. It will be put on display in the Village Hall.  This recognises not only those who came forward and gave their names to volunteer but also all those who, without asking, made sure their neighbours were safe and well.  We also remember the hardship that many endured following the worst floods experienced in Needham for a generation, and the snow that followed.

Monday, 17 January 2022

Needham History Project

 The Needham History Project Launch on Saturday 22 January has been cancelled. 

Wednesday, 12 January 2022

Used stamps

Millions of people, young and old, are stamp collectors (philatelists), and philately is an educational and fun hobby. Double this with helping charities as well, keeping stamps out of landfill, and instead recycling stamps to the albums of collectors!!!!!

This is a website listing charities, mainly in the UK which collect used postage stamps to raise money for charity. Charities find used stamps, which they then sort out, and sell on to collectors and philatelists, which an excellent source of extra income, and you are helping save the environment and reduce waste by not binning them! What could be better? 
Whether your stamps are recent or old, common or rare, wherever they come from across the world, every stamp can be saved! Stamp collecting (and other postal items) is a hugely popular hobby. Please save your used postage stamps for charity! This promotes charity, learning about different countries through postal history, random acts of kindness, zero waste and many more excellent outcomes.