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Tuesday, 14 May 2013

BBQ - Save the Date - Revised

Due to unforeseen circumstances the date of the 
Village Hall BBQ has had to be changed.
Please keep Sunday 28 July free for this event.
More details in the next edition of the Needham Link.

Wednesday, 1 May 2013

Needham Village Link

May / June 2013

The newsletter for the villagers of Needham

From the Editor

Thank you again to our regular contributors.  It was especially gratifying to receive Derek’s piece as a follow up to an article in the last edition. I also received some advice regarding the Link’s printing expenses.   More of your comments would be MOST welcome!
What would you like to see covered in the Link?  Are there any articles that you found especially interesting or informative? Have you got anything you’d like to say?  Please contact the editor at Mill Farm Cottage or at 

The annual Needham village barbecue will take place on Sunday 14th July.  This year it will incorporate the annual village Cake Bake and other events.  It’s expected that it will be more like a village show.  We’re hoping that there will be lots of participation from YOU! So, watch this space and also keep an eye on the website for up-to-date news. 

At the time of writing there had been over 1800 visitors to the Link website from as far afield as Germany, Romania, France & the USA!


From the archive:

Needham Church Quarterly Leaflet - April 1973.

“At the public meeting held in Harleston to discuss the bypass, it was learned that the construction would take two years and that a further two years would elapse before the new road would be open to traffic.  The prospect of a bypass of Needham is extremely remote.”

Moral - don’t give up hope!

Queen's Diamond Jubilee Committee

A meeting of the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee Committee was held at the Red Lion on Thursday 7 March.  Several suggestions for spending the money raised during the Jubilee celebrations were discussed.  These included the building of a Petanque/Boules pitch for the village at the Red Lion, tree lights outside the Village Hall and a name plate for the Village Hall signboard.  All these are in the process of being implemented.
On the subject of the signboard, thank you to John Morrish & Andrew Major for erecting both the Village Hall and Parish Council boards.


Godfrey & Mary, what a delightful couple.  I did not know them socially but just as Needham residents.

My wife, Sheila, ran Needham Post Office for 30 years and during this time we came to know the Newcombs. Often Post Office vehicles stopped to enquire the location of the Pottery and we would oblige with directions.  Before the Newcombs departed they presented us with a large (home produced) jug emblazoned with our names in appreciation of our helping to direct customers.

When my son passed the 11 plus, Mary, an ex-school teacher, said, “If he has any trouble with his homework - send him to me.”

Mary was a little absent minded and one day she walked with her baby in a pushchair to Harleston.  Whilst shopping she was offered and accepted a lift home.  At home - panic! She had left the babe and pushchair in Harleston.

For our 25th wedding anniversary Mary presented us with a pottery wall plaque which still hangs on one wall.  Mary also offered me a painting.  I’m no art connoisseur but the one shown to me seemed out of perspective so I declined it. 
Derek Buttle

Thank you Derek.  It was good to have a follow up to the article in the last edition of The Link.  I think you must rue the day you declined the painting!  H

Needham Parish Council

The Parish Council met at 7.30 on Monday 25th March.  The minutes of the previous meeting, held on 7th January, which were approved, are posted on the Link web site.

It was agreed that the Annual Parish Meeting is to be held on May 20th.  Each year the chairman gives a brief report on the previous year’s activities, and other organisations in the village, such as the Village hall Committee and the Friends of St Peter’s, are invited also to give a report.  It is an excellent opportunity to come up to-date on what has been happening in your village.  The Annual Meeting will be followed by the regular Parish Council Meeting.

The meeting discussed at length problems of flooding and drainage in the High Road.  In particular the resident at number 147 (who was not present at the meeting) had reported a problem of surface water coming out of a road gulley onto her driveway.  The Norfolk Highways Authority, and the County Councillor, have been informed and will investigate.  They have in particular been requested to advise the residents affected on how vital it is to keep drainage ditches clear, as this is where all the surface water drains.

The meeting also recorded that power cuts that affected the Red Lion and White House Farm due to cables running through tree branches have been reported to UK Power Networks who have confirmed they will take action and carry out tree pruning.  It was agreed that UK Power Networks would be requested to make a survey of the locality for any other problems.

The continuing problem of dog fouling was again discussed, and it seems that despite all appeals there are still dog owners who walk away after their pet has fouled the pavement.  It was agreed that, for a trial period, the dog bin at the bottom of Mill Lane is to be relocated to the High Road on the corner of Mill Lane.  There can then be no excuse for dog owners walking along the High Road not safely disposing of dog waste.  The Parish Council currently own two dog bins, and pay £120 a year to have them emptied.  It was agreed that the next meeting would consider the purchase of a third bin.  

It was recorded that Planning Consents have been given to a front porch and rear extension at 62 High Road and a front porch at 66 High Road.  Listed Building Consent has been given for replacement windows at 145 High Road.

The meeting also considered a planning application for a new dwelling in Brook Lane.  The Parish Council had recommended approval of a previous application, subject to significant design modifications.  The Parish Council was satisfied that the new design met these conditions, and recommended approval.

Andrew Major (Chair) 

A full list of members of the Parish Council is displayed on the notice board outside the village hall and also on the website 

St Peter's Church

Friends of St Peter’s 
The Friends of St Peter’s A.G.M. is planned for Friday May 17th, 7.30 p.m., Needham Village Hall. David Cunliffe, who has been our treasurer since the Friends were formed, will definitely not be standing for re-election to the Committee. Clearly he will be a great loss. Without his enthusiastic contributions, especially these last few years, the Friends may well have folded. None of the present committee is prepared to take on the treasurer role and, not to put too fine a point on it, if we cannot find a replacement treasurer, sadly we will not be able to continue as an organisation. I am happy, if elected, to continue chairing the Friends if we have a treasurer, but if there is a Needham resident who would like to take the chairmanship on I am equally happy to simply serve on the Committee if required. The Friends exist to raise money for building repairs and improvements to St Peter’s. Church attendance is not a precondition of being a Friend. If you feel that St. Peter’s building is worth preserving do please give this serious consideration. If you would like to find out more please contact me at        
Reverend Clive Hudson

Service Details

Sunday 5th May Holy Communion  11.00am
Sunday 12th May Evening Service     6.00pm
Sunday 19th May Morning Prayer    11.00am
Sunday 26th May Morning Prayer    11.00am

Sunday 2nd June Holy Communion 11.00am

Sunday 9th June Benefice Holy Communion 10.30am in St Peter & St Paul, BROCKDISH with THE BISHOP OF THETFORD

Sunday 16th June Morning Prayer    11.00am
Sunday 23rd June Morning Prayer    11.00am

Sunday 30th June Benefice Holy Communion in St Mary's Church, Redenhall

Every Thursday in St John's Church, Harleston 10.00am Holy 

  • Next month’s Service With a Difference is on 12th May.  Tea and cakes at 5:30pm for a 6:00pm service.  Our guest will be the Revd Nigel Tufnell who will be telling us about his bees.  

Needham Village Hall Library

Needham Village Hall has a weekly library consisting of books, jigsaws and talking books on CD or tape.
You can borrow these for as long as you need, free of charge.  People are very kind and give us their unwanted books and jigsaws and from time to time we have a change and pass the old stock onto local charity shops.  A win, win situation all round.

We are open on Thursdays from 2 - 4pm. All are welcome to come and have a browse and a chat with a free cup of tea or coffee and a biscuit.

If you would like to use the library, but Thursday is not convenient for you, please contact either Pauline  or Jean via  and they can arrange a day for you to change your books etc.  
Alternatively if you can spare a couple of hours once a month and would like to be added to the monthly rota and help out please contact Pauline or Jean to discuss or contact the Editor on 

Needham Village Hall is available for everyone in the village to make use of.  The main hall and the annexe can be hired separately for £10.00 an hour or £16.00 per hour for both.  If you have an evening function planned you can hire the whole hall for £60.00 from 6pm to midnight. For regular weekly or monthly hiring discounted hourly rates are available. Please contact Jean Youell the Lettings Secretary for more information and bookings via .
There is a fully functioning modern kitchen.  We get very positive feedback from those who do hire the hall.

Needham Village Hall

Management Committee
Chairman: Steve Neaves
Vice Chairman: George Miller
Following many years of dedication and hard work George Miller has stepped down as chairman of the village hall management committee. George has been central to the refurbishment and modernisation of the Village Hall. Fortunately he has agreed to remain on the committee as Vice Chairman continuing to share his knowledge and experience with the ‘newbies’. We thank George for his hard work and commitment as Chairman and welcome him in the, hopefully, less demanding role of Vice Chairman. THANK YOU George....and Sylvia for letting us have so much of Georges’ time.
Thank you also to Steve for stepping in to the role as Chairman.
The committee continues its work improving the facilities available at the Village Hall. We have recently obtained a grant from ‘Norfolk Community Foundation’ to purchase 60 new chairs for the comfort of our hirers.  We hope these will be in place by mid June.  
Our monthly meetings take place on the second Monday of the month at 7.30pm. These are open to the village and we welcome your ideas and suggestions about how the village hall is used to benefit all of us. 
Any questions please contact Caroline  or via Facebook ‘Needham Village Hall’.


I know next to nothing about gardening but with the aid of a good book & the good old internet I’ve come up with a few tips on what to do in your garden in May and June. I know that there are many keen gardeners in Needham.  Wouldn’t it be wonderful if they would share their expertise with us by giving seasonal tips and advice? So, I should be grateful beyond words if some greenfingered villager(s) could come up with gardening tips for the Link.  In the meantime.....

Beware late frosts and keep vulnerable plants and new shoots protected at night if frost is forecast. Don’t be tempted to put out tender bedding until the middle of the month and even then be prepared to cover it if necessary.

Continue with spring cleaning. Hoe your borders to get rid of weeds before they take hold (ideally on a dry day ) - annual weeds such as bitter cress and groundsel are enough of a nightmare without allowing them to multiply by seeding. If it’s dry, attack ground elder and the like with systemic weed killer painted onto the leaves. Take care - these systemic weed killers are indiscriminate and will kill anything they contact. Dandelions are a nuisance at this time of year - if you don’t have time to deal with them terminally, at least chop their heads off before they set seed

Lawns - mow at least once a week.  Apply weed killer if necessary.  feed poorly growing grass with sulphate of ammonia at 1/2 oz per square yard.  Water well afterwards.  Spike badly drained areas. 
Annuals - Plant out half-hardy annuals after the risk of frost has passed.  Sow biennials.
Fruit - put straw round strawberry plants
Lawns - mow at least once a month
Annuals - support tall-growing annuals.  Prick off seedlings of biennials.
Fruit - Cover with netting against birds.  Begin by thinning apples, pears, gooseberries & plums. Summer prune redcurrants & gooseberries.

Needham Carpet Bowls Club

Our annual Dinner Presentation evening was held on Saturday 9 March at the Needham Red Lion.  Everyone agreed that it was a very enjoyable evening with a lovely meal.
The winners of the trophies were:
Ladies Singles          Jane Debattista
Gents Singles           Brian Carlile
Pairs Competition    Margaret Carlile & Lenny Whymark

AGM : Wednesday 20 March
The committee elected for 2013-2014 is:
Chairperson             Margaret Carlile
Vice Chairperson     Jane Debattista
Captain                    Harold Jefferson
Vice Captain            Brian Carlile
Treasurer                  Jean Youell

The Winter League has now been completed.  Unfortunately, we did not have as much success as we had hoped for and must try harder next Winter.
The Winter presentation evening will be held at Shelfanger Village Hall on Friday 24 May,  We hope that some members of our club will support this event.
Our club evenings are held every Wednesday at the Village Hall starting at 7:30pm.  Fees are still only £1.50 per evening which includes tea/coffee and biscuits.  All equipment is provided.
New members are always welcome so do come along and join us.





Sunday 28 July 2013

to include the CAKE BAKE 
and much more!

More details in the next Link