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Wednesday, 1 May 2013

Needham Parish Council

The Parish Council met at 7.30 on Monday 25th March.  The minutes of the previous meeting, held on 7th January, which were approved, are posted on the Link web site.

It was agreed that the Annual Parish Meeting is to be held on May 20th.  Each year the chairman gives a brief report on the previous year’s activities, and other organisations in the village, such as the Village hall Committee and the Friends of St Peter’s, are invited also to give a report.  It is an excellent opportunity to come up to-date on what has been happening in your village.  The Annual Meeting will be followed by the regular Parish Council Meeting.

The meeting discussed at length problems of flooding and drainage in the High Road.  In particular the resident at number 147 (who was not present at the meeting) had reported a problem of surface water coming out of a road gulley onto her driveway.  The Norfolk Highways Authority, and the County Councillor, have been informed and will investigate.  They have in particular been requested to advise the residents affected on how vital it is to keep drainage ditches clear, as this is where all the surface water drains.

The meeting also recorded that power cuts that affected the Red Lion and White House Farm due to cables running through tree branches have been reported to UK Power Networks who have confirmed they will take action and carry out tree pruning.  It was agreed that UK Power Networks would be requested to make a survey of the locality for any other problems.

The continuing problem of dog fouling was again discussed, and it seems that despite all appeals there are still dog owners who walk away after their pet has fouled the pavement.  It was agreed that, for a trial period, the dog bin at the bottom of Mill Lane is to be relocated to the High Road on the corner of Mill Lane.  There can then be no excuse for dog owners walking along the High Road not safely disposing of dog waste.  The Parish Council currently own two dog bins, and pay £120 a year to have them emptied.  It was agreed that the next meeting would consider the purchase of a third bin.  

It was recorded that Planning Consents have been given to a front porch and rear extension at 62 High Road and a front porch at 66 High Road.  Listed Building Consent has been given for replacement windows at 145 High Road.

The meeting also considered a planning application for a new dwelling in Brook Lane.  The Parish Council had recommended approval of a previous application, subject to significant design modifications.  The Parish Council was satisfied that the new design met these conditions, and recommended approval.

Andrew Major (Chair) 

A full list of members of the Parish Council is displayed on the notice board outside the village hall and also on the website 

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