The Garden Party to celebrate the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee in the grounds of the village hall will be on Saturday 2nd June. It will be a free event and will be followed by a BBQ in the evening.
There will be tea and cakes, a Pimms tent, games, a flower show, an art competition and other events yet to be arranged. Jubilee mugs will be presented to children under 16 years who attend the garden party and to any one who has a 60th birthday or is celebrating a diamond wedding in 2012. Mugs will also be on sale.
Please contact Caroline if you have 60th anniversary (birthday or wedding) in 2012.
To raise money for the Jubilee Garden Party (Needham Village Diamond Jubilee Planning Group) NVDJPG are going to hold an Auction of Promises on Bank Holiday Monday 7th May at the Red Lion. (see opposite)
If you have any memorabilia from previous jubilee/coronation events in the village or old photographs/documents of the village or buildings, NVJPG would like to hear from you as they are planning an exhibition as part of the celebrations in June.
Caroline can be contacted via needhamlink@gmail.com
Jubilee Art Show
What? An A4 piece of art; a painting, picture or drawing to
represent ‘Needham during the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee’. You don’t need to be artist - just be as creative and imaginative as you desire.
Who? Four age categories- 6 & under; 7-12 ; 13-18; 19 and over.
When? Art to be submitted to the Editor by 31st May It will be judged at the Garden Party on 2nd June 2012.
Why? The winning piece of art from each age group will be framed and take pride of place in the Village Hall Extension, to create a fabulous display for generations to come.
Note, the art is non returnable & will be for sale following judging.
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