January & February 2018
Welcome to the latest edition of Needham Link which will also be the first for 2018. I should like to thank Helen Major for all her hard work in keeping the publication going over the past six years, as well as to her dedicated band of distributors who should be congratulated for ensuring that every house in the village received a copy. I am delighted that they have agreed to continue so that I can concentrate on collecting stories and producing the Newsletter. Thanks also go to Linda Barden from Harleston U3A for her help in the design of this publication.
I decided to take on the role of Editor because I was aware that Needham Link was in danger of disappearing which would have been a great loss to the village and its residents. When we moved to Needham last year we found the magazine a great help assisting us in getting to know who’s who in the community, and what events were available.
Such a publication is the lifeblood of a small village and helps to preserve a sense of community and belonging for those of us fortunate enough to live in such a pleasant and friendly environment.
Needham Link is your magazine and I hope that you will provide me with local information, news and views so that there’s always something topical and interesting to read. The deadline for receipt of material for the next edition is: Friday 16 February 2018.
Next time in the March/April Link: Articles will include: a Poem for Spring; more heritage revelations and the visit of the Norfolk House Detectives to Needham; local news, events and people.
All contributions welcome.
Send material to needhamlink@gmail.com by:-Friday 16 February 2018
Send material to needhamlink@gmail.com by:-Friday 16 February 2018
Alan Jeffery