Happy New Year to all our readers. Christmas saw the community of Needham coming together for the Christmas Dinner in the Village Hall and a very jolly evening of carols in the Red Lion. Thank you to the Village Hall committee members who worked so hard to make the Christmas Dinner evening so enjoyable and also to Sue, Joe, Michael & Lisa at the Red Lion for rewarding the carol singers with mince pies and mulled wine!

Apologies if I have not included your contribution in this edition of The Link. Because of time constraints I have only been able to produce an edition of 8 pages which has limited the number of articles/letters I have been able to print. However, as always, I shall be delighted to receive articles of interest in the future.
The next edition of The Link will have a ‘Guest Editor’. Welcome to Celia Snaith who will be taking over for this next edition. Please help her by sending in your contributions as soon as possible. Celia can be contacted at 133 High Road or by email at celia_snaith@hotmail.com The deadline for copy will be February 14th.
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