Despite somewhat changeable weather on the day, there was a very good attendance at the tea party to celebrate the Queen's 90th birthday at the village hall on Sunday, 12 June.
A grant was received from South Norfolk Council, together with a generous donation from HLC, towards the cost of supplying refreshments and entertainment.
We were pleased that our County and District Councillors, Martin and Jenny Wilby, were able to join us for the celebration.
We were entertained throughout the afternoon by the popular musicians "Shipshape". The children had lots of fun on the bouncy castle, supervised by parents. Fun on the bouncy castle was not just confined to the children; some adults were also spotted having a good time on it!
The invitation card numbers were put into a "hat" and the prize hamper draw was won by Janet and Michael Griffin.
Our thanks go to the following people who provided invaluable assistance towards making this a very successful event:
¬Glyn (new Committee member) and Sandra Jordan for the loan of a marquee. Sandra took on responsibility for organising/supervising all aspects of the catering, and she also selected the items for the prize hamper. Sandra devoted a great deal of time and energy to this, and we benefited enormously from her experienced of event catering.
¬Diane Clarke, who not only worked tirelessly in the kitchen all afternoon, providing teas, coffee and squash, but made the beautiful birthday cake that took centre stage on the buffet table. The cake was cut by George and Sylvia Miller.
¬Heidi Williams for providing Diane with assistance in the kitchen throughout the afternoon.
¬John and Angie Morrish for running the bar.
¬The Red Lion for providing the bar facilities and the provision of the excellent food.
¬The people who kindly donated cakes.
¬Those volunteers who helped in the kitchen at various times during the afternoon. You would be surprised how many cups, saucers, dishes, plates, etc, were washed up during the day, resulting in "wash-day red hands"!
¬Richard Coe for the parking facilities in his field.
Last, but certainly not least, we would like to thank those people who helped with the final clearing up and the dismantling of equipment at the end of the afternoon.
Celia Snaith
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