5 July Evening Service 6:00 pm
12 July Holy Communion 11:00 am
19 July Morning Prayer 11:00 am
26 July Holy Communion 11:00 am
2 Aug Evening Service 6:00 pm
9 Aug Morning Prayer 9:30 am
16 Aug Morning Prayer 11:00 am
23 Aug Holy Communion 9:30 am
30 Aug Benefice Holy Communion at Brockdish Church - 10:30 am)
* Please note the change of service pattern and times from August onwards.
Money donated in memory of the Reverend Clive Hudson has been used to buy a bookcase for St Peter’s. A dedication service for it is to be announced.
Gill Powell
Needham Coffee Morning
Coffee, Cake & Raffle at
The Red Lion
7 July and 4 August (First Tuesday of the month)
Proceeds are split between the Red Lion’s charity of choice and the upkeep of St Peter’s Church. The cakes are yummy!
Friends of St Peter's…..
…have held their AGM. Subscriptions which will be kept at £5 are now due. Thank you to those who have paid. Subscriptions can be paid to the treasurer, Olive Hudson: Tel 01379853284 or to Pauline Spinlove: Tel 01379853033
The next meeting will be on 7 October at George and Sylvia Miller’s house.
Pauline Spinlove