The Parish Council met on 7th January in the Village Hall. The meeting was preceded by a public forum with County Councilor Martin Wilby and District Councilor Jenny Wilby present. Villagers are reminded that this is an excellent opportunity to meet your Councilors who are able to offer authoritative advice and support.
A parishioner reported that the Highways Authority are to carry out repairs to a brick culvert under the High Road taking water from the north side of the road and discharging in to a ditch on his property. He enquired if there was any financial or practical help that he could be offered to assist in clearing the ditch to ensure that the water drains efficiently to the Waveney.
The meeting was told that the maintenance of ditches is the sole responsibility of the landowner. Unfortunately, although as in this case the culvert is draining from another property, each landowner is responsible for their part of the drainage system.
It was also reported that roadside hedges are obstructing sight lines close to Skeetsmere Farm. It was agreed to report this to the Rangers for action. Should parishioners have similar concerns over everyday maintenance of the road side, the Parish Council are able to report these to the Rangers who visit periodically to carry out street cleaning.
The date of the Parish Council meeting had been brought forward in order to meet a dead line imposed for setting the Precept. This is the money that the Parish Council receives from the Council Tax. It was agreed that there should be no increase in the Precept. This means it has remained unchanged now for three years.
It was reported that two new notice boards, paid for by the Parish Council, and a further board for the use of the Village Hall and paid for from funds raised during the Jubilee year, had been delivered.
Andrew Major (Chairman)
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