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Saturday, 25 February 2012

Needham Village Link
cover design by Flo Townley

March/April 2012

The news letter for the villagers of Needham

 From the editor
Thank you for your kind comments on the February edition.  I’m also really pleased to see how many visits to the web site there have been.  I hope that  people will begin to make comments on articles in the future by logging on to 
A new group has been set up to co-ordinate the planning for a Queen’s Jubilee Event in the village. The Needham Village Diamond Jubilee Planning Group (NVDJPG) is proposing to hold a Jubilee Garden Party in the grounds of the village hall on Saturday 2 June.  This will be followed by a BBQ in the evening.  It would be wonderful if everyone in the village could celebrate this once in a lifetime event.  The planning is at early stage so your input would be very welcome. The next meeting will be on Thursday 1 March at the Red Lion. This is an excellent opportunity for the village to come together as a community.  Please keep an eye on the website and on the noticeboards for future dates.
I am very grateful to all the contributors to this edition of the Link.  This month’s cover is drawn by Flo Townley and represents so well the very welcome start of spring. The photograph of the Red Lion in the snow is by Vicky Townley.  The item on keeping fit is by Emily Orford, and Derek Buttle has so kindly written another article for us. If you would like something included in the next edition please contact me at Mill Farm Cottage in Mill Lane or e-mail me at  I should be delighted to receive your contributions. The deadline for the next edition is 14 April
Thanks. Helen

You will see from the report on the latest Parish Council meeting that a resident raised the issue of dog fouling on the pavements.  For some time the problem seemed to go away but now it is unfortunately becoming common again.  Dog faeces can pose a significant health risk to humans, particularly young children as their immune systems are not fully developed.  All faeces contain bacteria that can cause stomach upsets, but the greatest risk is from toxocariasis.
Toxocariasis is particularly hazardous to small children as it can result in blindness.  If you have a dog please make sure you clean up after it.

Needham Parish Council
At the public forum held before the Parish Council meeting on 23 January, a member of the public raised strong concerns over the extent of dog fouling on the pavements in Needham.  This has recently become much more common and the forum discussed steps that could be taken to prevent it.  The parish already pays £112 a year to have two dog waste bins emptied and the possibility of purchasing additional bins was discussed but left the  problem of where to locate them.  It was agreed that the Parish Clerk would contact the South Norfolk Dog Warden for advice on methods of deterring fouling.
Concerns were also expressed again at speeding through the village.  This is particularly a problem between 6.30 and 7.00 in the morning.
It was reported at the Parish Council meeting that there had been no response to the appeal in the last edition of the Link for a local DIY expert to help repair the village notice boards.  It was noted that  the Parish Council budget would not support the purchase of new boards.  It was agreed that grant assistance would be investigated.
It was also reported that Saffron Housing Trust had written to advise the Council that the housing scheme for Needham had been paused whilst attention is given to others which are further advanced.
Planning applications: the following applications have been approved by South Norfolk Council
  • Installation of PV panels at Ivy Farm House, 44 High Road
  • Use of part of land for storage of reclaimed building materials at Gunshaw Hall, High Road
  • Erection of new kitchen, replacement roof tiles and construction of dormer windows at 91 High Road.
Councillors agreed to oppose an application to extend 111 High Road as it would be possible to convert the building into two houses by closing off a single doorway.

The next meeting of the Parish Council will be at 7:30pm on Monday 26th March.

The Garden Party to celebrate the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee in the grounds of the village hall will be on Saturday 2nd June.  It will be a free event and will be followed by a BBQ in the evening.
There will be tea and cakes, a Pimms tent, games, a flower show, an art competition and other events yet to be arranged. Jubilee mugs will be presented to children under 16 years who attend the garden party and to any one who has a 60th birthday or is celebrating a diamond wedding in 2012. Mugs will also be on sale.

Please contact Caroline if you have 60th anniversary (birthday or wedding) in 2012.
To raise money for the Jubilee Garden Party (Needham Village Diamond Jubilee Planning Group) NVDJPG are going to hold an Auction of Promises on Bank Holiday Monday 7th May at the Red Lion. (see opposite)
If you have any memorabilia from previous jubilee/coronation events in the village or old photographs/documents of the village or buildings, NVJPG would like to hear from you as they are planning an exhibition as part of the celebrations in June.
Caroline can be contacted via 

Jubilee Art Show
What? An A4 piece of art; a painting, picture or drawing to
represent ‘Needham during the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee’. You don’t need to be artist - just be as creative and imaginative as you desire.
Who? Four age categories- 6 & under; 7-12 ; 13-18; 19 and over.
When? Art to be submitted to the Editor by 31st May It will be judged at the Garden Party on 2nd June 2012.
Why?  The winning piece of art from each age group will be framed and take pride of place in the Village Hall Extension, to create a fabulous display for generations to come.
Note, the art is non returnable & will be for sale following judging.

Needham Carpet Bowls Club
Since our last report we have played an away league match against Debenham.  The host team won.
On 13th January, five members competed in the 2nd round of the knock-out cup away to Kenninghall and again the host team were the winners. The return match was played at Needham on 3rd February. After a  well fought match the visitors were the winners.
On 27th January we held our annual dinner and presentation evening at Needham Red Lion.  A very fine three course dinner was enjoyed by members and guests.
Our club trophies were presented to:
Ladies Singles  : Jane Debattista
Gents Singles   : Lennie Whymark
Pairs winners    : Jean Youell & Harold Jefferson
Our AGM will be held on Wednesday 21st March at 7:15pm
Club evenings are every Wednesday in the  Village Hall  at 7:30pm.
Come along and join us.  You would be most welcome. Fees which include tea, coffee & biscuits are £1 and all equipment is provided.
Good luck and good bowling!

Auction of Promises -      
Monday 7th May at the Red Lion
At the time of writing NVJPG have promises for a ton of logs (inc delivery), cleaning your car and a meal for two at the Red Lion.  We are hoping that you will all be very generous in giving your time (and money).  Perhaps you could volunteer to do something like - an hour’s weeding, ironing, walking dogs, babysitting, cooking a meal....? The list could be endless! The organisers are looking forward to some interesting promises!
Please contact   with your promise or post it through the editor’s letter box at Mill Farm Cottage in Mill Lane.

The Red Lion
Friday 13th January was a lucky day for not only the Massey family but also for Needham. It was on this day that Joe and Sue and sons Michael and Kevin became owners of the village pub, The Red Lion, thus securing its future.Running a pub takes a special sort of person. The hours are long and taking holidays is not without its problems. People always expect to see a smiling face behind the bar even when the publican may not  feel much like smiling! The Red Lion, which is a grade 2 Listed building, is very much a family business. Joe makes sure the beer is at its best whilst Sue runs the kitchen. Michael is responsible for the theme nights and organises all the improvement projects of which there are going to be many now that they own the pub.Michael can’t remember when his family wasn’t involved in running pubs. His earliest memory is living in The Swan in Fressingfield in 1980 when Joe was also the senior contracts manager for a large carpet firm and worked on prestigious projects such the Royal Opera House and the MI5 building. In 1986 the family moved to The Bush in Shimpling until in 2008 they became tenants of The Red Lion.
Michael enjoys the characters, especially the older ones, which he meets whilst serving behind the bar. The stories they tell are fascinating. One evening Michael discovered that they had three WW2 ex-paratroopers in the bar all of whom had taken part in a glider raid over France. Not only do the pensioners have remarkable tales to tell but they are the people who keep pubs going. The pensioners’ lunches the Red Lion offers are very popular.
Which brings us to food – Michael believes that people want good honest pub food rather that fancy food served by many gastro pubs. Consequently they concentrate on serving fish, pies, grills, curries and vegetarian options. Michael’s philosophy is to give people what they want and he is more than willing to accommodate diners who may have certain food intolerances or particular preferences – “If someone wants prawn cocktail with sauce on the side then that’s what you do. It’s all about being bothered.” He believes that is the way to make sure people come back.

Michael spent 2 ½ years at Stamford College where he learned to cook “fancy food” but after his 3rd failure with hot trout mousse with crayfish sauce he decided to call it a day. His expertise is sometimes called upon for theme nights.

Michael feels that many pubs put too much emphasis on food and the drinkers get forgotten. People like to go to the pub for a drink and a chat. So, the quality of beer is important and Joe is responsible for making sure the beer is in top condition. Now they own the pub they can a wider variety of beers and will be serving beer from local micro-breweries such as Grain, Tipple and Humpty Dumpty.

And the future? They are going to experiment with the menu whilst still keeping the basics. There are going to be improvements outside with the decking being made more accessible and, for the children, there will be a play area.  The theme nights* will continue.

We wish the Massey family all the best for the future because a good pub is what every village needs!

*Future events:

17 March - St Patrick’s Day with Dog Days of Summer

9 April - Hog Roast. Band TBA

photograph by Vicky Townley

Novelty Cake workshop
Sandra Jordan has once again offered to help those of you wanting to enter a cake into the Novelty Cake category of the Needham Cake Bake.  She can help you with ideas, get you started and offer help and support along the way.  We had some brilliant entries last year and it would be great to see that happen again. The workshop will be on 12th March from 6:30pm.  Sandra lives at 64 High Road.
If you are looking for boards, boxes, ribbons or decoration for your cake go and see Karen Hart in the Card & Party Shop.  She is experienced in sugar craft and will know just what you need.

Needham Open Gardens
Pauline Spinlove would like to thank those people who have already volunteered to open their gardens on either Sunday 8th or Sunday 15th July.
If you would like to open your garden please contact Pauline via
There will be more details in the May edition of the Link - or keep an eye on 

Table Top Sale
Saturday 10th March   10:00am - 1:00pm
at Needham Village Hall

Bric a Brac



...and more

Tables £5.00
Please contact Pauline Spinlove via

Friends of St Peter’s
Great Cake Bake
Saturday 24th March 2012
at Needham Village Hall

fruit cake
chocolate sponge cake
novelty cake
plain scones
sausage rolls 
cheese straws

Entry is free, but entries will be auctioned after judging.  Winners will receive a small prize and a certificate.

*Even if you do not enter anything please come along at 3:30pm and bid for one of the entries!

Seeing a letter of thanks for tidying God’s Acre (church yard) awakened pleasant memories for me. When I and my two schoolboy sons (now both over 50 years) were toiling away cutting grass and removing weeds alongside other villagers and a shirt-sleeved Reverend Mather, we were revived by lovely Needham ladies with steaming cups of tea - just as Robi does nowadays. 
The Reverend Mather, after whom a local by-road is named, was intrigued by the variety of flora and fauna abounding in our churchyard.  Two anonymous botanists came to his rescue in the 1980 season and named 65 specimens of flowers and 7 grasses.
Derek Buttle 
Village Hall Management Committee
Your Village Hall Committee will be holding their Annual General Meeting to which you are invited in the Hall at 7.30pm on Monday April 16th 2012.   Come along and let us know your thoughts on the running of YOUR VILLAGE HALL.  Have you been in the Hall recently and seen the latest improvements? 
As a Committee, we keep the Hall in good order and make improvements.  You can find out where the money comes from and how it is spent.  Your views would be very much appreciated and new members  of the Committee would be most welcome.

Needham Town Lands Trust

Needham Town Lands Trust is a local fund that exists to help Needham Villagers in times of hardship.  We would encourage you to ask where you think we may be able to help. 

Examples are:- Help for a Needham child with the cost of a school trip.
Transport costs for hospital or hospice visiting. Telecare aids for the elderly.
We know how difficult it is for people to ask for themselves, so if you think there might be a way we could help someone you know in need, please tell us – any conversations will be treated with great care and we will always be discreet in all of our conversations.
Please talk to Sylvia Miller, Sally Nicholson or David Cunliffe.

Going from strength to strength 
I was inspired by Derek’s entry in January’s Needham Link to put pen to paper.  Government guidelines recommend 150 minutes of moderate intensity aerobic activity a week or 75 minutes of vigorous aerobic activity plus strength exercises on 2 days. 
Strength exercises focus on working particular groups of muscles in the body and are counted in repetitions and sets. A repetition is 1 complete movement of an activity, like sit-ups. A set is a group of repetitions.
For each exercise, try to do 8 to 12 repetitions in each set. Try to do at least 1 set of each muscle-strengthening activity. You'll get even more benefits if you do 2 or 3 sets. To get health benefits from muscle-strengthening activities, you should do them to the point where you struggle to complete another repetition. 
In this edition we look at how to perform the squat, an excellent strength exercise for working and toning the muscles in the lower body.
  1. Make sure you warm up first. eg: marching on the spot, rotating the shoulders, small knee raises or heel digs to get the body moving.
  2. Stand with your fee shoulder-width apart.
  3. Hands can rest on your thighs (easier option) or stretch out in front (harder option).
  4. Lower yourself by bending your knees.
  5. The ideal position is to get your thighs parallel to the floor but on your first few attempts just go as low as feels comfortable.
  6. Keep your back straight, chest and chin lifted and don’t let your knees extend over your toes.  The movement is like sitting on a chair.
Please note that if you are new to exercise or unsure about your suitability to undertake an exercise programme, always consult your doctor first.
 Emily Orford

Emily is a qualified aerobics instructor and runs weekly fitness classes. For more info, please contact Emily via

Lost & Found
A ladies’ watch has been found outside 135 High Road. If you think this may be yours please contact John Howard via  and give a description of the watch.
St Peter’s Church
The Vicar, David Jackson, retired at the end of January.  Should you wish to arrange a Wedding, Funeral, Baptism etc during the Interregnum please contact the Church Wardens:- Charles Chenery or George Miller via
Happy Christmas & New Year
Roy, Pat and Ron have been in touch with us to ask us to pass on their thanks for all the Christmas cards they received from villagers.  Roy has lost his address book and consequently was not able to send cards to his friends in the village so he would like to pass on all his best wishes by way of the Needham Link.
Roy would love it if you could let him have your address so he can have a note of them once more.  Please could you send them to:-
Roy Elliot, 
105, Station Road, 
NN7 1NG.  
This will also help Pat to help Roy as well.  Thank you
Coffee Mornings  from 10:30am onwards...
13th March     at Robi Dove’s 8 High Rd Needham
17 April          at Geoff & June Martin’s  58 High Rd Needham