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Saturday, 25 February 2012

Seeing a letter of thanks for tidying God’s Acre (church yard) awakened pleasant memories for me. When I and my two schoolboy sons (now both over 50 years) were toiling away cutting grass and removing weeds alongside other villagers and a shirt-sleeved Reverend Mather, we were revived by lovely Needham ladies with steaming cups of tea - just as Robi does nowadays. 
The Reverend Mather, after whom a local by-road is named, was intrigued by the variety of flora and fauna abounding in our churchyard.  Two anonymous botanists came to his rescue in the 1980 season and named 65 specimens of flowers and 7 grasses.
Derek Buttle 
Village Hall Management Committee
Your Village Hall Committee will be holding their Annual General Meeting to which you are invited in the Hall at 7.30pm on Monday April 16th 2012.   Come along and let us know your thoughts on the running of YOUR VILLAGE HALL.  Have you been in the Hall recently and seen the latest improvements? 
As a Committee, we keep the Hall in good order and make improvements.  You can find out where the money comes from and how it is spent.  Your views would be very much appreciated and new members  of the Committee would be most welcome.

Needham Town Lands Trust

Needham Town Lands Trust is a local fund that exists to help Needham Villagers in times of hardship.  We would encourage you to ask where you think we may be able to help. 

Examples are:- Help for a Needham child with the cost of a school trip.
Transport costs for hospital or hospice visiting. Telecare aids for the elderly.
We know how difficult it is for people to ask for themselves, so if you think there might be a way we could help someone you know in need, please tell us – any conversations will be treated with great care and we will always be discreet in all of our conversations.
Please talk to Sylvia Miller, Sally Nicholson or David Cunliffe.

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