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Wednesday, 31 December 2014

Needham Village Link

January/February 2015

The newsletter for the villagers of Needham

Twitter: @needham_link

From the Editor

Happy New Year to all our readers. Christmas saw the community of Needham coming together for the Christmas Dinner in the Village Hall and a very jolly evening of carols in the Red Lion. Thank you to the Village Hall committee members who worked so hard to make the Christmas Dinner evening so enjoyable and also to Sue, Joe, Michael & Lisa at the Red Lion for rewarding the carol singers with mince pies and mulled wine!

Apologies if I have not included your contribution in this edition of The Link.  Because of time constraints I have only been able to produce an edition of 8 pages which has limited the number of articles/letters I have been able to print.  However, as always, I shall be delighted to receive articles of interest in the future.

The next edition of The Link will have a ‘Guest Editor’.  Welcome  to Celia Snaith who will be taking over for this next edition.  Please help her by sending in your contributions as soon as possible.  Celia can be contacted at 133 High Road or by email at The deadline for copy will be February 14th. 


Poppy Appeal 2014

We would like to say a Big Thank You to everyone who kindly donated  during this very special year.  The amounts raised from the  house to house collection were as follows: 

Red Lion          £ 28.04
Libby Troake   £ 52.40
Gill Powell      £149.87

The District total this year is £8,240.76
Gill Powell

Needham Carpet Bowls Club

Since our last report we have played  home and away league matches against Kenninghall.  Both matches were lost.  We have also played an away match against Syleham - we were the victors.  On Friday 28 November we played a friendly match at Cratfield.  This was a very enjoyable evening.
Our Annual Dinner will take place at Needham Red Lion on Saturday 24 January.
We wish all our members a very happy Christmas, a prosperous new year and better bowling during 2015!

Needham Village Christmas Dinner 2014

Needham Parish Council

The last Parish Council meeting of the year was held on Monday 8 December.  I should like to thank all those residents that in 2014 have attended the Public Forum.  This is held before the Parish Council meeting and is proving to be an important way for residents to raise matters of concern and obtain information.  Also, I should like to thank Jenny and Martin Wilby, our District and County Councillors, for coming to the meetings and so often providing advice.

Following reports we regularly receive from Jenny and Martin, Geoff Doggett, Chairman of the River Waveney Trust, talked about the rights and obligations of land owners with a river bank.  This is particularly relevant as the Environment Agency, which is responsible for maintenance of the river, now has far less resources than in the past to carry out this work.  It is therefore becoming more important for landowners to do this themselves.  For further advice and help the Trust can be contacted through their web site.

I was able to report to the meeting that details submitted for the discharge of conditions on the planning application for the nursery site had been approved.  However, since the actual approval for the development of the site had lapsed it is not be possible for the owner to implement these works without a new planning approval.  The planning officer in charge has confirmed that at present no new application had been made.  Also, to avoid any doubt, the written approval of the conditions contains the note that the discharge of condition does not convey or imply that the planning permission 2011/0695 is capable of being implemented, as the consent has expired.  

PC Jim Squires, our Beat Manager, will be coming to the next meeting, which will provide an opportunity to raise concerns over speeding through the village, as well as any crime prevention matters.  Also, I hope to be able to update the meeting on an initiative by Richard Bacon MP to give Parish Councils the right to request that a speed limit could be reduced by 10mph.  This would allow us to change the 40 limit down to 30.

The next Parish Council meeting will be held on Monday 12 January at 7.30.  Councillors will be required at this meeting to set the precept for 2015.

Andrew Major, Chairman

Village Emergency Telephone System (VETS)

As reported in the last edition of The Link, the defibrillator has been installed on the wall outside the Red Lion.  The next stage is to set up VETS which will assist in a situation where the rescuer must stay with the patient and yet needs help in fetching the community defibrillator.  VETS relies on volunteers from the community to be able to be called. John Morrish has a list of volunteers who are willing to be called on in cases of emergency. This system is provided by the Community Heartbeat Trust (CHT) on an annual cost basis to the village.  

The system can also be used for any other emergency where additional help is required.  The availability of VETS helps villages whether or not they are using a CHT provided defibrillator and gives a level of reassurance to the elderly, those living alone and to the infirm that there is always help on hand.  There will be more information on this in the new year.  

Red Lion Coffee Mornings

Having raised the funds to pay for the village defibrillator the coffee morning organisers are looking for a new fundraising cause. At the next coffee morning you will be asked what cause(s) you would like to support.
The next coffee morning will be on Tuesday 6 January 2015 - see you there!

St Peter's Church

4th Jan    Evening Service 6pm

11th Jan    Holy Communion 11.00am

18th Jan      Morning Prayer 11.00am
25th Jan      Holy Communion 11.00am

1st Feb    Evening Service 6.00pm

8th Feb       Holy Communion 11.00am
14th Feb     Benefice Valentines Service in St John’s, Harleston 6.30pm

15th Feb     Holy Communion 11.00am

18th Feb     Ashing Service in St John’s, Harleston or St Andrew’s, Scole 7pm
22nd Feb    Holy Communion 11.00am

Rector:       Revd Nigel Tuffnell 
Tel: 01379 308905
Office:       Lucy Cooke (Mon - Fri 9am to 1pm)
Tel: 01379 851148




Church yard tidy up
The work day to tidy up St Peter's churchyard was, in the words of a well known TV personality, “fab-u-lous”.  Many thanks also for the work carried out a couple of days before. Also thanks to Robi who sustained us with excellent food to keep us fortified
 George Miller

Friends of St Peter’s would like to thank every one who attended Robi‘s Christmas Coffee Evening and who gave raffle prizes and cakes to sell. £94 was raised. Thanks go to Robi for holding it at her home and Sonia for helping.
Pauline Spinlove 

Happy New Year!

The January/February edition will be online from Midnight on 31 December 2014 and should be delivered to your home on 1 January 2015

Saturday, 1 November 2014

Needham Village Link

Needham Village Link

November/December 2014

The newsletter for the villagers of Needham

From the Editor

Open Space Theatre’s next production is ‘Separate Tables’ by Terence Rattigan. Open Space Theatre use Needham Village Hall for their rehearsals so do go along and see the finished production!  Details are shown in this edition. 

You will all have received information from South Norfolk about the new recycling arrangements and no doubt be delighted that there is so much more household waste that can be put into your green bins now. However the Village Hall Committee would like to ask you to continue recycling your glass in the bins at the Village Hall because this is a valuable source of income for the hall.   So do recycle as much as you can in the way of paper, card, plastic bottles, plastic tubs, cans, tin foil etc  but please TAKE GLASS TO THE VILLAGE HALL BINS!

The Village Hall Committee is organising another Village Christmas Dinner.   Make sure you keep Saturday 13 December free! This is always a fun occasion and a good opportunity to get together with other residents of Needham.  Full details are on the following page.  Tickets always sell quickly so don’t delay!


Needham Village Christmas Evening

Saturday 13th December 2014

Mulled wine served from 7.00pm
Traditional Christmas Dinner 
(with vegetarian option) 
served at 7.30 pm
Catering by John Groom of Bungay

Every ticket entered into a
Luxury Christmas Hamper Prize Draw


     Book a table and bring your friends

£16.00 per person
Early Booking Essential
(Deadline 5 December) 

Tickets can be purchased from
Jean Youell - 77 High Road
Tel No: 854819

Christmas Evening - Raffle Prize Donations

 A raffle will be held at the Needham Village Christmas Evening on 13 December
 Donations for this will be very gratefully received.

Donations should be given to 
Jean Youell, 77 High Road, Needham.
Tel No: 854819

Needham Village Defibrillator

Fundraising for the Village Defibrillator

The fund raising committee would like to thank everyone who has given to this worthwhile cause.  It was decided in June to donate money raised at the monthly Red Lion coffee mornings,  which had started in November 2013, to a fund to buy a defibrillator for the village.   What a response! The first two mornings raised £107 and by 2 September £938 had been raised.

Sue at the Red Lion suggested holding an auction to raise money and this was held was held at the Red Lion on 28 September. The event was a huge success with very generous lots being donated and very generous bids being made.  A staggering sum of £719.00 was raised.  Thank you to all the donors, bidders and our very entertaining auctioneers!

The really good news is that we have reached £1998.70 leaving only another £201.30 before the final total is achieved.

As the Community Heartbeat Trust who are the suppliers of the defibrillator realised how hard we were trying to raise the money they decided to let us have the equipment before we actually reached our target so the defibrillator and box have already been installed on the wall outside the Red Lion. 

In addition to money raised at the coffee mornings we should like to thank individual donors who have been very generous.

Keith & Ann Barry,
John & Angie Morrish,
Steve & Petra Neaves,
Gill Powell,
Clive & Sue Read,
Del & Celia Snaith,
John & Jackie Spooner,
Jim & Liz Woodger,
Needham Parish Council,
South Norfolk Council,
Donation Box at the Red Lion

Defibrillator Information Evening

John Morrish with Martin Render from the Community Heart Beat Trust who demonstrated the use of the new village defibrillator at the Red Lion on 27 October. The defibrillator is now in position on the wall outside the Red Lion. For more information please contact John through 

One of the interesting pieces of information given by Martin was that approximately 100,000 people die each year from cardiac arrest. One child dies every day from cardiac arrest.  If a person suffering from cardiac arrest has access to a defibrillator within 5 minutes the chance of survival is much greater. So do familiarise yourself with the procedure for accessing this vital piece of equipment.

Red Lion Coffee Mornings

Everyone who attends the monthly coffee mornings at the Red Lion knows what a roaring success this initiative has been. At least 40 people turn up to have a good old chat, a cup of coffee and a big slice of cake for just £1.50.  Many of the attendees take a slice or two of home made cake home with them.

It would be lovely if some of you lovely people could dust off your cake tins and make a cake to bring to the coffee mornings and take the burden off the same few people who bake such wonderful cakes every month.

In addition to the coffee and cakes there are also many books on sale and an excellent raffle both of which raise money for our charities.  Prizes for the raffle are also more than welcome.  If you have any fund raising ideas we’d love to hear from you.  Contact us via

Thank you everyone for your valuable support and long may it continue!

Angie Morrish

Parish Council News

Parish Council meeting held on 22 September

A well attended public meeting held before the Parish Council meeting raised a number of issues of concern to parishioners.

The problem of speeding through the village was again raised and it seems that most parishioners have experienced vehicles driving through the village at excessive speeds.  Meetings have been held in the past with both the County Highways Authority and the police but to no lasting effect.  It was agreed that our County Councillor would be consulted on whom to invite to a public meeting when these concerns could be raised.

The meeting also discussed maintenance of the River Waveney.  It was agreed that the river is an asset that brings visitors to the area.  However, it appears that current practice seems to be to leave a wide band of reeds at the water line along the banks making access the river for fishermen and canoeists difficult. Following the meeting it was arranged that Geoff Doggett Chairman of the River Waveney Trust, is to come to the next Parish Council meeting to describe the work done to maintain the river and also the rights and responsibilities of landowners with a river frontage, known as riparian owners.  

Finally, concerns at activity on the Needham Nursery site were again raised, particularly as it had been noted that South Norfolk Council had given an extension of time for a planning application.  This had widely been interpreted as the approval for the garden centre proposal.  It was possible to confirm to the meeting that the consent for a garden centre had definitely lapsed.  The extension of time had been granted for an application for approval of the details.  It was agreed the Parish Council should write to the planning authority making them aware of the confusion this had caused and also requesting confirmation that, should the details be approved, they cannot be implemented without the benefit of an approval for development of the site.

At the Parish Council meeting it was confirmed that a cheque for £100 from the precept had been sent to Harleston Town Council.  This had been agreed at the previous meeting as a contribution towards the upkeep of Budgen’s car park.  It is hoped that all local communities will make small contributions to ensure the continuing free use of the car park.  The meeting also voted to make a contribution of £100 towards the defibrillator fund.  

Notification of an outline planning application for a single storey dwelling on land to the south of 120 High Road had been received.  The Parish Council supported this application in principle, subject to detail design.

The date of the next meeting has been changed to Monday 8th December at 7.30 in the Village Hall.  This meeting will be most informative for anyone with an interest in the river and with  discussions on action on speeding and an update on the nursery site.                                                                                                 

Andrew Major (Chairman)

Top Ten Gardening Jobs for November

  1.  Clear up fallen leaves especially from lawns, ponds and beds
  2.  Raise containers onto pot feet to prevent water logging.
  3. Plant tulip bulbs for a Spring display next year.
  4. Prune roses to prevent wind-rock.
  5. Plant out winter bedding.
  6. Cover brassicas with netting if pigeons are a problem.
  7. Insulate outdoor containers from frost - bubble wrap works well.
  8. Stop winter moth damage to fruit trees using grease bands around the trunks.
  9. Put out bird  food to encourage winter birds into the garden
  10. Use a seasonal bonfire (if allowed & not a nuisance to neighbours) to dispose of excess debris unfit for composting. (or get a brown bin from South Norfolk Council!)

Gardening Editor

Does anyone know of someone with muscle who can do heavy jobs in the garden. No need for them to have any specialised gardening knowledge. 
The contact phone number for replies is 01379 852751.

Needham Village Hall Art & Craft Group

Can you paint or draw?  
Are you interested in Craft?
If so, come along and see if you’d like to join us.

We meet every Wednesday afternoon from 2:00 - 4:00
Join us for tea, coffee & biscuits 

Contact Jenny 01379 608116

St Peter's Church

St. Peters PCC …..

….would like to say a big thank you to Janet Griffin and Sue Simmonds for being on the flower rota and for all the beautiful arrangements they have done over the years.  We are sorry they are standing down due to health problems.  Once again thank you both.

If there is anyone who would like to come onto the rota please contact Gill Powell 07545396695.
You do not have to be a professional flower arranger or go to church.

Friends of St Peter's

Christmas Coffee Evening - in aid of the upkeep of St Peter’s Church
6 December at 7:00pm
at  Robi Dove’s House (8 High Road)
Cake Stall
Quiz Sheets on Sale for £1 - Return Entries by 31 January 2015 
to Pauline Spinlove (01379 853033) 
Everyone welcome!

Needham Carpet Bowls Club

Since our last report, the Summer League Presentation and Quiz Evening was held on 26 September at Alburgh Village Hall.  Needham entered two teams into the quiz with one of our teams taking third place - well done to them.

We are hoping to play a return friendly match against Cratfield.  The proposed date is Friday 28 November.  Details will be announced shortly.

The Club Pairs' Competition has still not been completed but will take place as soon as possible.

Our first match in the Waveney League takes place on Friday 17 October.  This will be away against Garboldisham, who now play at Hopton Village Hall.

Our club evenings are held every Wednesday at Needham Village Hall starting at 7.30 pm.  Fees are only £1.50 per evening including tea / coffee and biscuits.  All equipment is provided.

Do come along and join us.  New members would be most welcome.

Good luck for the Winter League and good bowling.


Open Space Theatre Company

Separate Tables by Terence Rattigan

Affection, love and desire linger on within lives blighted by disappointment and loneliness in the next production by Open Space Theatre Company which uses Needham Village Hall for rehearsals.
Separate Tables, by Terence Rattigan, is set in a small seaside hotel in the 1950s. In the first of two one-act plays the relationship between an ex-MP and his glamour model wife is laid bare. In the second play a shy young woman's friendship with a retired Army officer looks doomed after revelations in the local newspaper.

The play will be performed at seven venues between November 14th and the 29th. Tickets cost £9.50 and £8.50 (concessions). Dates, venues and box office numbers are as follows:

Fri. November 14 –    Diss Corn Hall 01379 652241
Sat. November 15 –   The Cut, Halesworth 0845 673 2123
Tues. November 18 – Seagull Theatre, Lowestoft 01502 589726
Thur. November 20 – Fisher Theatre, Bungay 01986 8897130
Sat. November 22 –   Hoxne Village Hall 01379 855101
Wed. November 26 – Beccles Public Hall 01502 770060
Sat November 29 –    Botesdale Village Hall 01379 855101

Honeycomb for Bonfire Night

Also known as cinder toffee this light, crunchy sweet is a must on bonfire night and a perfect addition to ice cream. It’s also quite exciting to make!
The quantities specified don't make an awful lot - enough to fill a little tin 12cm in diameter by 6cm deep - but any more and you'd be sued by your dentist

1tbsp vegetable oil, for oiling baking tray
80g/3oz butter
160g/5½oz caster sugar
80g/3oz golden syrup
2 tsp bicarbonate of soda

1. Grease a 20cm/8in square baking tin with vegetable oil.
2. Gently heat the butter, sugar and golden syrup in a large heavy-based pan until the sugar has      dissolved. Turn up the heat and boil rapidly, without stirring. If the mixture goes darker at one side of the mix, then gently swirl the pan to mix it all together. Keep boiling until the mixture goes a golden-brown colour – this will take about 5 minutes.

3. Add the bicarbonate of soda and stir it for a few seconds, which will make the mixture expand and fizz (take care, the mixture will expand a lot).

4. Tip the honeycomb into the oiled baking tin and leave until cold and set.
To serve, cut the honeycomb into pieces and stir into ice creams or decorate puddings. You can put the honeycomb in a food processor and sprinkle it over desserts.

             Cookery Editor

St Peter's Church

2nd Nov    ‘Service with a Difference’ 6pm

9th Nov     Remembrance Service 6pm

16th Nov   Morning Prayer 11.00am
23rd Nov   Holy Communion 11.00am
30th Nov   At Scole Church for Benefice Holy Communion
                  with Big fish, Little Fish Children’s Church

7th   Dec    Evening Service 6.00pm

14th Dec    Holy Communion 11.00am

21st Dec    Carol Service 6.00pm
25th Dec   Christmas Day. Children’s Informal Holy Communion 11.00am
28th Dec   Holy Communion 11.00am

Rector: Revd Nigel Tuffnell 
Tel: 01379 308905 Email:
Office: Lucy Cooke (Mon - Fri 9am to 1pm)
Tel: 01379 851148 Email:




Karen Rayner

Rev Nigel Tuffnell has announced that Karen Rayner who has conducted several services at St.Peter's is leaving our benefice at the end of November as she now has her own parish at Martham. If anyone would like to contribute to a leaving gift please contact George Miller. (01379 852059)  We wish her well for her new adventure.

Gill Powell

Tuesday, 28 October 2014

Nov/Dec edition

The next edition of the Needham Link will be online on Saturday 1 November

Needham Village Hall Christmas Evening

Saturday 13th December 2014

Mulled wine served from 7.00pm
Traditional Christmas Dinner 
(with vegetarian option) 
served at 7.30 pm
Catering by John Groom of Bungay

Every ticket entered into a
Luxury Christmas Hamper Prize Draw


     Book a table and bring your friends

£16.00 per person
Early Booking Essential
(Deadline 5 December) 

Tickets can be purchased from
Jean Youell - 77 High Road

Tel No: 854819

Sunday, 5 October 2014

Glass Recycling

Even though you can now put glass into your green bin, please continue to take your glass bottles and jars to the recycling bank at the Village Hall as this is a valuable source of income for Needham.

Defibrillator News

There will be a chance to see how the newly installed defibrillator works on Monday 27 October at 7:00pm at the Red Lion. Thanks to the Heart Beat Trust.

Saturday, 30 August 2014

Needham Village Link

September/October 2014

The newsletter for the villagers of Needham

BBQ 2014 Pictures

From the Editor

The Village Hall committee is to be congratulated on another really successful barbecue on Sunday 3 August.  There was an very good turnout and a great feeling of community. The sun shone all day; the food, entertainment & company were  excellent - what more could we ask for?

On a personal note, I should like to thank all those in the village who sponsored me on my Pink Ladies Tractor Road Run on Sunday 6 July.  Unfortunately,   the sun did not shine but that did not deter a great many people from lining the route in the rain. A special mention of Del & Celia Snaith who were at the start and finish of the run and even popped up at lunchtime! From friends, family and people of Needham I have raised an amazing £735 with a further £160 from Gift Aid - thank you for your generosity.

The Red Lion coffee mornings continue to be very well attended.  In fact, I have heard that a local hairdresser has complained that all her clients are cancelling their Tuesday appointments in order to attend the coffee mornings! The money raised is partly going towards a defibrillator for the village. Please take time to read the enclosed leaflet which explains the importance of having easy access to a defibrillator in the village.  For more information contact John Morrish through the Needham Link email address ( ) 

On behalf of all readers of The Link I should like to wish Harold Jefferson a very speedy recovery from the effects of his car accident.  Best wishes to him and to Jean Youell who was also hurt in the accident.

Farewell to Sue Elsden of White House Farm.  Sue will be leaving the village in September but we hope she’ll visit often. We wish her lots of luck in the future. White House Farm eggs are now available for sale in the Red Lion car park.

Space permitting, I will publish your letters or contributions to the Link - they would be most welcome. Please email them to or pop them through my letter box at Mill Farm Cottage.


Needham Coronation Village Hall

BBQ 2014

The BBQ held on 3 August was a great success and was very well supported.  The beautiful weather contributed to making this a very enjoyable afternoon with good food, drink & music.

The Committee would like to thank everyone who kindly donated raffle & tombola prizes and also those people who donated delicious desserts which sold like proverbial ‘hot cakes’!

A special thank you to the following people:
Dennis & Jenny for the use of their BBQ
Diane (renowned for her apple pies) for providing desserts & organising teas & coffees
Michael, from the Red Lion for the use of his marquee
We were delighted to see that Jean was able to join us following her recent car accident with Harold. It was with great difficulty that we managed to persuade her to rest & not try to sell raffle & tombola tickets.

Celia Snaith

Your Village Hall Needs You  - HELP!

As you will appreciate there are regular jobs that need to be undertaken at the Village Hall during the course of a year. For example:
maintaining the grounds in good order
internal painting & decorating
internal maintenance - odd jobs
setting up the hall for events
The Committee members are now looking for volunteers from the village community to help them with the above.  We should, therefore, be pleased to hear from anyone who would like to join the occasional working party to undertake various works.  If we have enough volunteers, individuals would only be called on occasionally for help.

We should also like to hear from anyone who can offer specialist skills/equipment/tools and would be willing to provide assistance with, for example, gardening, electrical or plumbing work if the need arose.

If you are able to help or would like further information please contact either Del or Celia Snaith on 01379 851987

Parish Council News

The Parish Council meeting in the Village Hall held on Monday 28th July was preceded as usual by the Public Forum, attended on this occasion by a number of residents concerned at building activity on the disused nursery site.  It was reported to the meeting that the current planning consent for a garden centre was about to expire on 10th August.   The meeting considered it probable that the minimum amount of work required to qualify as a meaningful start on site and thereby ensure the approval did not expire was being carried out.  (A subsequent inspection would seem to bear this out, as no further work has to-date been carried out).

I had also spoken previously by phone to a Senior Planning Officer at South Norfolk Council regarding rumours of proposals to build three residential units on the site.  She made it clear that there is no planning application at the present as the site is outside the Needham Development Boundary and any such application would be refused.  However, as part of a County wide consultation the site owner has applied to have the development boundary extended to include a plot fronting onto Burnt House Lane sufficiently large for a small residential development.  This proposal will go to inspection at the end of the year.  We shall not know if the owner has been successful until then.  

On a more positive note our District Councillor Jenny Wilby announced that she has at her disposal a small budget for allocating funds to local Parishes.  Generously she has made a contribution of £250 to the defibrillator fund, which she had read about in the Link.

The Parish Council Meeting also welcomed two Councillors from Brockdish Parish Council to explore a common concern over the prevalence of heavy good vehicles passing through the villages, the majority of which did not appear to have any legitimate business in the area.  It was suggested that if HGVs are seen that do not appear to be visiting a local address the details of the company or owner should be noted and a letter written advising them that this is not an acceptable route.  The Parish Council will be happy to do this on residents’ behalf if the details are passed on.

An application for Listed Building Consent for the conversion of a barn to residential use at 107 High Road was considered by the Council which recommended approval subject to conditions.

The next meeting will be held in the Village Hall on Monday 22 September at 7:30pm

Andrew Major, Chairman


Unfortunately, the wrong telephone number for the Chairman of the Parish Council was printed in the Link.  It should have read 01379 852958.  Apologies for any inconvenience this error may have caused.

Harleston U3A


Top of the “wish list” for several members of Harleston & District U3A is forming a ‘Singing for Fun’ group but we are in urgent need of a leader.  Can anyone out there help?  There will be support for the administration  i.e. organising times, venue, contacts and materials.  Now that the ukele group is up and running it would be wonderful to have our own U3A choir.  If you are interested please contact Kim Poulton on 01986 788149.

Anyone for Table Tennis?

Is anyone interested in joining a table tennis club in the Village Hall?
This exciting new venture has been suggested by Stephen Miller. Details such as the time and day have yet to be decided but if you are interested please contact Stephen at or pop a note in his letter box at 62 High Road.

Needham Carpet Bowls Club

The AGM for the Winter League was held at Old Buckenham Village Hall on Wednesday 9 July when the draw was made.  We will be playing against Brockdish, Garboldisham, Kenninghall, Occold, Syleham & Wortwell.  All the matches will be played on a Home & Away basis.

The Club Pairs competition which has commenced will have to be put on hold for the time being due to unforeseen circumstances.

The Summer League Presentation Evening will take place on Friday 26 Sept at Alburgh Village Hall.

Our club evenings are held every Wednesday starting at 7:30.  Fees are only £1 per evening and this includes tea/coffee & biscuits.  All equipment is supplied.
New members would be very welcome!


Needham Townlands Trust

Long before the idea of the Welfare State needy people were helped by charities and charitable trusts some of which were called Town Lands Trusts.  Many such trusts still exist today and still have a role to play even in the Welfare State.  These trusts are obliged to function according to the purposes set down in their Trust Deeds.

Needham Town Lands Trust has a small but useful annual income.  Usually applications must be of the sort which fall outside the scope of the Social Services and must be for the benefit of Needham people.  Sometimes help has been given to enable an elderly person to visit a sick relative in hospital.  The young can be helped as well.  For example, if there is an essential school trip which the family really cannot afford.  In fact, recently we have been able to help with the airfare for a Needham girl going to Kosovo on an aid project.  Also we made a substantial contribution towards the cost of a new mini bus for the High School which will benefit Needham children attending the school.  The commemorative seat in the Village Hall grounds was also paid for by the Trust.

If you think that the trust can help you or if you know of someone in the village who might qualify please contact Sylvia Miller on 852059 or Sally Nicholson on 852045.  Applications are treated confidentially.

From 'Some Notes on Needham' by C Mather

“The Town Lands belonging to Needham originally consisted of several cottages and 24 acres of land mostly granted in the reign of Queen Elizabeth I.  The Town Lands Charity has been in existence for over 400 years.  The conditions of the Trust are that one-fifth of the income is apportioned for church purposes in the parish and four-fifths for the common use of the town & parish of Needham and for the benefit of the poor.  Of late this non-ecclesiastical share has been given mainly by vouchers for food, clothing and fuel to the pensioners of the parish.”

Jean Youell & Harold Jefferson

Following our car accident on Sunday 27 July I would like to say, on behalf of Harold and myself,  a big thank you to all the people in the village & beyond for all their concern, offers of help, get well cards and phone calls received. Thank you also for taking me to see Harold so often.  Harold is recovering well and making good progress after his operation.

We are fortunate to live in such a caring community and hope we shall both resume village life in the not too distant future.

Once again, thank you so much.

Jean Youell

Thank you

We would like to express our thanks and gratitude to all people who helped in the search to find Harley, our little black pug puppy.

We cannot thank each one of you individually but must say we were overwhelmed by people’s interest and help whether it was from friends, family, neighbours and even strangers.  Eternal thanks to Lisa & Sam from the team.

Also, thank you to all who kindly displayed notices of his disappearance.  Without your help it would not have been possible to reunite Harley back home with our family.

Thanks you so much, again.

Dan (Jefferson) & Laura and three happy girls, Carmen, Leah & Isla
Brook Lane



Do you need transport to local appointments, shops etc?
Do you fancy a day out?
Are you a local community group that would like to hire a minibus?
Then give us a call!

Borderhoppa is a local charity covering over 70 parishes in Norfolk and South Suffolk.

We operate 9 minibuses (6 of which have wheelchair lifts) and offer a door to door service with friendly, helpful drivers.

We can get you to local appointments - doctors, dentists, hairdressers, vets etc. We can take you to a local town or supermarket, to a local place of work or to visit a friend or relative.

We need at least 2 working days notice for a booking and bookings can be made up to 4 days in advance.

Concessionary passes can be used after 9:30am.  Without a pass or before 9:30am our fares range from £1.80 to £3.50 for a single journey depending on the distance travelled.

On Mondays, throughout the year, we run outings for our members to the seaside, gardens, garden centres, boat trips, pub lunches etc.
We also hire out our minibuses to local community groups for private hire with a driver or self-drive.

If you would like more information or would like to make a booking please call: 01379 854800 or visit 

Hedges and Trees adjoining the Highway

We would like to take this opportunity to remind parishioners that land owners are responsible for their own boundary hedges and trees.  This would include obstruction of footways and carriageways and the visibility of road signs and at junctions.  Whilst main cutting back should be carried out in the winter months to avoid the nesting season, land owners should be mindful that vegetation can grow rapidly in the spring months.  If this happens, owners do have a duty to ensure that this does not impact on highway users and take any necessary measures to keep growth trimmed back.  Where an owner fails to do this they may be liable to a fine under Sections 154 and 137 of the Highways Act 1980 and may also be liable for any damage caused to the property of third parties.

Advice received from Bob Edwards - Norfolk County Highway Engineer


fun for all the family!

St Andrew’s Church, Scole

Saturday 20th September
11.00am - 4.00pm

Fun For All The Family !
Stalls, Games, Refreshments, BBQ
Vintage Scooter Display, Raffle
60's Fancy Dress Competition
Cake Competition, 50 Year Exhibition

to be opened by Rick wakeman

St Peter's Church

We would like to keep the church open during the day for the benefit of those who would enjoy a quiet few minutes or so but this would entail a rota for opening say at 10 am  and closing at 4 pm.   If there is anyone able to help opening and closing from Monday - Saturday for one week a month would they let me know.

Sylvia Miller  
Tel. 01379 852059

We have arranged a working party to tidy up the churchyard on 8th November from 9.30 am.  Your help would be very much appreciated
George Miller


7th Sept       Evening Service 6pm

14th Sept     Holy Communion 11.00am

21st Sept     SCOLE CHURCH (Re-dedication service) 10.30 a.m. On Sunday, 21st September there will be a celebratory Benefice Holy Communion Service at which the Rt Revd Graham James, Bishop of Norwich, will preside and preach, followed by a ‘bring and share’ lunch. (Finger food only).

28th Sept     Holy Communion 11.00am

5th Oct        Harvest Festival 6pm

12th Oct      Holy Communion 11.00am

19th Oct      Morning Prayer 11.00am

26th Oct      Holy Communion

Wednesday, 20 August 2014

Grand Anniversary FĂȘte


fun for all the family!

St Andrew’s Church, Scole

Saturday 20th September
11.00am - 4.00pm

Fun For All The Family !!
Stalls, Games, Refreshments, BBQ
Vintage Scooter Display, Raffle
60's Fancy Dress Competition
Cake Competition, 50 Year Exhibition

to be opened by Rick wakeman

Tuesday, 5 August 2014

Please Note

Please note that the telephone number given in the May/June edition for Andrew Major (Chairman of Parish Council) was incorrect.  The correct number which is on this site is 01379 852958.

Thursday, 31 July 2014

Needham Village BBQ

Sunday 3 August
at Needham Village Hall
A great day out for all the family!

Sunday, 29 June 2014

Needham Village Link

Needham Village Link

July/August 2014

The newsletter for the villagers of Needham

From the Editor

Summer has arrived in Needham and the BBQ season is upon us.  Please keep Sunday 3 August free.  Needham Village BBQ is always a really good day with excellent food and entertainment and this year will be no exception.

Before then I shall be taking part in the 11th Pink Ladies’ Tractor Run on Sunday 6 July.  This is a charity event with funds raised going to Cancer Research UK which is a really deserving charity which receives no government funding for its research and its life-saving work depends on events like this.
If you would like to sponsor me please visit my fund raising page at If you can’t donate online I can be contacted at Mill Farm Cottage in Mill Lane.
Go and watch the tractors (there will be over 140 this year) drive through Harleston - it’s an amazing sight.  A big thank you to all who have donated so far.

Congratulations to John & Pauline Seaman of Brook Lane who this year celebrate their Golden Wedding Anniversary.

We are sad to report the deaths of Vivien Wythe & Geoffrey Martin.

If you would like to contribute an article or a letter to the Needham Link please email it to or pop it through my letter box at Mill Farm Cottage. I’d love to hear from you.

Don’t forget we are online at  If you are in contact with any people who have moved away from Needham tell them how they can keep up with village news.


Geoffrey Martin

Mrs June Martin and family would like to thank villagers for their support through Geoff’s long illness and for the many messages of sympathy they received following his death.