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Thursday, 30 June 2016

From the Editor

The Queen’s 90th Birthday was celebrated by a great many villagers on Sunday 12 June.   There is a report on the event by Celia Snaith and pictures of the event elsewhere in the Link.

The focus for fund raising activities at the Red Lion is All Hallows in Ditchingham.  Please read the article elsewhere in the newsletter and support the events for this very worthwhile charity.

I hope that as many of you as possible can turn out to support this year’s Pink Ladies’ Tractor Run on 3 July.  The parade of tractors through Harleston and indeed on the surrounding lanes is a sight to behold.  Any sponsorship would be most gratefully received. 

Unfortunately, there were no entries for the quiz in the last issue of the Link.  If anyone is interested in checking their answers please get in touch via email at

The Village Hall committee does not rest on its laurels.  The members are already planning for the next event - the Needham Village BBQ which will be held this year on Sunday 11 September.  Be sure and SAVE THE DAY!

Needham has the best village hall in the area and is popular for village celebrations.  However, events like the tea party, the forthcoming BBQ and the Christmas dinner do not happen by themselves and the Village Hall does not look after itself.  We urgently need new members for the Village Hall Committee.  The committee meets every one or two months.  If you can help please come to the next meeting in the Village Hall annexe at 7:30pm on Monday 25 July.

We should like to pass on our good wishes for a speedy recovery to one of the Link’s most enthusiastic contributors, Derek Buttle, who is at present in the Norfolk & Norwich Hospital.  Get well soon, Derek - we’re looking forward to seeing you back in Needham.

To get in touch please email:


Quuen@90 - Photographs

Needham Red Lion - Fundraising


The Coffee mornings held on the first Tuesday of the month continue to be a great success.  We have helped many charities since starting over two years ago.  All proceeds from the coffee mornings will now be going to All Hallows Hospice.


…. is located in Ditchingham in the beautiful Waveney Valley.  It provides professional medical care for both rehabilitation and long term needs.  Priority is given to residents of Norfolk and Suffolk.  The setting, in four acres of grounds including a sensory garden where patients can do the gardening themselves, provides peace that both patients and their relatives can enjoy.
The Trust receives money from surrounding healthcare providers for the care they provide but not for equipment such as beds, mattresses and specialist lifting equipment.  For this the Trust relies heavily on the generosity of local people.  In these times of austerity it is even more vital to support All Hallows in order that they can provide the very best care for patients.


There are two dates for your diaries - 9 July and 7 August 
On 9 July there will be a sponsored sky dive by two Red Lion volunteers, Lewis Williams and Lewis Robinson.  The jump will take place at Ellough Airport, Beccles at 9am, weather permitting.  Please come and support these two young boys and then afterwards come on to the Red Lion and join them for a brunch.  Proceeds of the jump and the brunch will go to the All Hallows Appeal.
On August 7 at 3pm there will be a Beach Party at the Red Lion.  Everyone is welcome to enjoy the beach and the food - paella and jambalay as well as a BBQ. To add to the fun there will be a sandcastle competition - two classes (children & adult). You will also be entertained by a Brass Band! This will be followed by an Auction of Promises.  Again, proceeds of the Day at the Beach will go towards funding new equipment for All Hallows.
Please come along and have fun whilst supporting this very important charity.

Needham Carpet Bowls Club & Village Hall Bookings

Since our last report we are pleased to welcome Derek Chenery as a new member.

We have a friendly match arranged against Blythburgh playing at Wangford Village Hall on Tuesday 2 August and we hope to arrange matches against Cratfield and Pulham Market.

The Pairs Competition has been completed.  Congratulations to the winners: Harold Jefferson & Derek Chenery.

We are a friendly club and we welcome new members.  All equipment is provided.  Do come along and join us!


needham village hall bookings

Monday:        Pilates  7:00-9:00pm
Tuesday:        Whist Drive  7:30pm
                      Wine & Social Club (every 3rd Tues) except June, July & August
Wednesday:  Art Group  1:30 - 4:00pm
                     Bowls Club  7:30pm
Thursday:      Library  2:00 - 4:00pm
                     Craft Group (every 2nd Thurs) 10:00am - 3:00pm
Friday:           Martial Arts  7:00 - 8:30pm

Bookings Secretary: Jean Youell (01379 854819)

The Shed

You may have noticed a new structure in the grounds of the Village Hall.  This is the new storage shed mainly for storing all the outside chairs and barbecue items.

We have to thank Glyn Jordan, John Morrish, George Miller, Delwyn Snaith & Andrew Major for their hard work over several days.  Pauline Spinlove was on hand to provide coffee and encouragement over the course of what turned out to be a tricky task.  It was not without danger as Glyn found out to his cost when he cut his wrist quite badly on a very sharp piece of the shed.  However, after several sessions the shed was finished and is a very useful addition to the Village Hall.

It's always best to take the advice of
a woman.
I think it goes like this                                                                      Denzil turns up to lend a paw

Cowboy builder?

Almost done

Needham Coronation Village Hall

Despite somewhat changeable weather on the day, there was a very good attendance at the tea party to celebrate the Queen's 90th birthday at the village hall on Sunday, 12 June.
A grant was received from South Norfolk Council, together with a generous donation from HLC, towards the cost of supplying refreshments and entertainment.  

We were pleased that our County and District Councillors, Martin and Jenny Wilby, were able to join us for the celebration.

We were entertained throughout the afternoon by the popular musicians "Shipshape".  The children had lots of fun on the bouncy castle, supervised by parents.  Fun on the bouncy castle was not just confined to the children; some adults were also spotted having a good time on it!

Andrew Major presented each of the Needham children with a commemorative coin, which we hope they will look back on with pleasant memories of a happy occasion in the years to come.

The invitation card numbers were put into a "hat" and the prize hamper draw was won by Janet and Michael Griffin.

Our thanks go to the following people who provided invaluable assistance towards making this a very successful event:

¬Glyn (new Committee member) and Sandra Jordan for the loan of a marquee.  Sandra took on responsibility for organising/supervising all aspects of the catering, and she also selected the items for the prize hamper.  Sandra devoted a great deal of time and energy to this, and we benefited enormously from her experienced of event catering.

¬Diane Clarke, who not only worked tirelessly in the kitchen all afternoon, providing teas, coffee and squash, but made the beautiful birthday cake that took centre stage on the buffet table.  The cake was cut by George and Sylvia Miller.

¬Heidi Williams for providing Diane with assistance in the kitchen throughout the afternoon.  

¬John and Angie Morrish for running the bar.

¬The Red Lion for providing the bar facilities and the provision of the excellent food.

¬The people who kindly donated cakes.

¬Those volunteers who helped in the kitchen at various times during the afternoon.  You would be surprised how many cups, saucers, dishes, plates, etc, were washed up during the day, resulting in "wash-day red hands"!

¬Richard Coe for the parking facilities in his field.

Last, but certainly not least, we would like to thank those people who helped with the final clearing up and the dismantling of equipment at the end of the afternoon.

Celia Snaith

Needham Parish Council

Needham Parish Council Annual Meeting 
23 May 2016

Annually a meeting is held by the Parish Council to review the past year.  I was able to report that for the last twelve months we have enjoyed regular two monthly meetings with a full complement of Parish Councillors when agenda items have ranged from street drainage and footpath clearance to planning applications. Reports were also received from our District and County Councillors, the Needham Village Hall Committee, Needham Towns Land Trust, the Friends of St Peter’s, Needham Link, the Bowls Club and the Red Lion Coffee Mornings.  This reflects the range and diversity of activity that takes place in the village, but a recurrent theme was that there is a need for more residents to come forward and help.  

We also welcomed Inspector Mike Austin from Diss Police station to the meeting.  The Parish Council had been concerned that changes to management of local policing would result in the village losing contact with officers in Harleston.  Inspector Austin was able to reassure us that this is not the case and that we should not be aware of any changes.  

Sadly I had to report that Denis Tavner who has been a Parish Councillor for many years and who has also been immensely supportive in running the Village Hall has had to step down as a Parish Councillor due to ill health.  We will greatly miss his presence.  This means there is a Casual Vacancy.  This will be formally advertised but I should very much welcome enquiries from any one in the village who is interested in joining the Parish Council.  Meetings are held every two months on the third Monday of the month.  

The next meeting will be held at 7.30pm on Monday 18th July in the Village Hall Annexe.

Andrew Major


Save the Day

save the day!

This year’s Needham Village BBQ 
will be held on
Sunday 11 September

St Peter's Church

St Peter’s  – Sunday Services

3rd July      At Scole Church 10.30am (Benefice Communion)
10th July    Morning Prayer 9.30am
17th July    Morning Prayer 11.00am
24th July    Holy Communion 9.30am
31st July    At Redenhall Church 10.30am (Benefice Communion)

7th Aug     Morning Prayer 11.00am
14th Aug   Morning Prayer 9.30am
21st Aug   Morning Prayer 11.00am
28th Aug   Holy Communion 9.30am

Rector: Revd Nigel Tuffnell 
Tel: 01379 308905
Office: Lucy Elton-Cooke (Mon - Fri 9am to 1pm)
Tel: 01379 851148

Website –

Wednesday, 29 June 2016

July/August Issue

The July/August issue is with the distributor so you should be getting your copy soon. It will be posted online on 30 June - tomorrow!