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Friday, 30 December 2016

    Needham Village Link

January/February 2017

From the Editor

Happy New Year to you all.  Here’s hoping that 2017 will deliver fewer shocks than 2016.

There is an important Village meeting regarding Needham Action Group’s Community project at the Village Hall on Sunday 5 February from 2pm to 5pm. Details can be found on the back page of this Link.

Village Information File
In 2011 the Parish Council distributed a pamphlet listing village organisations and contacts to every household.  So much has changed in five years that it is time to re-issue it.  This time The PC would also like to include details of anyone in the village who offers a service.  This could be anything from babysitting to professional services. If you would like to be included please send your contact details to Andrew Major at  drop them off at Mill Farm Cottage, Mill Lane or bring them to the next Parish Council meeting on Monday 16 January. 

You may recall that I have been appealing for a volunteer to take over the editorship of the Link.  So far, I have had one offer to guest edit which I have very gratefully accepted.  If there is anyone else out there who fancies turning his or her hand to editing please contact me at In the event of nobody wanting to take over I am afraid that the Link may cease to exist.

We are looking for a volunteer to help with the administration of the defibrillator that is positioned on the wall of the Red Lion.  If you would like details of what is involved please email or phone John Morrish on 01379851171


Needham Parish Council

 meeting 21 November 2016

A well attended public forum held before the Parish Council meeting raised a number of issues that concern us all.  A report was received from a resident of thefts in the village from a store of firewood.  The cost of firewood has risen hugely in the last few years which makes it a lucrative target.  Stores of firewood are often in the open and away from the house making them difficult to secure, but it is worth looking at your security arrangements to see what can be done to deter potential thieves.  If you have clear evidence that wood has been taken it should be reported to the police.  A report was also received of aggressive behaviour by doorstep scammers.  This is a problem that is particularly targeted at the elderly.  There is a separate article in this edition of the Link with advice on this matter.  

Other residents at the meeting sought advice from Parish Councillors on a persistent humming noise and on a planning application, which is a reminder that it is part of a Parish Councillors role to improve the quality of life and the environment in their area.

At the Parish Council meeting I was able to report that the joint acquisition with Brockdish of a SAM 2 speed machine is back on track.  It is expected it will be available next spring.  The meeting also discussed the dual problem of lack of early morning buses into Harleston that compels residents to walk into town and the hazard of crossing the A143 at the roundabout.  Initial response from the Highways Authority to improving the crossing was negative but we shall write again to ask if it is possible for the Parish Council to contribute funds towards, at the very least, improved white lining and also to Simmonds who now run the 581 Bus.  

A draft of an electoral review of South Norfolk has recommended that Needham should be relocated in the District Council that includes Harleston, Redenhall and Wortwell.  The Parish Council will be writing to object strongly as we have far more in common with Brockdish and adjoining villages.  Should you also wish to make an objection you can do so by logging onto

And a reminder that a casual vacancy again exists for a new Parish Councillor.  The next meeting will be held on Monday 16 January when we shall be setting the precept for the coming year. 

Andrew Major, Chairman

St Peter's Needham

Sunday Services

1st Jan      No Service
8th Jan      Morning Prayer  9.30am
15th Jan    Morning Prayer 11.00am
22nd Jan   Holy Communion 9.30am
20th Jan    Benefice Holy Communion  10:30

5th Feb      Morning Prayer 11.00am
12th Feb    Morning Prayer 9.30am
19th Feb    Morning Prayer 11.00am
26th Feb    Holy Communion 9.30am

Rector:      Revd Nigel Tuffnell 
Tel: 01379 308905
Office:       Lucy Elton-Cooke (Mon - Fri 9am to 1pm)
 Tel:01379 851148

Facebook –

Website –


from “Some Notes on Needham” by the late Cuthbert Mather

In earlier days footpaths would be used mainly by farmworkers, postmen, churchgoers and schoolchildren.  Not all of the footpaths are usable now but they are as follows:

  • High Road (near house147), Luck’s Mill Lane, for river & Weybread
  • High Road (by Mayland) to river & weir
  • High Road (opposite Brook Lane) to Mill Lane
  • High Road (by Village Hall) to Burnthouse Lane - between “Four Gates” and Brook Lane
  • High Road (at Wellsgate) to Harman’s Lane - once a cart track. This path is “Wells Lane”.
  • High Road (opposite Gunshaw Hall drive) to Wells Road; somehow known as “The Promised Land”.
  • “Monks’ Lane”: Harman’s Lane via Skeetsmere Cottage (this stretch is partly a watercourse since the great flood of 1912) to Tumbril Lane opposite Hogsty Lane (this stretch mainly ploughed up in about 1970)
  • Burnthouse Lane (at Skeetsmere House) to Starston Lane crossing Harman’s Lane
  • “Doles Lane”: Tumbril Lane via Doles Farm to junction on of Brook Lane and Kiln Lane (now partly a watercourse at southern end). A branch of this path - in use- emerges near Brabbin’s pond in Brook Lane (signposted)
  • Branching off Wells Lane to Starston Lane
  • Starston Lane to Gunshaw Hall and Harleston Common
  • Wells Road (by parish boundary) to river

I wonder how many of these footpaths are in existence now?- Ed

Accessibility of footpaths is often raised at Parish Council meetings.  If you are aware of footpaths that you would like to use but are becoming impassable the PC will arrange for the Council Rangers to clear the way. 

Doorstep Scams

If you receive an unexpected caller on the doorstep please be extra vigilant and check that they are genuine.  Scammers are employing a variety of tricks to con people out of money and are particularly targeting the elderly.  These include:

Rogue traders that tell you that work needs urgently to be carried out on your house.  Do not believe them and if you are uncertain ask a reputable tradesman to investigate.  Alternatively, they may claim to represent a utility company needing access to your home.
Hard luck stories such as a car breakdown are used to gain access to your house to steal whilst your attention is diverted.
Phoney charity collectors will claim to be collecting money to support victims of a high profile disaster.
Bogus officials will present a fake ID or claim to represent an organisation that has an official government sounding title.  Never give your financial details to anyone on the doorstep as part of a supposed survey.

There have been reports of scammers becoming aggressive.  If this happens do not hesitate to dial 999 for the police.  Alternatively, if you have suspicions about anyone going door to door you can call 119 and report this.  If in doubt do not open the door.

Needham Coronation Village Hall

The Friends of Needham Village Hall would like to thank the Red Lion for the donation of a Christmas trees.  The gesture was much appreciated.

The Village Hall is very well used by a variety of clubs as well as for private functions.  If you would like to book the hall please contact Jean Youell on 01379 854819

Friends of Needham Village Hall

The committee that has been running the Village Hall is to be re-formed as the Friends of Needham Village Hall.  We shall be losing some valued members but have also welcomed some new faces to our meetings .  However, we are anxious that there should be a wider representation from the village. 

If you are new to the village and would like to join us please come to our next meeting at 7:30pm on Monday 30 January 2017.

Poppy Appeal

Result of Poppy Collection this year is:

Red Lion          £21.02
HLC                 £31.63
Libby Troake   £72.67
Gill Powell       £142.15

Many Thanks to all who donated again this year.

Congratulations to David Hart who celebrated his 70th birthday recently.

St.Peters church would like to thank all those who are on the flower rota this year for all the lovely arrangements. If there are any folk who would like to join the flower rota please contact Gill Powell by email 
You do not have to be a regular church goer to join the rota just someone who enjoys arranging flowers.  
Gill Powell

Used Postage Stamps

Donate your used stamps to the RNIB

The RNIB can raise money from new and used British and Overseas stamps. Please leave approximately 1cm of envelope round the stamp and send them to:

RNIB Stamp Appeal
PO Box 185
Essex  SS7 9BH

Town Lands

There are ‘Town Lands’ belonging to Needham.  The estate originally consisted of several cottages and 24 acres of land, mostly granted in the reign of Queen Elizabeth I.  The Town Lands charity has been in existence for 400 years.  The conditions of the Trust are that one-fifth of the income is apportioned for church purposes in the parish and four-fifths for the ‘common use of the town & parish of Needham and for the benefit of the poor’.  Of late this non-ecclesiastical share has been given mainly by vouchers for food, clothing and fuel to the pensioners of the parish.
from Some Notes on Needham by the late Cuthbert Mather

(grants can still applied for from the Town Lands Trust)

Needham Carpet Bowls Club

Since our last report we have only played one league match which was a home match against Brockdish. We were the winners of all games, gaining 9 points.  We have five more matches to play and this will conclude the Winter League.

In the second round of the Knockout Cup we have been drawn against Barnham Broom on an away and home basis. The home match will be played on Friday 6 January and the away match will be on Monday 23 January.

Our Annual Dinner presentation Evening will take place on Saturday 28 January at Needham Red Lion.  Congratulations to the following winners: 

Ladies Singles                            - Angela Taylor
Gents Singles                             - Brian Carlile
Pairs                                           - Harold Jefferson & Derek Chinery
Winner of  Mary Howlett Trophy - John Kuzmic

Club evenings will start again in 2017 on Wednesday 4 January at 7:30pm
As always, new members would be very welcome - do come along and join us.

Wishing all our members a very happy and prosperous new year!

Good luck and good bowling!

Harleston Cinema

Thursday, 26th January 2017
Hunt for the Wilderpeople. 101 mins.
Hunt for the Wilderpeople’ has been a huge audience favourite with its brand of dark New Zealand humour, coupled with a boy’s own adventure story that goes, not merely off the rails, but off-road and off-grid.  Sam Neill plays Hec, a spectacularly grouchy old bushman who ends up in the wilderness with a chubby 13-year-old orphan-gangster called Ricky Baker, (played by a smart Julian Dennison).  Directed by Taika Waititi.

Thursday, 23rd February 2017
The Girl on the Train. 112 mins
Rachel (Emily Blunt) devastated by her recent divorce, spends her daily commute fantasising about the seemingly perfect couple who live in a house that her train passes every day, until one morning she sees something shocking happen there and becomes entangled in the mystery that unfolds.  Based on Paula Hawkins’ bestselling novel, Directed by Tate Taylor.

Thursday, 23rd March 2017
A Street Cat Named Bob.  103 mins.
Based on the international best selling book, this true ‘feel good’ story tells of how James Bowen (played by Luke Treadaway), a busker and recovering drug addict had his life transformed when he met a stray ginger cat, (Bob).  Directed by Roger Spottiswood.

Thursday, 27th April 2017
A United Kingdom. 111 mins.
This British production based on true events tells of the romance between an English office clerk and the future king of Botswana that is forbidden by their families and the British and South African governments.  It is beautifully shot and a crowd-pleasing gem.  Starring Rosamund Pike as Ruth Williams and David Oyelowo as Seretse Khama.  Directed by Amma Asante.

Venue: Masonic Rooms, The Thoroughfare, Harleston.
Tickets: £4:  for further information and to book, please ring Harleston Information Plus on 01379 851917.
Matinee: Doors open 1.30pm, film starts at 2.00pm
Evenings: Doors open at 7.00pm, film starts at 7.30pm.

January/February 2017

The next issue of the Needham Link will be on line from 18:20 this evening. (30 December)
The paper copy should be delivered to your house in the next few days.