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Wednesday, 28 December 2011

From your new editor

For me this is the realisation of a childhood ambition.  Many years ago, more than I care to remember, my friend and I started a publication named ‘The Bowlease News’.  It served the residents of the cul-de-sac in which we lived and reported on earth-shattering events such as a fire in a neighbour’s shed! A kindly elderly spinster typed it for us (no computers way back then let alone blogging!) and my father had it duplicated at his school.  We sold it for 3d and the proceeds went to charity.  At the time, I told the reporter who interviewed us for the local paper that I wanted to be a reporter.  Well, here I am, having by-passed the cub reporter stage, your new editor!  

It’s a daunting task to follow in the footsteps of David. I should like to thank him personally for the encouragement he has given me in my new role and on your behalf I should also like to thank him for his hard work in producing a wonderful village paper over the past 5 years. It’s a very hard act to follow but I’m sure you, the readers, will help me out!
I shall be really grateful for any contributions which you can make.

I can be reached at Mill Farm Cottage in Mill Lane or by email:

Information or contributions for the March edition of the Needham Link need to reach Helen Major by 14th February 2012.  

Post them through the door of Mill Farm Cottage, Mill Lane or email:

Many Thanks.

Village Hall Committee

Needham Festive Quiz Night 10th December 2011 

Thank you to all those who supported this village event, a fun night was had by all! The grand prize of £80 and all the great spot prizes were gratefully received at this time of year!
I would like to say a few heartfelt thank yous! To John & Sue Elsden for donating a super Christmas tree which really helped to make for a festive event  as well as providing the village hall with a festive feel for all to enjoy throughout the Christmas season. A big thank you to Helen & Andrew Major and Karen Smith who were invaluable in helping to organise and run this event; and of course Pauline Spinlove, Jean Youell and Harold  for all their hard work and unfailing support of the Village Hall. And, last but by no means least thank you to all those who donated super raffle prizes including Budgens.  The event wouldn’t have been such a success without you all! 

The quiz night raised just over £200 towards future village hall events and improvements. It is a shame that there isn’t more support for these events and projects though; our main aim is to bring the village together and develop a community in Needham. 

(The biggest thank you goes to Caroline for being the driving force behind the event! - Ed)

Caroline Dear

The 10th of December in the Village Hall was an excellent evening. The sausage and mash were most enjoyable and the quiz was brilliantly organised by the Hall Committee and friends.  There were lots of prizes, a really superb community night and village get-together. 

With the hall in the middle of the village it is an ideal location with easy parking and good facilities for local events; so why not use it more?  Do come along to the Hall AGM in the spring and join us to make Needham a great Village.

George Miller , Chairman

Friends of St Peters

The Friend's of St. Peter's have spent many years fundraising and paying for re-roofing both parts of the church.  In recent times the 'Friends' have turned their attention to the interior and with the PCC have now re-ordered the Chancel, refurbished the organ, re-lit the church, re-carpeted and re-curtained.  The most recent work was the provision of a new sound system and a multi-directional microphone. and we are now in the process of putting something warmer under the bottoms of the churchgoers.  We would be interested to hear what the village think about the church and what job the PCC may take on next.  So please let the Friends or PCC know. 
Why not pop into the church and take a look for yourselves?
David Cunliffe
A tremendous 'thank you’ to all those who attended the tidy up in the churchyard in St Peter’s.  Have a look as you go by and see the church now that all the trees have been topped.  The crew of 14 worked flat out to achieve the transformation.  Also, thanks to Robi who refreshed the tired souls.
George Miller & Lenny Whymark 
The Magazine Quiz is nearing completion - entries in by 13th January, please. Winners will be announced in the next edition.  
Dates for 2012 - put them in your diary NOW!
13 January              
Closing date for Fruit Quiz

24 March
Needham’s Great Cake Bake

24 March
Kitchen Utensils Quiz starts

20 April
Kitchen Utensils Quiz ends

1 July
Beat the Bounds Walk and Village Tea and Songs of Praise

1 July
Sports Quiz goes on sale

8 or 15 July
Open Gardens (11am - 5pm)

12 August
Sports Quiz closing date

27 October
Quiz for Christmas starts

Open Gardens

The Friends of St Peters would like to hold Open Gardens in the village again as it was such a successful event when it was last held in 2009.  The suggested dates are either Sunday 8th or Sunday 15th July.  If you would like to volunteer your garden please email or contact Pauline.

There will be more information plus a definite date in the March edition of The Link.

Needham Carpet Bowls

Since our last report we have played the return match against Colton in the knock out cup.  Needham won by 3 games out of four.  So, we now go through to the 2nd round where we have been drawn against Kenningham B Team. This match will be played on 13th January.
In the Waveney League, we have played an away game at Wortwell, losing three games and only winning one game.

We have also played a home match against Syleham & Wingfield - this was a drawn match but the visitors won by seven shots.
On Wednesday 21st December we played an away match against Debenham. (result in next edition)

Our Annual Dinner Presentation evening will be held on Saturday 21st January in The Red Lion.  We look forward to seeing members and guests.

Our club evenings begin again on Wednesday 4th January at 7:30pm in Needham Village Hall. Why not come along and join us?  You would be most welcome.  Fees, which include tea/coffee & biscuits, are only £1.00 each evening and all equipment is provided.
Wishing all our members a very prosperous 2012.

Good luck & good bowling! 


Parish Council News

The meeting of the Parish Council held on Monday 28th November agreed not to increase the precept for the second year running.  This is the money given to the Parish from out of the Council Tax.  
There are two notice boards in the village for displaying Parish Council news, but they are now in a serious state of disrepair.  The cost of new ones are beyond the means of the Parish.  We are appealing for offers from any enthusiastic carpenter in the village to help us by making new timber framed glass doors for the boards.  The PC will of course cover the cost of materials.  If you can help, please speak to the chairman.
On the subject of notice boards, there is one in front of the village hall that anyone can use to display information about activities in the village.  Please keep signs to no larger than A4, and remove them when they are out of date.
Planning applications:
An application to convert 111 High Road into a 3 bed and a 4 bed dwelling has been refused by South Norfolk Council.
The Parish Council voted to support planning applications for:
Installation of photovoltaic panels at Ivy Farm House, 44 High Road, and:
Erection of a new kitchen extension, replacement of roof tiles, and new dormer windows at 91 High Road.

Next meeting:
Monday 23 January at 7:30pm in Needham Village Hall

Kosova Trip Report

My trip to Gjakove in Kosova for 5 days in December was once again challenging, humbling and joyful.  On this trip we had the joy of giving out Christmas Shoeboxes (Operation Christmas Child) and were able to distribute these in 3 kindergartens, a centre for disabled children and also a centre for the blind, deaf & dumb.  
The work rate of the church we link up with is amazing and the amount of things to do was in itself very challenging, but on this my fourth visit I thought it unlikely that I would see poverty worse than I had seen before, but sadly I did.  Whilst parts of the area are now developing, there is still no work for 60% of the men and the conditions of many of the homes is still desperate.  I have seen families living in one room and the rain (of which there was plenty) coming in through the roof.  Families of 10 children aged 1 – 14years in one room where the heating is a tray of burning coals.  Homes where the only available water is coming in through the ceiling next to the electric.
And yet I have also seen joy that I rarely see in England, I am not talking about laughter or happiness but real JOY, coming from deep within them.  I think that may come from the ability of the people to share what little they have and the way they live in community together.  Either way I find it humbling.
I hope to visit again next summer and maybe find some folks to fix a few roofs.

David Cunliffe

Around the Village

White House Farm
If we want to buy high quality fresh free range eggs Needham residents don’t have to go far.  We are very lucky to have a supplier in the village*.  
John Elsdon’s family have been at White House Farm since 1911 when his grandfather, Herbert moved  from Thorpe Abbots with his new wife to farm the 50 acres.  The farm gradually increased in size until the Elsdons farmed 130 acres, growing arable crops and keeping pigs and cows.  
In the 1990s it became clear that it was unprofitable to farm only 130 acres so John and his wife Sue searched for another venture before, with advice from a government consultant, deciding on hens.  They started in 2003 with 12,000 hens and now they have 16,000. The capital outlay even before taking on the birds was enormous - £400,000 to build the barn which houses the hens during the night.  During the day they are free to wander the 40 acres and are quite happy to spend the night in the safety of the barn.  The eggs are gathered daily and every other day the packer, Noble Foods, collects them and packs them ready for sale by supermarkets such as Sainsbury’s.  The birds are kept for 72 weeks after which their laying falls off.
The four weeks after the hens have gone are very busy.  The barn has to be thoroughly cleaned of ‘muck’ and then it is steam cleaned.  All the equipment is also thoroughly cleaned and then reassembled before the next consignment of pullets arrives. 
The eggs which are sent to supermarkets all have the Lion stamp on them which indicates that they have been vaccinated against salmonella.  Every 15 weeks a sample is taken to check that the birds are salmonella free.  
In order for their eggs to qualify for Woodland Eggs status for Sainsbury’s, John and Sue have planted trees on their land.  The particular breed of hen which John & Sue keep , the Lohmann Brown,  prefers  shade which the trees provide.
Needham villagers are also very lucky in not having to travel far to buy good quality freshly cut Christmas trees sourced in East Anglia – so a low carbon footprint there! Every December approximately 600 trees are sold, the most popular being Nordman and Fraser Fir

16,000             The number of hens on White House Farm
15,000             The number of eggs laid each day
320                  The number of eggs per hen housed laid during a year
72                    The number of weeks the hens spend at White House Farm
5,100,000      The number of eggs laid during the hens’ time at White House Farm
5 days             Maximum age of eggs when they arrive at the 
3000litres        The volume of water drunk by the hens in a day
1 UK 16481  - The number on the eggs which indicates from where the egg originated
(1=free range, UK =country of origin, 16481 = number unique to White House Farm)
150g               The weight of the largest egg laid in November 2011 
300                 The number of tonnes of ‘muck’ cleaned out of the barn after the chickens have gone
88 p                The price per dozen the Elsdons get for their eggs
300p               Approximate price of eggs sold in supermarkets
3000+             The number of trees planted by John & Sue
600                 The number of Christmas trees sold each season
*White House Farm eggs are available from the farm.  (much cheaper than supermarket prices!)

Burns Night

We are a long way from Scotland but Burns Night is celebrated throughout the world so here are some thoughts.  Burns Night is on 25 January. It celebrates the birth in 1759 of Scotland’s most famous poet Robert (Rabbie) Burns.
Many people and organizations hold a Burns' supper on or around Burns' Night. These may be informal or formal, only for men, only for women, or for both genders. Formal events include toasts and readings of pieces written by Robert Burns. Ceremonies during a Burns' Night supper vary according to the group organizing the event and the location but the evening centres on the arrival of the haggis.The food associated with Burns Night includes: cock-a-leekie soup (chicken & leek), haggis, neeps (mashed turnips or swedes) & tatties (potatoes).
For dessert cranachan is served.  As a pudding lover I thought I’d include a recipe!
Ingredients for Cranachan
3 oz (85g) pinhead oatmeal
1/2 pint (280ml) double/whipping cream
5 oz (150g) raspberries
2 tablespoons (30ml) of whisky
The oatmeal should be toasted in a pan over a high heat then dust should be sifted out. The oatmeal is soaked in whisky overnight and then added to the whipped cream, with a little more whisky added to the mixture. Some raspberries are placed in the bottom of the serving glass before adding the cream mixture. An option is to break up some of the raspberries and gently blend into the mixture. The volume of whisky used may be adjusted to personal taste, but it should be a subtle hint rather than a strong flavour.
Have you got a favourite recipe?  If so, send it in!

The Benefits of Keeping Fit

Derek Buttle

With reference to “Extend” (Link - November), I started winter training at an early age for better sport performance and I have appreciated the benefits of fitness ever since and am continuing to maintain and enjoy a healthy exercise programme. 

Through such participation I have developed views which have helped overcome the perception that with age your steps are shorter, the miles longer and the shopping heavier.  Mind does matter.  Whatever your age, if you can move you can exercise.  “I can, I will, I must.”
Exercise is stress but can create suppleness, strength and well being.  It can also trigger the release of endorphins, a chemical substance in the brain that can make you feel better.  Exercise at least three times a week for twenty minutes but don’t over do it!  Choose an activity that you enjoy and remember that more is not necessarily better—it’s quality that counts.  Fitness is obtained by workout and recuperation coupled with good nutrition.  If you have an underlying health problem you should consult your doctor before starting a routine.  Whilst exercising, breathing should be slightly deeper than normal.  Fitness is for living.  It is so easy to give up.  Remember - “I can, I will, I must!”  
Thank you to Derek for his valuable contribution.  Do any other readers have keep fit/exercise routines they would like to share with us? If so, please email    Ed

The Art Club

Are you interested in drawing and painting? If so, would you like to come along and join a small group of like-minded people who meet in the Needham Village Hall every Wednesday afternoon from 1.30 pm until 4pm. We are a friendly group who use a variety of mediums from pencil, watercolours, acrylics and oils.  We hope to have a visiting instructor in the New Year, and generally we talk about our work and get tips from each other.

Some of us have only come back to art since we found time when we retired and others haven't done any since they were at school, we are all at different stages. 

If you would like to come along one afternoon, just for a pre-view, we usually have a break and a cup of tea and biscuits at about 2.30pm.  We would love to see you and have a chat.
Do come along you will be very welcome.

The next meeting is on January 11th 2012


Jubilee 2012

It would be great if Needham could do something to celebrate the Queen's Diamond Jubilee this year.  There will be a meeting held at the Red Lion on Tuesday 24th January at 7:30 for anyone who is interested in helping to organise an event or has any suggestions.  Please come!  For any further information email and keep an eye on for any updates.