Because of the Covid-19 lockdown it was not possible to hold the Parish Council meeting scheduled for 23rd March. However, the Parish Council continues with its business: financing and monitoring the emptying of dog bins, footpath clearance, grass cutting and financing the publication of the Link as well as liaising with South Norfolk Council on highways and other issues. You may have also noticed the return of the Speed Awareness Machine that had been sent to the manufacturer for an upgrade. It now records the time and speed of vehicle, information that can be passed on to the Police. A Zoom meeting of Parish Councillors was held on 18th May to receive a financial report from the Parish Clerk and review actions taken during the lock-down.
Because of the Covid-19 lockdown it was not possible to hold the Parish Council meeting scheduled for 23rd March. However, the Parish Council continues with its business: financing and monitoring the emptying of dog bins, footpath clearance, grass cutting and financing the publication of the Link as well as liaising with South Norfolk Council on highways and other issues. You may have also noticed the return of the Speed Awareness Machine that had been sent to the manufacturer for an upgrade. It now records the time and speed of vehicle, information that can be passed on to the Police. A Zoom meeting of Parish Councillors was held on 18th May to receive a financial report from the Parish Clerk and review actions taken during the lock-down.
Andrew Major
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