In view of the current Covid-19 crisis, all our Wednesday club nights have been cancelled until further notice. Our last Waveney League match of the winter season, against Kenninghall, and a ‘friendly’ match against our friends at Blythburgh, have also had to be cancelled.
The club did, however, hold its Annual Dinner/Club Trophies’ Presentation Evening at the Needham Red Lion on 22 February. Our thanks, as always, to Sue and Joe at the Red Lion for providing an excellent meal. Our Chair Person, Frances Burton, presented the club trophies to the following winners:
Frances & George (singles winner)
John & George (doubles winners)
Congratulations to both George and John on their awards, and “well done” to George who won his first club trophies.
With the current cancellation of club nights, we were unable to complete our Mary Howlett trophy, but hope to do this when club nights resume.
Our members have been keeping busy dealing with all those jobs that needed doing in the garden and around the house, and they are looking forward to “exiting lock-down” and returning to the club!
If you are interested in finding out more about our club, we would be pleased to hear from you. You would receive a very warm welcome from our members, who would be pleased to show you how the game is played and answer any queries. We meet in Needham Village Hall at 7.30 pm on Wednesday evenings, and all the equipment is provided.
If you would initially prefer to have a chat with one of our members, then ring Frances Burton on 07790 286484.
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